Thursday, August 8, 2024

Keeping My Money, Staying Single on Facebook

AS PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED, I use Facebook to promote this website, and to distribute negative but factual information about Trump and conservatism. Both uses, I believe, have been, to a certain extent, effective. I have never tried to form a friendship with anyone on Facebook, nor to initiate any sort of contact with anyone. Often I comment on other people's posts, usually ones I agree with. My most oft used word on Facebook is "precisely". Also, I do a lot of sharing, mostly what I consider to be beautiful photographs and art; of cats, big and small, scenic vistas, other animals, etc. I really enjoy knowing that I am spreading good material to others. Not long after I joined Facebook seven or eight year ago, my list of "friends" started to grow, and grow fast. Many former students of mine found me, plus a lengthening list of fellow left wingers. People of similar political persuasion rapidly coalesce into groups and "bubbles" online, as is well known in our polarized society. I encourgaged my list of Facebook friends to grow, strongly. My reasoning was and remains that the more people I have on my friends lst, the more effective my twin projects, promoting this website, and spreading bad vibes about Trump, will be. There is evidence that there is a certain amount of truth to this. Possibly because of this I receive a great number of pop up messages on Facebook, which I can divide into two categories: men who want to scam me, and women who want to scam me. Sandra Bullock, as indicated in a previous article, got in touch with me, either Sandra herself or a clever imposter who showed me a very convincing copy of a California driver's license. She, or her imposter, still comes a around, although I suspect that the whole affair might be wearing a bit thin, from both ends. I still say it could go either way; impooster, or the real Sandra, with the odds favoring the imposter. Either way, it will provide good material for a while, and, after all, that's what I came for. Ninety nine percent of all the women who message me out of the blue on Facebook messenger eventually ask me for money, which, for some reason, still amazes me. Perhaps I underestimate the degree to which human females inherently are hard wired to leverage their sexual appeal for material gain and security. I almost wish I had kept track of all the requests for money I have gotten from young attractive women on Facebook. The total would be staggering, maybe in the millions of dollars. I could have bankrupted myself long ago, but can proudly and parsimoniously assert in all honesty that I have never sent anyone money on the internet, and never will. I may be stupid and gullible, but I sure as hell aint that stupid and gullible. When they dont get any money out of me, they lose interest. Oh well, my loss. You hope that all this is not an indication of the moral state of affairs throughout contemporary American society, although you suspect that it might well be. Or the level of desperation, poverty, health, and homelessness. I never in my life would have imagined that so many young, beautiful, American women were starving to death, being evicted from their homes, or dealing with serious illnesses to themselves or loved ones. I joined Facebook with an already negative, cynical attitude about meeting people and finding love on the internet, based on my experiences with AOL and chatrooms a quarter century ago. Those of a certain age might recall this. My coldness and indifference probably show through more than I think. That's probably just as well; I'm still single, but at least my bank account, such as it is, remains intact.

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