Friday, August 30, 2024

Trump, Going All In On In Vitro

Donald Trump, like all Republican politicians, is in a rather difficult tricky situation regarding the issue of abortion. The Republican party, its memers, are overwhelmingly "pro life", meaning anti-abortion, against a women's right to choose what to do with her own body, and what is living inside it. We stipulate, we specify that nobody, but nobody is "pro abrtion" - just about everyone would like to see fewer to none of them in the world. However, a large majority of the American people, about seventy percent, are "pro choice", meaning, they belive that a pregnant woman should be legally able to choose abortion up to a certain stage in the pregnancy,and only about thirty percent of the American people believe that the federal government should criminalize the proceedure. On the issue of women's reproductive rights, the Republicans are very definitely in the minority, out of step and out of touch with the American majority, which presents a problem for them. Ever since Kamala Harris entereed the presidential campaign by replacing Biden, young women all across America's fruited plain have been registereing to vote, young women who, prior to the advent of Kamala, had esentially checked out of the system, having little or no interest in a presidential election pitting two old men against each other. Now, they are back int the game, reengaged, highly motivated, and it does not seem as if they are signing up to vote by the million to vote for Donald Trump. Abortion is on the ballot this November. At least seven states, and maybe more, are allowing their people to vote on whether avortion will be legal in their state, and, for how long into the pregnancy. You can take it to the bank that in all seven states, indeed in every state in this country in which the legality of abortion is voted on by the people at large, that it will be voted to be legal. The people are going to vote to legalize abortion, in any state in which they have the opportunity to decide the matter democratically. Kansas and Ohio already have, and if they did, so will the other great forty eight. As matters stand now, anyone who wants women to have reproductive rights in America had better vote for Democrats, and a high percentage of the American people are aware of that, and will vote accordingly. Democratic candidates, from Kamala Harris on down the ballot, are making it clear and will continue to make it clear that abortion, women's reproductive rights, is indeed on the ballot, in all states, this November. What Donald Trump thinks about the abortion issue depends on what day you ask him, and in front of what audience. He is torn between his support base, evangelical conservative pro life Christians, who depise abortion so much that criminalizing it is a holy crusade for them, and mainstream America, which provides most of the voters, and which believes, by a large majority, that American women should have a legal choice. So Trump, predictably, unsurprisingly, is equivicating, telling different versions of the same story, usually landing somewhere on the position that the matter should be decided by the states. In just the past few days, Trump has been singing the praises of In Vitro Fertilization, hoping, seemingly, to please both sides of the issue. We need more babies, he claims. Whether he believes that conservative Republican legislatures and courts should criminalize abortion in as many states as possible, or that the people shold vote on it in all states, he of course does not say. Trump most likely favors the less democratic method. How the various states decide the issue is, of course, of paramount, determinitive importance. The pro choice moderate to liberal Democrat Donald Trump of the nineteen nineties and before is gone, vanished into thin, hot air, having evolved into his current, extremist conservative incarnation. What his followers tragically cannot or will not understand, is that to Trump, whatever position and belief he harbors on abortion is of absolutely no importance, to him.

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