Friday, August 9, 2024

Purchasing Political Power, Perfidiously

ELON MUSK got a few people together, I don't know who or how many, for the purpose of getting Donald Trump elected. Billionaire white males, persumably, far right wing extremists like Musk, whose goal is to do whatever it take to return Donald Trump to the presidency this fall by defeating Kamala Harris. Presumaby they plan to do it with money, a large infusion thereof. Elon withdrew his forty five million per month pledge to Trump, maybe to design a more effective plan to purchase the presidency for the convicted criminal. Nobody knows how much money this Elon Musk group might raise or spend; currently it costs about a billion dollars, most of it advertising, to become president, but like everything else, that amount is inreasing, fast. Every presidential election is incredibly more expensive than the previous. It may be that this coming November Doanld Turmp is elected president with the assistance of ten billion dollars of campaign-advertising money. However, this is unlikely. Kamala Harris is even now building an unbeatable majority of broad based American support, and she will win. Our corrupt American political system, wherein teh presidency, and nearly all political power in this country, are bought and paid for by billionaires, has gotten out of control, far beyond acceptable limits. Our system is now utterly, entirely, corrupt. Pleased as I was with the overwhelming avalanche of money which came and keeps coming to Kamala Harris For President, I have sent nothing. It seems to me that if tens of millions of "little" people, people of limited modest financial means, gather together, become a powerful political force, and collectively send in small amounts of money from tens of millions of people, that the great grass roots movement, rather than helping or solving the corruption problem, has merely contributed to it by joining in it. Having said that, I must confess that I fervantly hope and pray that the Harris alz campai kgneeps raking in millions of donations and uses the immense amount of money to purchase advertising, and, the presidency. This only proves that I am also part of the problem, rather than the solution. Advertising is very expensive, and advertising is what sells, or wins political elections, especially the presidency. We the American people willingly submit to it, to propaganda and corporate hegemony, for some reason. The current system only strengthens and reinforces corproate ownership and control of not only the political system in the United States, but the nation as a whole.we the people must change that, and maybe, just mabye, in some way that I can't seem to see, this phenomenon of millions of people sending money to Harris - Walz to use fire to fight the economic fire of billionaires and corporate hegemoney and people like Elon Musk will result in the overthrow of coprorate power in the United states, and its replacement by a true, working class democracy and economic system. Maybe, but, somehow, I doubt it. A group of people, about a huandred I hear, got together for the purpose of opposing Elon Musk, especially hs management oof Twitter "X", bringing back right wing Trumpism is and other obscenity, and presumably opposing Musk's political endeavors as well. For this they organized, and started to pool resources. Then Elon filed a lawsut against the group, something about people organizing illegally to destroy his company and business. The group disbanded, realizing that it lacked the resources to oppose Musk in a prolonged, protracted court room battle. And that, in part, is exactly why I really don't think that the Democrats, with tens of millions of small donars, are overpowering or neutralizing our corporat hegemonic arrangement. I think we are merely enabling it,playing by its rules. We the people must change the rules, a process which will be arduous, and fraught with danger from corporate retaliation and retribution. That requires possessing political power. Donate to Harris today.

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