Thursday, August 1, 2024

A Prevaricating Pair of Reprobates (Trump and Vance)

DONALD TRUMP AND J.D. VANCE, two prevaricating peas in a pea brained pod, are out on the campaign trail, doing what they do best, telling whoppers, hurling insults, and making a mockery out of the noble concepts of honesty and decency. Trump seems obsessed with Kamala Harris's ethnicty, unsurprisng, for a confimred lifeling racist bigot. His false claim of the day is that Kamala Harris has only recently begun to self identify as "African-American", and that, heretofore, she has consistently emphazied her Asian Indian ancestry,and ingonred her African heritage. Independent fact checkers, as well as the thousands of people who have known Harris for decades, are confirming that indeed she has self identified as African-American her entire life. Hermother cae to America from India, an he ftehr camefrom Jamaica, both to study at Berkely, to obtain advanced degrees. They met, married, and started a family.You can bank on the fact that Trump will simply ignore this, as he ignores all facts which inconvenience him or expose his pathological dishonesty and criminality. He will most likely stop spewing this particular piece of garbage, but will also never reference the fact that his reacist accusation was, as usual, dead wrong. The same goes for his supporters, who, when confronted with factual correcctions to their icon's constant lies, simply ingore the corrections, and continue to repeat the lies, or, if that stops having the desired effect,simply turn to other lies. And like a proverbial chip off the old block, a rotten apple not falling far from a poisonous tree, J.D.Vance made the pilgramage hegira trek to the Mexican-American border, as all politicians seem to feel they must.He went to the North American Mecca of sanctimonious recriminatons and photo ops, the land of lame proclamations of solutions to a problem nobody can possibly solve, and spouted his bevy of lies. The lies from Vance begin the moment he opens is hirsute mouth, as do those from his master. You have to come here to see for yourself, lied he, just how disastrous the policies of Kamala Harris have been on the border, spewed the garbage man who lies about his own life history. Of ourse he was referring to the well known fact that, as always, desperately out of work impoverished Latin Americans are lined up and waiting to enter these United States, either legally or illegally, whatever works,to scratch out a better life where, in many cases,there is none to be found. Kamala Harris, suddenly the one and only reason why there is a problem with swarms of people, millions of people, desperately trying to leave a poor ountry and start a new life in a wealthy one. A fact check tells us that the problem began with one of our greatest imperialist presidents, James K. Polk, and his trumpted up war of aggression against Mexico in 1846 to steal half of Mexico from Mexico. Thus began the problem, and thus has the problem remained, under every American president since. In point of fact checking Kamala Harris was appointed by Biden to engage with the governments of all relevant Latin American countries, to use diplomacy to help find ways to stem the tide of illegal immigration. She has nothing to do, and has never had anything to do with actually guarding or defending the border, or with helping to build the mythological great ineffective symbolic wall of Trump. In point of fact checking, since Biden took office and Harris aseumed her role, illegal immigration accross the border has decreased dramatically, probably by sheer coincidence. And, for a final fact check, there is no single individual upen whom the problem can be pinned, but rather, blame must be placed on millions of us, we who have either directly formulated disastrous economic and foreign policies, or have passively acceded to them, choosing to complain and blame others, while doing nothing to actually remedy the never ending crisis.

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