Sunday, August 4, 2024

Trump, Back At It, Ranting

TRUMP is in full rant mode, unsurprisingly, as the election approaches. Its reasonable to assume that he will continue to turn up the heat,as Novemeber approaches. The MAGA rant fest rallies are happing more often now, same old people, same old song and dance. Trump's two main messages seem to be that Harris is an incompetant idtito, and that if entrusted with power will ruin the United States, utterly destroy it. Also, that she is a left wing radical extremest, who will destroy the United Staes with her radical left wing policies. All this, of course, is a complete lie, sheer nonsense, pathological material of Trump, getting worse, as his apparent mental illness does, partly through cognitive decline of senility, and partly the other aspects of his criminal insanty, such as pathological narcissism. Harris is not the extremist radical. Trump is. What Trump calls radical liberalism is actually sound, sane, intelligent policy, such as taxing the wealthy, fully funding social support system and infrastructure, gain control of and organize the border, fight climate change, strengthen our alliances overseas. Trump wants to dig up and burn all oil and coal under U.S. soil, which would make Aemrica richer, but would have the inconvenient and unfortunate side effect of destroying the environment, and bringing to extinction all life on Earth. Also, complete, unregulated corporate economic freedom. Strategies for national and global suicide. Trump would go along with a total end to gun control, no government regulation at all on guns, and a natiinnal ban on abortion, criminalizing reproductive choice. Again, a complete recipe for total disaster. We the American people want reasonable gun regulation, which means quite a lot of it. Also, a majority of the American people support women's reproductive rights, repropuctive freedom. We want equal rights and justice under law for all LGBTQ people, and pathways to citizenship for all undocumented aliens living on U.S. soil. America first, yells Trump, to hell with America's allies. No help for Ukraine. Blank check for more Russian aggression from Trump's master, Putin. And, according to this monstrosity of a roadmap for the future, "Project 2025", the federal bureaucracy underTrump would be disbanded, and a new government would be built all from Trump supporters, party members, sycophants, and so forth. The Deep State, dismantled, finally. And don't think for a moment that Turmp wouldn't be entirely amenable to the entire extreme fundamentalist conservative Christian agenda; Christian Nationalism, which means a complete merging, combining, of fare right political agenda,and fundamentalist, evangelical Christianity. Although Donald Trump is the farthest thing away from Christianity conceivable, he loves to play the Christian part, and would smilingly, like a great Godly benefactor, grant permission for the taking over of the country by the Christian right. Cristianity, the official, formal state religion of these United States of America. The great dream of the evengalical right. Terrifying. LGBTQ people, crimiinalized, arrrested,rounded up, convicted, executed. Mass apprehension, imprisonment in concentration camps, and deportation of all dark skinned immigrants. Covid 19, only a little flu. Trump claims to support state by state deciding their own laws about abortion, which means that it would be voted legal by the electorate, in all nifty fifty. The RNC will force Trump to backtrack on that one. The entire conservative Trump Republican agenda, platform, is harmful, horrible, and must be opposed and defeated. I predict that Harris will landslide Trump. But it wont happen automatically. Get up, get out, vote blue.

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