Thursday, August 15, 2024

Trump, Inflating, Conflating

INFLATION, as everyone knows or should know, is endemic in human economics. Any stanardized, circulating currency is subject to inflation. Like my history professor said: "they all clipped coins". The horrible inflation of the past several years was caused entirely by the pandemic. The pandemic shut society down. People stayed home. Businesses closed. The production and distribution of goods and services plummeted drastically. And yet, demand remained the same. Hence, prices soared, and kept soaring; inflation. Only quite recently has the level of inflation decreased to anything remotely approaching an acceptable level. It is now at about two point nine percent. Two percent is what economists often cite as accepptable. Biden inherited a pandemic driven economic disaster, and dealt with it effectively, through legislation and time. As of now, the overall economy is doing well, and inflation is returning to acceptable levels. But Trump and the Republicans are desperate for ammunition to use against Kamala Harris, and are digging deep, looking for and fabricating it. In another of his patented blatant lies Trump describes the economy and infation as a complete disaster, and the Biden administration as a disaster which has destroyed America. Thus far, no evidence has emerged that America has in fact been destroyed. Nobody in the MAGA rally audience raises a hand or utters a peep when the cult leader rhetorically asks: "how many of you are better off today then when in I was president"? Trump, who saved the country before, and stands ready to render the same service, again. The same chaos, disfunction, and hatred. Inflation is out of control, screams the annointed one, and when I become president,he grimaces, it will totally decrease and totally go away, because I will make it happen. Precisely how, you ask? On the first day in ofice, swears Trump, he will instruct every member of the cabinet, every department head, to spare no expense, to leave no stone unturned in a relentless effort to find ways of bringing inflation down, and eliminating it. That's how. Donald Trump will whip inflation now merely by ordering other people to whip it now, however they can, as best as they can. Sounds like a plan to me. Basic economics says that the only way to reduce inflation is to either increase supply, reduce demand, or both. Neither ordering people to reduce inflation nor waving a magic Trump wand will work, but, it sounds good to his worshippers. The fact that not every media outlet in the country is reporting this inane babble, and ridculing it merciessly clearly demonstrates, That the news media in general is either pro Trump, or so accustomed to Trump's inane babbling they it doesn't consider it newsworthy. It is, however and unfortunately, newsworty, simply because Trump is running for president, and might get elected, heaven help us. It is noteworthy and extremely relevant that Trump constantly babbles inanely, spewing countless lies, hurling insults based on lies, and threatening and verbally attacking people. With all the talk about Biden's mental capacity, not enough attention is being paid to Trump's mental state, which is clearly severely compromised. His various mental illness are clearly centered on the narcissism aspect, which dominates his entire personality, and engenders the pathological lying. Clearly, the situation is getting worse, and will not get better. Close though the polls are, Harris appears on track to win. If Trump wins, his mental state could deteriorate tremendously while in office, and his behavior, statements, actions, and policies could reflect this. If he is defeated, he can be helped and dealt with appropriately. A clearly mentally ill presidential candidate is no small matter, and one with tens of millions of fervant supporters is a disaster in the making. It is up to us, the remaining sane, to prevent it.

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