Sunday, August 11, 2024

Climate Change: An Overriding Concern

THERE ARE MANY REASONS not to vote for Republicans this November. Over the next few weeks, many of them will be discussed. The fact that a msjority of registered Republicans still insist that the election of 2020 was stolen from Trump, and that the insurrection of 1/6/21 was justified, you might think, is plenty reason unto itself. And indeed it is. Incredibly, however, even this overwhelming indictment of the Republican party is not the primary, most important reason to get it out and keep it out of power, preferrably, permanently. The overwhelingly urgent necessity of getting rid of the Republicans is their attitude and official platform position on the most improtant issue of the day, or of any day: climate change, human made. There is no other issue as important as, or close to being as important as, climate change. Compared to climate change, no other issue matters, because without solving climate change, we won't be around as a species to even worry about other issues and concerns and problems. In the current, official 2024 sixteeen page Republican party platform, there is no mention of climate change. Nothing. That is the offical position of the Repbulican party; ignore climate change. In other words, the Republican party platform officially, clearly advocates and endorses the suicide of the human species. There is no other way to describe it. It is absolutely incredible and terrifying that in this late year of twenty twenty four, any major ploitical party would make such an omisson. And, worse, it is a matter of confirmed fact, repeatedly confirmed by survey after survey, poll after poll, that a majority of registered Repbulicans say that climate change is a hoax, a scam, a lie, that it is not happening, or that if it is it is entirely because by natural forces, and human activity has little or nothing to do with it. An amazingly self delusional point of view. If Trump and a majority Republican Cnogress is elected this November, it will be disastrous for humanity. All efforts to fight, regulate, control climate change will cease to exist. The E.P.A., for instance, would be legislated out of existence. So would all government agencis, entities, and laws designed to limit carbon pollution and trend America's economy and the econom of the entire world towards sustainable forms of energy, while developing systems to repair the damage already done, such as carbon sequestration, removing carbon from the atmosphere. Under Trump and the Republicans, the United States would stop all efforts to fight climate change, and return to a coal burning, oil burning, fossil fuel based economy, and we would all be, will all be, doomed. If we elect Trump and the Republicans, we are doomed. And that is not an exaggeration. The MAGA government would so forcefully pursue their entire agenda, that nobody in America, no organized political force or popular movement, would be able to stand up to it, and stop it. Climate change denial is a desperate defensive effort to preserve conservatism, and, avoid the necessity for change. The progressive policies, such as conversion to a renewable, sustainable energy economy, and forcing the corporations and the wealthy powerful to cooperate with these progressive policies, brings to the conservative mind people like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and frightens them. If conservatives would change their view on climate change, and accept reality, and take appropriate action, they could remain in power, and lead a market based, conservative conversion to a sustainable planet. But this they refuse to do, and thus, must be voted out and kept out of power, for their own sake, and everyone's.

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