Monday, August 19, 2024

Trump , Getting Desperate

DONALD TRUMP is obviously having great difficulties finding facts with which to attack Kamala harris. So desperate has he become that, almost unbelievably, at one of his recent MAGA gangster pep rallies, he reached perhaps a new low even for him, by claiming, loudly, that he is better looking than she, than Kamala Harris. A new low indeed, even for Trump. And, not only that, but quite possibly the most blatantly, outrageously dishonest lie he, Trump, has ever told, which for him is going some, as they say. Not that there's anything "wrong" with Trump's looks. A handsome fellow, if he would smile once in a blue moon, or do something about that iconic but ridiculous toupe which makes his hair look decades younger and less mature than he. There really aren't very many, if any at all, negative facts to be dug up about Tim Watz and Kamala Harris. They have both lived rather exemplary lives, filled with achievement. That silly business aobut Walz stealing volor by inadvertantly implying that he had carried his national guard weapon in war seems to have fizzeled out through lack of sensation, interest, or effectiveness, unless the low life Trump people try to resurrect it and use it again later. Don't put it past them, even though it would likely fall flat again. So, Trump is "reduced" to doing what he does best; name calling, slurs, slander, and insults, all fake, all lies. His advisors allegedly want him to stop the mud slinging and stick to the issues, as if anyone can change Trump for the better. There appears to be an emerging, if not already emerged consensus among the American people that in point of fact Kamala Harris is a lovely, beautiful woman. Certainly, she could do worse for a nearly sixty year old lady. She is trillions of times better looking than Trump, and any poll taker who wishes to waste his time proving the obvious could easily demonstrate that nearly everybody in America agrees on that particular point. Trump has already called Harris a "bum", and accused her of not being intelligent. Both of these accusations are ludicrous, ridiculous, and in fact, they are like most insults Trump hurls at others, true of Trump himeslf, and nobody else. Without even knowing it, every insult or accusation Trump hurls at other people are really all about himself. Trump is the ultimate projector. Trump is the bum, worse, a criminal, convicted. As anyone with a brain can easily discern, Trump is magnitudes less intelligent than Harris; she is far his intellectual superior, as will become strikingly evident when they debate. His advisors seem to think that Trump would be better off by talking about immigration, or inflation, the two issues which he appears to do his best with. The obvious response for Democrats and Harris is that we the American people would now have a strong, comprehensive, immigration law in effect, greatly strengthening the ability of the U.S. to monitor and control its southern border, starting to have positive results - If not for Trump, if Trump hadn't destroyed the bill before it ever got to Biden's desk. As of now, the only reason we still have an illegal immigration problem is Donald Trump. Every week, inflation seems to decrease, and is now nearly back at the level it was before the pandemic, almost back to an acceptable level, partly because of Biden's policies. Under Biden and Harris, inflation has plummeted, and the economy has flourished and propsered. It may be that, considering the nature of Trump's cult, Trump's best strategy is to forget policy arguments, and stick with the slanders, slurs, and personal insults. After all, its all he has left, and what he does best.

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