Thursday, August 29, 2024

Trump, Desecrating Sacred Ground

MOST OF TRUMP'S CRIMES have more to do with words rather then deeds. Lies about money, fraudulant paperwork, and so forth. His most glaring example of physical crime to date has perhaps been his theft of thousands of pages of top secret classified documents, repeated denials of having them, refusal to surrender them to the government, and possible illegal use of them while in his possession. The insurrection, with its injured and dead, are Trump's responsibility, Trump is guilty of murder, but, again, only by using words. With his most recent crime, Trump has gone physical, as well as emotional and spiritual. By now, most of America is finding out about it, or soon will. Trump, abusing holy ground, ground sacred to the United States, burial sites and monuments in places like Arlington National Cemetary for purely political, indeed hypocritical and reprehensible purposes. Mr. Bone Spurs, who called America's fallen military heroes "losers and suckers", pretending to care about the thirteen soldiers who died at the Afghanistan airport three years ago at the scene of America's final withdraw from that country, immediately prior to the return of the Taliban to power there, sealing another lost war for the United States. Trump is still trying to blame the entire twenty year American disaster in Afghanistan exclusively on Kamala Harris and Mr. Walz, somehow, anyhow. The military industrial cpmplex gets off scot free,it seems. Of all the thousands of heroes buried at Arlington, he chose those thirteen to honor, only so that he can film a phony, pseudo emotional scene, for us on national television to make Trump look super patriotic and heroic, and Kamala Harris look..bad..It is of xourse a federal ceimr to use a National Military Cemetery for political purposes. The incident which will go viral is that in which a cemetary official tried to warn the Trump film crew to cease and desist, and a physical altercation ensued twixt said official and a Trump goon. Assaulting a government official. See ya in court. This is actually the perfectly appropriate crime for Donald Trump to commit, Once again, he has committed his most notorious crime in front of the nation, God, and the world, on camera, and there is no denying that it happened. For this, Trump should be indicted, arrested, charged, prosecuted, convicted, and incarcerated. Instead, the U.S. Sureme Court, among the world's most corrupt institutions, will likely assemble in an emergeny session, and rule that any and all actions performed by a candidate for president of a major political party is immune from presecution from all crimes, past, present, and future. If that happens, Kamala Harris should consider "offing" Trump before the election, then, when she gets elected, pardoning herself, just for good measure. For that matter, under existing law, couldn't Joe Biden, as long as he is still president, barely, with perfect immunity impunity, conveniently, efficiently rid the world of Donald J.Trump, and walk, insofar as he is physically able? Donald Trump is clearly a draft dodger, and a traitor, a traitor many times over. His most recent felony is about as un-American and unpatriotic as it can get. In the first place, Trump had no intention of honoring anybody buried at Arlington who, in his opinion, would not bring political benefit to him, immediately. He was using the sacred memmory and honor of the deceased heroes as props for his personal benefit. Plus, doing so is a felony. Once again, we shall see if American justice prevails regarding the actions ann behavior of a former president and currently convicted criminal.

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