Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Trump, Winning California With Jesus

JUST WHEN YOU THINK Donald Trump couldn't possibly say anything stupider than the stupid things he has already said, (and he has said many stupid things over teh years), he outdoes himself, and says something ever stupider. In a recent interview with Dr. Phil, Trump clearly, indisputably said that if Jesus wer to come back,he, Trump, would win the state of California in this November's presidential election. I happened to hear him make this incredibly stupid comment, and wa so amazed at first that anybody would actually say something like this that I listened to it again,just to make sure. He said it, alright. It is tempting to assume that Trup, in saying this, was trying to firm up his support among conservative evangelical Christian political extremist religious fanatics, which is one of Trump's strongest support bases, amazingly. By now Trump may have figured out that he isn't going to attract any new supporters; anyone on Trump's side is already there, there will be no more, no reinforcements. Trump is left to make do with what he has, and best serves himself by trying as best he can to fortify existing support. presumably Trump wouldn't expect Chrits to return as second for the purpose of committing massive election fraud by using divine powers to rig the election, to steal it for the Don. Presumablyw hat Trump means is that he really will get more votes in California this November than Kamala Harris, and will be the legitimate winner, but that, without a divine invervention by the Lord Jesus Christ, the election will be stolen by Harris and the Democrats, presumably in the precise manner that it was rigged and stolen from Trump in twenty twenty; however that might have possibly been. No one seems to know. No one seems to know exactly how the presidential election was stolen in twenty twenty, and nobody can explain how California and presumably mnay oher states, will be stolen from Trump again, later this year. Trumpis asserting that in he event of Jesus's return, he would see to it that there was no election fraud, and would perhaps take over the vote counting process himself, and count every vote accurately, which accoring to Trump would result in a majority vote fo rhim, in a state in which Democrats in recent years have enjoyed a sixty percent majority. Hilarious though Trump's comment is, it is also, like so many of his other hilarious comments, crazy, alarming, and delusional. So far, no reaction to it from his constituents, none is expected. If anybody has long become inured to Trump's escapades, surely it is they. This is yet another alarming aspect to Trump's political career; the deree and extent to which his supporters are willing to suspend belief in sanity, and to either ignore, or actually passively accept all Trump's utterances, no matter how unhinged, as truth, if not goepel. In the previous essay, "Fighting Democracy", the statement is made that if Trump is elected president in November, 2024, Democracy will have failed. The argument could be made that if Trump is indeed elected president again, that not only will democracy have succeeded in electing Trump, that it will have done so democratically, according to the rules. But in every functioning democacy, there should be safeguards against the electorate electing an incompetant, mentally or physically unift person to any position of political power, as the founders intended. If no such safeguard prevents a man of Trump's obvious diminished mental health from becoming president of the United States, democracy, quite obviously, has failed to do its job completely, or effectively.

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