Wednesday, August 21, 2024

MAGATs, Defecting

A MAJORITY OF AMERICANS strongly dislike Donald Trump. That is evident in every poll, especially those concerning negative opinions about candidates. And at this point, after more than nine years of Trump in politics, anybody who is going to like and support Trump already does. Trump, at this point, is not gaining any new supporters, but rather, struggling to hold on to those he already has. Trump, at this point, is playing exclusively to his base, while trying to make some appeals to undecided voters by making ludicrous claims about how much better a president he was than Biden. Some Trump supporters have, at long last, had enough, and are defecting, are actually supporting Kamala Harris. All across America's fruited plain, small "Republicans for Harris" groups are sproutig up. In any city of any size whatsoever in the United States, there is most likely such a group. This, of course, does not bode well for Trump. Many of the leaders of this "dump Trump" movement are among his formerly closest supporters, assistants, associatses, and advisors, who finally heard enough, and had enough. At the Democratic National Convention, several of them are on the speaker's list, preparing to give unflattering speeches about Trump, enumerating the reasons why they decided to abandon Don the Con and work for Harris. At least one formerly close associate stated that in private, behind closed doors, Trump often makes fun of his followers, implying that they are mindless robots, easy for him to control.The most interesting aspect of this is that most of these MAGA defectors seem to indeed be actively supporting Kamala Harris, rather than, say, simply choosing another conservative Republican to support immediately. They are taking the pragmatic approach; they understand that Harris is the only current alternative to Trump. Quite naturally, predictably, the remaining MAGA cult instantly despises and casts out the defectors, calling them "whores". If anybody should know what a whore is, one might suppose, it would probably be a Trump supporter. Trump supporters, after all, certainly know how to sell their souls, and their moral integrity. These ex- MAGATs are evidently desperate to keep Trump from being elected president again. They all seem to have arrived at the conclusion, shared by most sane Americans, progressives and Democrats, that Trump winning the election in November would be the worst thing that could possibly happen to these United States of America. They must know something we don't know, such as, what kind of president Trump plans on being and would be, the second time around. The comments which have emerged and are emerging from these people are illuminating and a bit shocking, but, considering Trump, not necessarily surprising. Trump indeed does, according to sources, intend to be much more than a mere president in the event of his reelection. He intends, in accordance with the now infamous "Project 2025" to be an autoritarian leader, after the fashion of his apparent hero and role model, Hungary's authoritarian dictatorial president, Viktor Orban. Trump praises Orban incessantly, in obvious admiration and envy. Trump recently suggested that many Americans dislike Viktor Orban because he is "so strong", in typical Trumpian verbal distortion. Actually, many, most Americans dislike Orban because he is a far right wing extremist authoritarian dictator, that's why. Membership across the country in these nascent anti-Trump Republicans is likely to grow over the next few seeks, enough, one might hope, to hammer in the final nail of the coffin of Trump's nefarious political career. Kamala Harris, at the Democratic Convention, said that the best way to render true justice for Donald Trump is at the ballot box this November. That, to an extent, is true. Bt Kamala Harris is a good enough prosecuting attorney to understand that true justice for Trump requires much more than merely loosing an election. It requires indictment, trial, conviction, and incarceration for a wide variety of serious crimes, or, in the case of treasonous insurrection, a firing squad. The Capitol insurrection of January 6, 2021, was a preplanned, organized, armed insurrection with the intent of violently overthrowing the United States government. What, according to conservative constitutional "originalist" legal scholars, do the framers have to say about that?

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