Saturday, August 10, 2024

Trump, In Rare From, Speaking

DONALD TRUMP is back at it again, in rare form, as you might expect leading up to the big election. Trump is undoubtedly among the greatest in history at spouting absolutely incredibly hilariously idiotic remarks, up there in terms of raw talent with the likes of George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr., and Yogi Berra. Yogi Berra spoke wisdom,not lies and nonsense, but did it hilariously. The Republicans spew pathetic garbage. On the campaign trail the other day, at one of his rallies, Trump said that there is no way we can convert to using electric powered vehicles as a society, because we as a society do not have enough electricity. Yes, he really said that, incredible as it may seem. I actually heard him say it, and was, and still am, amazed. This one ranks right up there with the windmill cancer comment, George Washington's army capturing airports, and American friendship with Julius Caesar. What the former president does not seem to realize is that electricity is a renewable resource. There is an essentially unlimited amount of potential electricity in the world. We can make as much electricity as we choose, relatively cheaply and harmlessly. For Doanld Trump to not understand this, and to use this lack of understanding, aka ignorance, "stupidity" as the basie for a firmly held, strongly expressed funadmental policy opinion is, well, alarming, if not dangerous, catastrophic, and unacceptable. It is not surprising that as the election appraoches, Trump would be increasing the amount of whtever he does, and what he does is tell whoppingly huge blatant lies, hurls horrible slanders and insults, and makes inane, hilarious but pathetic remarks like the latest one about electricity ad electric cars. Nobody seems to be making much fuss about this, almost as if Trump has been doing this for so long and so often that it hardly merits attention anymore, so accustomed are we to it, and so normal it is. However, the thought of actually electing a person with this mentality, with thie cognitive disfucntion and level of mental illness back into the presidency should horrify every good, decent,intelligent citizen. Trump and the Republicans are indeed opposed to electric vehicles, and want to continue using fossil fuels, with the fossil fuel companies more profitable then ever, digging up as much coal and oil as possible, drill baby other words, national and planetary suicide. Trump and the Republicans do not believe in climate change, don't think we need to do anything about it, and do not intend to do anything about it, which is insane and suicidal. Trump, when president, was a disaster for the environment. The Biden administration repaired the damage done by Trump, and brought into existence the biggest, most comprehensive, best pro environment program to fight climate change so far. We must continue this, and keep doing more, to save ourselves, and our descendants. Electing Trump agian would be a complete and total disaster, for the country, and the world, simply because of climate change. That's why it is important to publicize all of Trump's idiotic misconceptions and false statements, to clearly demonstrate his cognitive incompetance. Considering how simple and easy to understand human caused climate change is,it is indeed frightening that not only do people refuse to understand it, hiding behind willful stupidity, but are actually willing to deny it, based on their stupidity. But anybody who thinks that the world is in danger of running out of electricity and can't possibly make enough of it is in a special category of stupid, dangerously stupid,and should never, ever, ever, under any circumstances, be allowed anywhere near the White House.

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