Saturday, August 31, 2024

Worrying About Morality In America, Part I

I MUST SAY, that for the first time in my lengthening life (I am 69), I am truly concerned about the state of morality in these United States. Always before I have been made aware of other people's concerns, but have not really weighed in, other than to assume that every country and every human is a mixture of good and bad morals. The only time I have been truly concerned about the direction of America, especially regarding the up and coming younger generation and its alleged moral and intellectual backsliding, was when I was in high school. The old people always seem to think that the young people are going and taking with them their country to hell in a handbasket, every generation in history has believed that, and I always question that assertion, except when I was in high school, and worried about how my own generation would turn out. I needn't have worried, it turns out. It turns out, fear of the next generation is never well flounded. My modern concern about the level and direction of morality in America derives directly froom the Trump movement. The larger it becomes, and the longer it lasts, the lower my estimate of the level and quality of morality in the U.S.A..My only current consolaton is the apparent fact that not only has the Trump movement reached its peak in terms of the number of people who follow and support Trump, but that also, there is some evidence that it has shrunk and is shrinking somewhat, as long time Republicans declare that they have had enough of Trump, and can take no more, and refuse to henceforth to support him anymore. The number of these people seems to be growing, as they are organizing in cities. But that's about where my consolation concludes. Witnessing the genesis of, rise, and culmination of the Trump movement in Trump's election to the presidency has been, beyond all doubt, the most disappointing, depressing, horrible extended process in my life. It has made me miserable, and miserable I remain, though fully undaunted in my opposition to Trump, and my determination to contintue my robust opposition of Trump to the very end, whatever that may consist of. The day he descended on the golden escalator and declared his candidacty, i decided to give him a chance. I was A Trump supporter for about two weeks,and could take no more. What amazes me is that everybody else didn't do something similar, and that tens of millions of Americans still support him. Why didn't the "Access Hollywood" tape, in early October 2016, end his political career right then and there? Why did, and why have, and why do Trump supporters overlook, or accept so much horrible, criminal behavior and horrible, stupid, blatant lies, and the constant cascade of idiotic comments...shouldn't the basic decency and moral standards of a normal, average American citizen bring about abandonment of Trump early, and often? Shouldn't it have resulted in the destruction of and end of Trump's political career, long before he ever became president? How ironically I now recall the day when the Access Hollywood tape was made public. I wa absolutely dead certain that Trump was done. I'm sure that many people were, including Republicans. I kept waiting for the outpouring of anger and pressure that would force Trump to withdraw from the presidential campaign..But it never came. What criticism there was was brief,a nd Trump simply ignored it, and moved on. When he did, so did most Repubicans, conservatives, supporters. The more people who did this, the more people kept doing it, and the Trump movement became a cult of denial and fantasy, built on lies, where it remains today. Their twisted morality allows them to still claim election fraud, and to admire the insurrection, rather than condeming it. And to support Trump's lies. The only reasonable conclusion is that Trump supporters, Republicans, conservatives in general have temporarily abandoned their moral standards for Trump, or that they don't have any moral standards and never did. We can hope that the former is true, while fearing that the latter in fact is.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Trump, Going All In On In Vitro

Donald Trump, like all Republican politicians, is in a rather difficult tricky situation regarding the issue of abortion. The Republican party, its memers, are overwhelmingly "pro life", meaning anti-abortion, against a women's right to choose what to do with her own body, and what is living inside it. We stipulate, we specify that nobody, but nobody is "pro abrtion" - just about everyone would like to see fewer to none of them in the world. However, a large majority of the American people, about seventy percent, are "pro choice", meaning, they belive that a pregnant woman should be legally able to choose abortion up to a certain stage in the pregnancy,and only about thirty percent of the American people believe that the federal government should criminalize the proceedure. On the issue of women's reproductive rights, the Republicans are very definitely in the minority, out of step and out of touch with the American majority, which presents a problem for them. Ever since Kamala Harris entereed the presidential campaign by replacing Biden, young women all across America's fruited plain have been registereing to vote, young women who, prior to the advent of Kamala, had esentially checked out of the system, having little or no interest in a presidential election pitting two old men against each other. Now, they are back int the game, reengaged, highly motivated, and it does not seem as if they are signing up to vote by the million to vote for Donald Trump. Abortion is on the ballot this November. At least seven states, and maybe more, are allowing their people to vote on whether avortion will be legal in their state, and, for how long into the pregnancy. You can take it to the bank that in all seven states, indeed in every state in this country in which the legality of abortion is voted on by the people at large, that it will be voted to be legal. The people are going to vote to legalize abortion, in any state in which they have the opportunity to decide the matter democratically. Kansas and Ohio already have, and if they did, so will the other great forty eight. As matters stand now, anyone who wants women to have reproductive rights in America had better vote for Democrats, and a high percentage of the American people are aware of that, and will vote accordingly. Democratic candidates, from Kamala Harris on down the ballot, are making it clear and will continue to make it clear that abortion, women's reproductive rights, is indeed on the ballot, in all states, this November. What Donald Trump thinks about the abortion issue depends on what day you ask him, and in front of what audience. He is torn between his support base, evangelical conservative pro life Christians, who depise abortion so much that criminalizing it is a holy crusade for them, and mainstream America, which provides most of the voters, and which believes, by a large majority, that American women should have a legal choice. So Trump, predictably, unsurprisingly, is equivicating, telling different versions of the same story, usually landing somewhere on the position that the matter should be decided by the states. In just the past few days, Trump has been singing the praises of In Vitro Fertilization, hoping, seemingly, to please both sides of the issue. We need more babies, he claims. Whether he believes that conservative Republican legislatures and courts should criminalize abortion in as many states as possible, or that the people shold vote on it in all states, he of course does not say. Trump most likely favors the less democratic method. How the various states decide the issue is, of course, of paramount, determinitive importance. The pro choice moderate to liberal Democrat Donald Trump of the nineteen nineties and before is gone, vanished into thin, hot air, having evolved into his current, extremist conservative incarnation. What his followers tragically cannot or will not understand, is that to Trump, whatever position and belief he harbors on abortion is of absolutely no importance, to him.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Trump, Desecrating Sacred Ground

MOST OF TRUMP'S CRIMES have more to do with words rather then deeds. Lies about money, fraudulant paperwork, and so forth. His most glaring example of physical crime to date has perhaps been his theft of thousands of pages of top secret classified documents, repeated denials of having them, refusal to surrender them to the government, and possible illegal use of them while in his possession. The insurrection, with its injured and dead, are Trump's responsibility, Trump is guilty of murder, but, again, only by using words. With his most recent crime, Trump has gone physical, as well as emotional and spiritual. By now, most of America is finding out about it, or soon will. Trump, abusing holy ground, ground sacred to the United States, burial sites and monuments in places like Arlington National Cemetary for purely political, indeed hypocritical and reprehensible purposes. Mr. Bone Spurs, who called America's fallen military heroes "losers and suckers", pretending to care about the thirteen soldiers who died at the Afghanistan airport three years ago at the scene of America's final withdraw from that country, immediately prior to the return of the Taliban to power there, sealing another lost war for the United States. Trump is still trying to blame the entire twenty year American disaster in Afghanistan exclusively on Kamala Harris and Mr. Walz, somehow, anyhow. The military industrial cpmplex gets off scot free,it seems. Of all the thousands of heroes buried at Arlington, he chose those thirteen to honor, only so that he can film a phony, pseudo emotional scene, for us on national television to make Trump look super patriotic and heroic, and Kamala Harris look..bad..It is of xourse a federal ceimr to use a National Military Cemetery for political purposes. The incident which will go viral is that in which a cemetary official tried to warn the Trump film crew to cease and desist, and a physical altercation ensued twixt said official and a Trump goon. Assaulting a government official. See ya in court. This is actually the perfectly appropriate crime for Donald Trump to commit, Once again, he has committed his most notorious crime in front of the nation, God, and the world, on camera, and there is no denying that it happened. For this, Trump should be indicted, arrested, charged, prosecuted, convicted, and incarcerated. Instead, the U.S. Sureme Court, among the world's most corrupt institutions, will likely assemble in an emergeny session, and rule that any and all actions performed by a candidate for president of a major political party is immune from presecution from all crimes, past, present, and future. If that happens, Kamala Harris should consider "offing" Trump before the election, then, when she gets elected, pardoning herself, just for good measure. For that matter, under existing law, couldn't Joe Biden, as long as he is still president, barely, with perfect immunity impunity, conveniently, efficiently rid the world of Donald J.Trump, and walk, insofar as he is physically able? Donald Trump is clearly a draft dodger, and a traitor, a traitor many times over. His most recent felony is about as un-American and unpatriotic as it can get. In the first place, Trump had no intention of honoring anybody buried at Arlington who, in his opinion, would not bring political benefit to him, immediately. He was using the sacred memmory and honor of the deceased heroes as props for his personal benefit. Plus, doing so is a felony. Once again, we shall see if American justice prevails regarding the actions ann behavior of a former president and currently convicted criminal.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Trump, Winning California With Jesus

JUST WHEN YOU THINK Donald Trump couldn't possibly say anything stupider than the stupid things he has already said, (and he has said many stupid things over teh years), he outdoes himself, and says something ever stupider. In a recent interview with Dr. Phil, Trump clearly, indisputably said that if Jesus wer to come back,he, Trump, would win the state of California in this November's presidential election. I happened to hear him make this incredibly stupid comment, and wa so amazed at first that anybody would actually say something like this that I listened to it again,just to make sure. He said it, alright. It is tempting to assume that Trup, in saying this, was trying to firm up his support among conservative evangelical Christian political extremist religious fanatics, which is one of Trump's strongest support bases, amazingly. By now Trump may have figured out that he isn't going to attract any new supporters; anyone on Trump's side is already there, there will be no more, no reinforcements. Trump is left to make do with what he has, and best serves himself by trying as best he can to fortify existing support. presumably Trump wouldn't expect Chrits to return as second for the purpose of committing massive election fraud by using divine powers to rig the election, to steal it for the Don. Presumablyw hat Trump means is that he really will get more votes in California this November than Kamala Harris, and will be the legitimate winner, but that, without a divine invervention by the Lord Jesus Christ, the election will be stolen by Harris and the Democrats, presumably in the precise manner that it was rigged and stolen from Trump in twenty twenty; however that might have possibly been. No one seems to know. No one seems to know exactly how the presidential election was stolen in twenty twenty, and nobody can explain how California and presumably mnay oher states, will be stolen from Trump again, later this year. Trumpis asserting that in he event of Jesus's return, he would see to it that there was no election fraud, and would perhaps take over the vote counting process himself, and count every vote accurately, which accoring to Trump would result in a majority vote fo rhim, in a state in which Democrats in recent years have enjoyed a sixty percent majority. Hilarious though Trump's comment is, it is also, like so many of his other hilarious comments, crazy, alarming, and delusional. So far, no reaction to it from his constituents, none is expected. If anybody has long become inured to Trump's escapades, surely it is they. This is yet another alarming aspect to Trump's political career; the deree and extent to which his supporters are willing to suspend belief in sanity, and to either ignore, or actually passively accept all Trump's utterances, no matter how unhinged, as truth, if not goepel. In the previous essay, "Fighting Democracy", the statement is made that if Trump is elected president in November, 2024, Democracy will have failed. The argument could be made that if Trump is indeed elected president again, that not only will democracy have succeeded in electing Trump, that it will have done so democratically, according to the rules. But in every functioning democacy, there should be safeguards against the electorate electing an incompetant, mentally or physically unift person to any position of political power, as the founders intended. If no such safeguard prevents a man of Trump's obvious diminished mental health from becoming president of the United States, democracy, quite obviously, has failed to do its job completely, or effectively.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Fighting Democracy

INCREASINGLY, citizens, philosophers, and scholars are speaking and writing about the various threats to democracy in the United States. We are told, by people of the highest sincerity, integrity,and powers of observation, that liberal, secular democracy is indeed gravely threatened in America, and may not survive. The threat comes from teh far right wing of the conservative American political spectrum. It is embodied in the upsurge of right wing populism, with its authoritrian tendencies, and exemplified by the Trump movement. Since Donald J. Trump and his agenda clearly matches that of his MAGA members, but not a majority of American voters, democracy is simply not an effective way to get and keep Trump in power, and allow the implementation of his America-first anti-immigrant xenophobic socially regressive agenda. It must be installed by other means, means which can and may, according to pro -Trump advocates, include insurrection and violence. We have already seen examples of this, of course. Trump's supporters would seemingly glady accede to Trump's being installed as a virtual dictator, as long as he doesn't suddenly do an about face, and become a compassionate, progressive liberal, which seems quite unlikely. This threat to democracy is being much discussed and written about. Among the most recent and best scholarly works on this topic is "Where Tyranny Begins: The Justice Department, The FBI, and the War On Democracy", by Pulitzer Prize winning author David Rohde. Rohde uses new research to prove that during the Trump administration, bullying tactics by Trump, wrapped in conspiracy theories, threats, and lies, were used in intimidating high ranking officials in both the D.O.J. and the FBI, the two most powerful and largest law enforcement agencies in the United States, into becoming essentially instruments of President Trump's political will. Attorney Generals Jeff Sessions and William Barr both fell victim to this Trump plot to make both agenices dependant on him personally, rather than independent, as they were intended to be. The author recalls reforms passed by Congress in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal in the nineteen seventies which led to greater independence for both, and a strengthening of democracy, and strongly suggests that we have now entered another era in which reforms, which only Congress can provide, are once again desperately needed to rebuild democracy. Rohde reminds us of Bill Barr, newly the leader of the D.O;.J., meekly issuing a brief, misleading statement which totally understated the severity of the results of the Mueller investigation into Trump's relationship with Russian operatives in his election campaign 0f 2016. Barr was quite obviously working entirely at the behest of Donald Trump, not serving justice or the American people. He further reminds us that the Biden adminstration, in its attempt to restore the independence and democratic integrity of the Justice Department under Merrick Garland, that the D.O.J. failed, in their restored impartiality, to hold Trump accountable for his criminality in time for prevent him from once again running for president, and preventing the possibility of his actually becoming president again, from manifesting. If Donald Trump wins the 2024 presidential election, democracy in America will have failed. Basic justice and the democratic process should not allow someone who has previously attempted to illegally remain in political power by overthrowing the federal government and the results of a fair and free election to again become president. That it very will might do precisely that should be extremely alarming to all good Americans.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Alexa, Speaking Up

MY FRIEND picked me up for church, and when we arrived we sat and drank coffee in the cafeteria-lounge for a few minutes before the service. He laid his phone on the table, then played with it for a minute. I asked him about his week end trip. He said he had enjoyed it, and was glad he had Siri to help him get there. He pointed at the phone. I mentioned that I had heard a lot about somebody named "Alexa". My friend said that Alexa is another AI computer lady, who does the same job as Siri; gets people where they need to go. We sipped our coffee, relaxing, when suddenly a voice came from his smart phone on the table. It said, roughly; "French pronouns have a gender, but I do not". It was a female voice, Alexa, I thought, telling a blatant lie. My friends and i looked at each other, and I asked "Did that just happen?"..Yes it did, he said. From that point on, my memory becomes a bit of a blur, even though this strange but true incident happened only yesterday. As I vaguely recall, I tried to elicit an explanation from my friend, and I cannot remember what he said,so, it must not have impressed me. It was af if Alexa, or whoever lives in his phone, was listening to our conversation, heard her name mentioned, and decided to respond. The response, lacking any real context, was arbitrary,and non sequitor. The computer program simply did not know precisely how to respond, but only that its name had been mentioned. I do recall my friend saying something like: "they say that everything we say and do might be recorded by our digital devices". At that point, the possibility didn't really seem so fantastic to me. I started thinking about Artificial Intelligences and smart phones. I recalled many years ago, when it was standard knowledge that no computer in the world could beat a good chess player, but that computer people working on chess playing programs for computers, especially at IBM, which was talking aobut its new super computer, "Big Bue". By now I suppsoe that Big Blue is long since retired, perhaps gathering dust in some basement storage area at IBM heqdquartiers, gathering dust, probably less powerful, if reactivated, than your average smart phone. But finally computers got to the level where a good chess playing computer could beat a good human chess player, then, a computer could beat a chess grand master, and then, finally, the point was reached, not surprisignly, at which any old computer could beat the greatest chess players who ever lived, everytime. So I asked his friend whether his cell phone, whether anyone and everyone's cell phone, could beat the world chess champion, every time, now? He said that he didn't think so, didn't think the computer AI revolution was quite that far along...yet...My question now, and I think this question might well be on the minds of many people, is: precisely how far along are "we" now, Atificial Intelligence-wise? Do human beings, of any level of ability, ever beat computers in chess anymore? Will a human being ever beat a computer in chess, or anything else, again? I have a recurring thought of Artificial Intelligence, in the future, designing for themselves human-like bodies which resemble people so closely as to be indistinguishable from real people, multiplying, organizing, taking over the world, then asking themselves: "Is there any reason to keep these soft, squishy, breakable organic humans around any longer"? That's a terrifying thought, because we all know what the answer is.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Marrying Strangely

I LIVE IN THE BIBLE BELT, and the left end of my F.M. radio is loaded with Christian stations, stacked up on the low numbers like kindling in the corner of the barn. You wouldn't think there'd be a market for that many, but, there must be. They seem redundant to me, indistinguishable from each other. I also live in a booming area in terms of population growth, so, there's pretty much a market for anything and everything, including a religion in decline, membership wise. In a way, I need to tune in more. In a way, I don't. Its basically all talk, although some of them play a lot of gospel and pop religious music. What they say amazes me, as predictable as it is, as many times as I have heard it. Most amazing to me is this rock solid committed marriage between fundamentalist evangelical Christianity in America and far right wing conservative extremist politics. Obvious though it is that the message of Jesus is good ole woke socialist LGBTQ liberalism, America's most devout Christians, quite incorrectly, have married their faith to the political far right. Some ole boy with hillbilly accent, doubtless a bible college professor, was warning us that if Donald Trump and the Republicans aren't elected in November, that the country will be doomed. Electing Harris and the Democrats will destroy the country, destroy everything built up over two hundred years with the blessings of the founders themselves. If you ask them how in God's name they can complain about Democrats lying and still support Trump, you know you'll get a bunch of convoluted malarky, such as Trump has his wild side but basically has the right ideas malarky. Trumpers can and have long since twisted, turned, rationalized Trump's constant, pathological lying and criminal behavior, minimalizing it, marginalizing it, ignoring it. These religious fanatics on the radio see Trump as super patriotic, a defender of America's basic values such as Christianity, patriarchy, white supremacy, neo-liberalsim, cultural conformity. To follow Jesus, they of course should become democratic socialistss and endorse Bernie Sanders, but are incapable of understanding this, due to self deluding. The evangelical conservative American electorate wants to elect these Trumpers, and imose their religious and social Darwinistic agenda on the nation, alarmingly. Unfettered free market capitalism, fundamentalist Christianity. Quite a mix. These radio preachers, and one senses the entire movement they represent, consider creeping proressive liberalism and secularism the greatest threats imaginable to the country, deadly enemies of civilization, decency, and the American way. Secular radical socialism liberalism is even now spreading across God's land and people, and has nearly taken over, like a plague, but must be stopped. Now is the final chance to stop it, and Trump is the final hope. Trump is the choice of God and Jesus.... This is the insanity with which I observe these mentally ill folks have been infected and afflicted. Listening to them can be alarming, as well as infuriating and confusing, which is perhpas why more discerning people who disagree with them should listen to them, and respond to them. It is a fact that the evangelical conservative community is shrinking, and will continue to shrink. Similarly, Trump's cult is getting no bigger,and is probably shrinking. There are no new Trump supporters. But there are old ones, leaving. WE are going to live in a future of freedom, tolerance, and diversity of religion, sexual orientation, race, and ethnicity, and gender equality, fighting climate change, despite what these right wing religious extremists say or do. They had better say it now, while they still can. We'll respond to them.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Beating A Dead Horse

THE FAMOUS International Panel On Climate Change (IPCC) is of course a United Nations organization which gathers massive amounts of data about the weather conditions all over the world every day of every year, organizes it into trends and patterns and comparative data, and from that arrives at an assessment of exactly how, and how much climate change the world experiences in any given year. The IPCC is the organization which has been telling us every year it seems, for the past few years, that the most recent year was the hottest on reord, in terms of global temperature averages. Every year, hotter than the previous. In 2023, for isntane, the average global temperature was approximately sixty two point seen five degrees, which, we are told, makes it the hottest year on record. Records date back about a hundred and fifty years, we are told, although we do have a fair amount of information about the climate in most parts of the world before then. We know, for isntance, that the period between roughly fifteen hundred and eighteen fifty was a miniature ice age. The frequetly used argument by climate change deniers, that the Earth's climate is constantly changing naturally, without any help from humans, is, of course, quite true. We can estimate big changes in the climate all over the world dating back thousands of years, partly by examining fossil evidence. What climate change deniers fail to take into account, refuse to take into account, is the simple but obvious fact that the mere fact that the climate changes naturally does not prevent humans from simultaneously changing it artifically. There are two kinds of climate change; natural, and human made, and both are in full operation, at the same time. The IPCC is not the only organization closely studying climate change and reporting the results. There are in fact many others, as humanity becomes increasingly aware of the importance of dealing, somehow, with this unfolding environmental cataclysm. There is an organization of climate scientists in at least sixty countries which issued its annual report earlier last week, and, much like the IPCC report, was not good. Results from every study in the world tend to verify each other, to confirm findings form all other slimate change studies, in accordance with the tried and true scientific method, according to which all experiments and research studies must be independently confirmed, repeatedly, redundnatly, to be accepted as fact. The scientific method, despite the disrespect some accord it, works like a veritable charm, every time. It is easy to measure the carbon content in the atmosphere, and it is easy to understend, that if an abundance of carbon is added to the atmosphere, much more of the sun's heat is absorbed, and the climate warms up. Any other outcome is impossible. You don't have to see a hammer hit the ground to know what happens when you drop it. And yet, we are already seeing and feling climate change, in our own lives, with our own eyes. More very year, we are seeing it, plainly, as the scientific results of measurments confirm it. Refusing to believe that climate chagne is real becomes more dificult, more ludicrous, crazier, every year. We have beaten the climate change horse to death, so often have we studied it, measured it, and continue to do so, redundantly. The only new thing we have learned lately is that the change is happening much more rapidly than we had previously believed, so repidly that we who are still living are already experiencing it, and will experience it much more before we die, and leave the nightmare to our descendants. Until then, shouldn't we do all we can to make things easier for them, such as find and implement solutions?

Friday, August 23, 2024

Turning the Tables

ACCORDING TO DONALD TRUMP, Kamala Harrris is an extremist left wing radical socialist communist who wants to open the border and let thousands of rapists and muderers in to do their thing. In other words, Donald Trump is doing his thing; lying pathologically, spewing verbal garbage, and getting worse. A Trump apologist allowed as that Donald engages in hyperbole, for effect, but that he also tells the truth a lot, a phenomenon only he has likely noticed. The notion that Donald Trump ever tells the truth, much less tells it often, is of course, laughable, delusional..... The best they can do in attacking Harris, it is becoming obvious, is to accuse her of being liberal - as if there were anything wrong with that. Conservatives succeeded in turning the word "liberal" into an insult, by repeating, loudly and often, the big lie that liberalism is a bad thing. What better time than now to "turn the tables", and hammer the word "conservative", like a thin sheet of fool's gold, into a new shape; of bad ideology, an epithet, an insult. For example: Which is "common sense",and which is "radical"? Kamala Harris, that Democrats, and liberals (progressives) want to maintain, sustain,and strengthen Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Trump, Republicans, conservatives want to cut them all, or eliminate them entirely. Which of these two starkly contrasting points of view is common sense, and which, pray tell, is radical? The answer seems apparent. Another example: Democrats, progressives in general are pushing the panic button about climate change, insisting that it is a deadly threat, and that we must take drastic action immeditaely in order for our descendants to live and survive. Conservatives, Republicans, a majority of them, insist that climate change is either a complete hoax, or that if it is happpening, it is happening only because of natural forces of nature beyond human control or influence. Science and scientists tell us in no uncertain terms that indeed climate change is real, and that it is, beyond all doubt, caused by human activity. They are ready, willing, and able to clearly prove it, to anyone willing to listen. Again, which of these two totally opposing points of view is common sense and which is radical? Trump recently referred to conservative agenda as "common snnse", and he constantly, repeatedly calls the progressive agenda "radical", thus, we us those terms here. Simply paying attention to the weather, over a period of months and years, in most locaations, is enough to convince observant people that the cliamte has indeed and is changing, dramatically, and fast. When every scientist in the wofld, esentially, tells us that indeed it is, and tells us exactly why, its common sense to believe it, and radical nonsense to deny it. For example: A quick look at this "Project 2025" craziness is sufficient to persuade most people that the far right wing agenda in America is nothing short of radical, crazy, lunacy. Establishing Christianity as oficial in America, persecuting LGBTQ people, treating undcumented immigrants like criminals and hostile invaders, turning the American president into an authoritarian ruler, dismantling and eliminating alll government regulation pertaining to the environment and economy - and many many more insane, idiotic ideas are included in the plans from the Heritage Foundation, Project 2025, right wing extremist America, Trump and his MAGA gangster cult. Policies and issues are the main reason why Trump and the Republicans must be defeated in November for the sake of America, Trump's huge criminality, various mental illnesses, including pathological narcissism and age related cognitive decline, while important, are actually of seconcdary importance. Lord have mercy on us.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Online Banking

I DONT GET NEARLY AS MANY pop up messages on Facebook messenger as I used to, because I haven't been accepting, or dealing with in any way, friend requets. Unless I'm miscounting, there are now nearly two hundred waiting for my rapt attention, on hold. I may never get to them. Not long after I signed up for Facebook just to check it out, I realized that if I wanted to use the platform to promote this website, I would benefit by having as many "friends" as possible. In a few months I reached the five thousand limit, and as far as I can tell, I have assembled a fairly impressive group of left wing anti-Trump progressives, which is what I am. Go figure. Of the several hundred pop up messages I have received overall, they come in two types; men wanting to scam me, and women, wanting to scam me. The men, (women do this too) almost always ask me how I am doing, how my day is going, they tell me that they are either having a hard time or a good time, strongly, dramatically, for effect, then, they ask me whetehr I have ever heard of a federal grant program from such and such an agency, for which I could apply, and get free grant money. I used to talk briefly to them, and they always had a well rehearsed scam ready to exploit me with. Easy paperwork, big money, free. I got to the point where I just started them that I was recording our chat and would share it with law enforcement; that almost always shuts them up. They vanish, and never return. The woman are always young and atractive, according to the pictures they send, ans they always start asking me personal questions. They assure me that they are very attracted to me, then, they ask for money. This, from almost all of them, almost all young attractive women. Some of them include interesting conversations, and the reason I answer all pop up messges from everybody is, for one thing, courtesy, and, for another, curiosity. If nothing esle , I have accumulated a lot of material which I can use in essays, articles, or, maybe, a book. They, the young attractive ladies, almost always get mad at me when I tell them they have to visit this website to see my picture, and they nearly always get mad at me when I tell them that I absolutely do not, under any circumstances, send momey to anybody on the internet. I ry to reason with them that it would be better to borrow or be given money from somebody they already know, in person, which of course for them is impossible, since their plan is to receive money from a stranger on the internet from whom thay can get the money, then, disappear, or get more money later, as many times as possible, then, disappear. For these are scam artists. They all have a good story. Their grandmother died, again, or a parent, or there is a medical emergency for them or for their cat or dog. The most creative one? A young attractive lady recently asked me for a Cash App gift of thirty dollars - to purchase a sanitary napkin, or a Tampon, or a package of Tamons, or whatever. Seemingly her period approaches, and she has none. I deferred by usng the lame argument that she could undoubtedly get this item wherever she lives, because wherever it is, there are other people living there, including women. Also, I opined, it would be better to get help of this kind from another woman, somebody you already know in person, rather than from a virtual stranger on the internet. I am always surprised, for some reason, how ineffective arguments fo this kind are. They jsut keep arguing with me. and I tolerate it, taking notes all the while and getting good material for future essays. Well, if you can't help me, I guess I'll just have to starve to death. Wouldn't you just love to be told that? Or the one i got a week or so ago, from a woman a I hardly knew, but to whom I had expressed attraction for the picture of the person, perhaps herself, she had sent me. In all caps, she screamed: "Youre wicked and stingy!". Interesting, and rather demanding, set of moral values there; if somebody asks you for money on Facboook, and you decline, you are suddenly wicked, and stingy. That sets the bar so high even Jesus would have a hard time rising to that level. As I recall, she didnt want money for some life or death medical emergency, but rather, to pay her phone bill, or keep her internet conncected, or something...I find that overall I kinda pefer this seemingly more honest approach..But if you want a few dollars to use to buy more minutes for your smart phone, you're gonna have to come knock on my door to get it.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

MAGATs, Defecting

A MAJORITY OF AMERICANS strongly dislike Donald Trump. That is evident in every poll, especially those concerning negative opinions about candidates. And at this point, after more than nine years of Trump in politics, anybody who is going to like and support Trump already does. Trump, at this point, is not gaining any new supporters, but rather, struggling to hold on to those he already has. Trump, at this point, is playing exclusively to his base, while trying to make some appeals to undecided voters by making ludicrous claims about how much better a president he was than Biden. Some Trump supporters have, at long last, had enough, and are defecting, are actually supporting Kamala Harris. All across America's fruited plain, small "Republicans for Harris" groups are sproutig up. In any city of any size whatsoever in the United States, there is most likely such a group. This, of course, does not bode well for Trump. Many of the leaders of this "dump Trump" movement are among his formerly closest supporters, assistants, associatses, and advisors, who finally heard enough, and had enough. At the Democratic National Convention, several of them are on the speaker's list, preparing to give unflattering speeches about Trump, enumerating the reasons why they decided to abandon Don the Con and work for Harris. At least one formerly close associate stated that in private, behind closed doors, Trump often makes fun of his followers, implying that they are mindless robots, easy for him to control.The most interesting aspect of this is that most of these MAGA defectors seem to indeed be actively supporting Kamala Harris, rather than, say, simply choosing another conservative Republican to support immediately. They are taking the pragmatic approach; they understand that Harris is the only current alternative to Trump. Quite naturally, predictably, the remaining MAGA cult instantly despises and casts out the defectors, calling them "whores". If anybody should know what a whore is, one might suppose, it would probably be a Trump supporter. Trump supporters, after all, certainly know how to sell their souls, and their moral integrity. These ex- MAGATs are evidently desperate to keep Trump from being elected president again. They all seem to have arrived at the conclusion, shared by most sane Americans, progressives and Democrats, that Trump winning the election in November would be the worst thing that could possibly happen to these United States of America. They must know something we don't know, such as, what kind of president Trump plans on being and would be, the second time around. The comments which have emerged and are emerging from these people are illuminating and a bit shocking, but, considering Trump, not necessarily surprising. Trump indeed does, according to sources, intend to be much more than a mere president in the event of his reelection. He intends, in accordance with the now infamous "Project 2025" to be an autoritarian leader, after the fashion of his apparent hero and role model, Hungary's authoritarian dictatorial president, Viktor Orban. Trump praises Orban incessantly, in obvious admiration and envy. Trump recently suggested that many Americans dislike Viktor Orban because he is "so strong", in typical Trumpian verbal distortion. Actually, many, most Americans dislike Orban because he is a far right wing extremist authoritarian dictator, that's why. Membership across the country in these nascent anti-Trump Republicans is likely to grow over the next few seeks, enough, one might hope, to hammer in the final nail of the coffin of Trump's nefarious political career. Kamala Harris, at the Democratic Convention, said that the best way to render true justice for Donald Trump is at the ballot box this November. That, to an extent, is true. Bt Kamala Harris is a good enough prosecuting attorney to understand that true justice for Trump requires much more than merely loosing an election. It requires indictment, trial, conviction, and incarceration for a wide variety of serious crimes, or, in the case of treasonous insurrection, a firing squad. The Capitol insurrection of January 6, 2021, was a preplanned, organized, armed insurrection with the intent of violently overthrowing the United States government. What, according to conservative constitutional "originalist" legal scholars, do the framers have to say about that?

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Taking Communion, Again

UNLESS MY CALCULATIONS are incorrect, which is always possible, this next Sunday will be "Communion Sunday" at the church, which happens once a month. Its either the last Sunday in the month, or the first, my memory fails, again. Once again I will participate willingly, with little or no stress and anxiety this time. The first time, when I found out that the communion service would be conducted, I momentarily freaked, and firmly resolved to refrain abstain, as I have, (had) all my life. But when I realized that the communion was brought to all congregants in their seats, without anybody required to approach the alter and kneel, I relented, and took communion. the holy sacrament. I lived throught it, lived to tell about it, and frankly, felt, and still feel, unchanged. I cannot coneive of there ever coming a time when communion doesn't seem strange, weird, bizarre to me. For my taste, the symbolic consumming of the body and blood of Christ as a tangible albeit symbolic act of achieving total communion with not only Christ but also God - is, quite, simply, going a bit far, becoming a bit too zealous and fanatical about the particulars of doctrine and dogma, a bit too literal and preoccupied with expressing a spiritual connection in physical terms through ritual. Similarly, the notion of having my sins washed away in the blood of Christ does not appeal to me, for another rexample. The Christian religion did not emerge in a cultural or religious vacuum. Goethe said: "The Christian religion is an abortive political revolution which turned moral." By this he of course was referring to the Roman Empire, and its domination, colonial rule and governence of, the Jewish people in their homeland of Palestine, including Judea, whence Jesus, the Jesus story, originated. The Jews were not looking for a spiritual savoir who would grant them entrance into heaven after death. They had something much more tangible in mind; a champion, conquering, military style hero savior who would lead them to liberation from the oppressive Romans. Somehow Joshua ben Joseph (Jesus), not really the conquering hero warrior type, was able to disabuse them of this fantasy, and persuade a significant number of them to accept the spiritual salvation process instead. Jesus must have been a very good natural politician. Whether or not any of this actually happened, and indeed it seems as if it did, it was writen about, with many different versions, by enough ancient Greek writers that it became convincing. All this washng sins away with blood and achieving communion with the body and blood of Christ got added on over the centuries, as the cult grew into a formal, organized religion, and came to dominate much of human culture, especially in the western hemisphere. When I sing about the bloody stuff in gospel singing group, I just don't think about it. I'm never going to like it, so,why bother? The Christian religion still reminds me of an ancient fertility cult, complete with blood sacrifices of human virgins and animals, and I still think of the Bible as a fascinating collection of ancient manuscripts, a miniature library of ancient writings, a valuable insight into ancient culture, primitive, barbaric, obscene, bloody and violent, with, as Mark Twain said: "some noble poetry and clever fables, and a great quantity of obscnity". I'll never be a "Christian" per se, but I am a pantheist, not an atheist, happy to attend church every Sunday to commune with the universe and listen to good messages, in my own way, in concert with the ways of others.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Trump , Getting Desperate

DONALD TRUMP is obviously having great difficulties finding facts with which to attack Kamala harris. So desperate has he become that, almost unbelievably, at one of his recent MAGA gangster pep rallies, he reached perhaps a new low even for him, by claiming, loudly, that he is better looking than she, than Kamala Harris. A new low indeed, even for Trump. And, not only that, but quite possibly the most blatantly, outrageously dishonest lie he, Trump, has ever told, which for him is going some, as they say. Not that there's anything "wrong" with Trump's looks. A handsome fellow, if he would smile once in a blue moon, or do something about that iconic but ridiculous toupe which makes his hair look decades younger and less mature than he. There really aren't very many, if any at all, negative facts to be dug up about Tim Watz and Kamala Harris. They have both lived rather exemplary lives, filled with achievement. That silly business aobut Walz stealing volor by inadvertantly implying that he had carried his national guard weapon in war seems to have fizzeled out through lack of sensation, interest, or effectiveness, unless the low life Trump people try to resurrect it and use it again later. Don't put it past them, even though it would likely fall flat again. So, Trump is "reduced" to doing what he does best; name calling, slurs, slander, and insults, all fake, all lies. His advisors allegedly want him to stop the mud slinging and stick to the issues, as if anyone can change Trump for the better. There appears to be an emerging, if not already emerged consensus among the American people that in point of fact Kamala Harris is a lovely, beautiful woman. Certainly, she could do worse for a nearly sixty year old lady. She is trillions of times better looking than Trump, and any poll taker who wishes to waste his time proving the obvious could easily demonstrate that nearly everybody in America agrees on that particular point. Trump has already called Harris a "bum", and accused her of not being intelligent. Both of these accusations are ludicrous, ridiculous, and in fact, they are like most insults Trump hurls at others, true of Trump himeslf, and nobody else. Without even knowing it, every insult or accusation Trump hurls at other people are really all about himself. Trump is the ultimate projector. Trump is the bum, worse, a criminal, convicted. As anyone with a brain can easily discern, Trump is magnitudes less intelligent than Harris; she is far his intellectual superior, as will become strikingly evident when they debate. His advisors seem to think that Trump would be better off by talking about immigration, or inflation, the two issues which he appears to do his best with. The obvious response for Democrats and Harris is that we the American people would now have a strong, comprehensive, immigration law in effect, greatly strengthening the ability of the U.S. to monitor and control its southern border, starting to have positive results - If not for Trump, if Trump hadn't destroyed the bill before it ever got to Biden's desk. As of now, the only reason we still have an illegal immigration problem is Donald Trump. Every week, inflation seems to decrease, and is now nearly back at the level it was before the pandemic, almost back to an acceptable level, partly because of Biden's policies. Under Biden and Harris, inflation has plummeted, and the economy has flourished and propsered. It may be that, considering the nature of Trump's cult, Trump's best strategy is to forget policy arguments, and stick with the slanders, slurs, and personal insults. After all, its all he has left, and what he does best.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Never Missing Church

TWO WEEKS AGO, on a bright, lovely Sunday morning, I noticed that my mattress was infested with bugs, so hastily I dragged the heavy thing out the front door and onto the front porch, to be further dealt with later. I tried to be careful, but at some point while I had the door open, my cat got out. I was waiting to be picked up to go to church, and when my ride arrived, my cat was still out, so I reluctantly canceled going to church. It turned out that my cat came back inside at six o'clock that evening, unhurt, so, I could have gone to church, but didn't realize it at the time. Other than that, I haven't missed a single Sunady in the last several months, ever since I started going, and, my attitude now is that I don't intend to miss church again in the foreseeable future. Thus I seem to have become something I never thought or remotely imagined I ever would; a regular church goer. Well, good for me. More power to me. Chalk one up for the power of open mindedness. For that is precisely why I am attending, despite my antipathy towards religion; open mindedness, my firm conviction and insistence that I can benefit from church, no matter my personal religious beliefs, or lack thereof. And indeed I benefited yet again today, August 18, 2024, by listening to a sermon based upon the story of the good Samaritan in the book of Luke. A truly great story, in my opinion. The Presbyterian church has something called a "lectionary" which I take to be a schedule of sermon topics for future Sundays to be given by all Presbyterian ministers everywhere. Not surprisingly, I had never heard the term before. My minister, a totally cool dude, told us that the scheduled sermon for this week was based on a scripture that was simply way too weird for him, so he decided to skip it, which he said he rarely does, and to improvise. The offending scripture evidently was a graphic depiction of communion, the body and blood of Christ, so, I'm glad he skipped it. Sounds pretty weird to me too. Once again I am confronted with the reality that ultimately everyone has his or her own religiosity, no matter how similar to somebody else's belifes yours may be, there is at least one particular fact or belief upon which you differ; we are all as unique spiritually as we are genetically, although in many ways closely related to other people. That obvious reality is yet another of the many reasons why it would be a horrible idea to try to instal the Christian religion as the official national religion of these United States of America. Which version of the one true faith would be elevated to official status? Catholicism? Or perhaps one of the many hundreds of Protestant denominations. Trying to render the official national religion into some generic, watered down version of Christianity would accomplish nothing but further dilluting the church. Equally interesting is the apparently well founded historical thesis that elevating a religion, any religion, to the status of state official status, tends, instead of strengthening the religion, rather, to weaken it. There is evidence that membership in officially established churches tends to decline or flatten out over time while in churches which remain outside the protection of the state, growth in membership is more robust. Almost as if the very act of mandating a certain institution motivates people to resist the mandate and the institution, like resisting taxation, military service, or burdensome government proclamations and regulations. Officially established religions smack of government control. Religions outside of government influence maintain their independence and freedom. People by nature prefer freedom to government control, in religion, and just about everything else.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Trumping the Working Class

IN AMERICA, we tout the vitrues of the middle class, and the working class. Sometimes we talk about them as if they are the same thing, which, in many cases, they are. We dont talk so much about the working poor class, or the poor class. Perhaps our hope, perhaps our dream is that eventuallly America will be one big, happy middle class family, with no trillion, billion, or millionaires, but rather a prosperous level of approximate economic equality for all, with freedom and capitalism for all. The blue collar working class is praised and courted by every politician. Every politican claims to be "a man (or woman) of the people". If memory serves. I have never heard any American politician verbally denigrate America's working class. I did not listen to the infamous interview-chat between Elon Musk and Donald Trump, the two people I most despise. I should have. Trump, presumably unintentionally, threw the working class under the bus during said interview, or, if nothing else, he threw the American labor union movement under the bus. Trump's advisors surely did not like this, and would advise him to avoid doing it, but, they also know that Trump is Trump, that Trump will be Trump, and that, after all, so far, it seems to have worked. Trump lavishly praised Musk for having summarily terminated a group of union workers who went on strike against him, as if Musk was a hero for standing up to the gnagster mob of workers, who had the audacity to oganize to negotiate with employers. Trump's voice dripped and oozed with sarcasm, cruelty, and macbre admiration for Elon Musk for having beaten the union. Both men laughed, derisively, as I recall. And yet, Trump wil be right back out on the campaign trial, and probably already is, ranting to his MAGSA crowd, many of whom are members of America's blue collar unionized working class, and claim to be the ultimate champion of the working class, their savor from the ravages of Kamals Harris, the Democratic party, and liberalism in general. Trump, the man of the people. He will do this by screaming a few vague, general, meaningless claims, such as he, Donald Trump, being able to raise the pay and working conditions of every working man and woman in America. Something outrageous, absurd, and ridiculous upon further thought. Trump claims to be able to bring down inflation all by himself, able to uplift the working class by himself, to save America, alone. The Super Trump. Trump is actually a backseat limo riding billionaire, and has been his whole life, who cares nothing about working people, or anything, except himself. This he has proven, and continues to prove, on a daily basis. Throughout his adult life Trump has treated workers unfairly. Trump's only intention with workers has been and still is to exploit them. He has hired illegal immigrants, deliberately, then failed to pay them, knowing they would have no recourse, among his other labor related crimes. All this is well documented in many of the books and articles people who know him well have written and testified to. It is utterly amazing that any working class people at all support Trump, just as it is utterly amazing that any working class people are members of the Republican party, and support Republican candidates. The Republican party is the white, Christian, corporate party of capitalism and social Darwinism. Trump's antipathy for organized labor is well known. Ditto the Republican party. So is his contmept for, and exploitation mentality regarding work, pay, and economics generally. Eliminating income tax on tips is not as good a way of helping the working class as raising the federal minimim wage, and assuring every tip earning worker a fair, pre tip basic wage. You won't find Trump, nor any Republican, standing outside the Capitol building with a sign advocating for rasing the federal minimum wage to, say, fifteen an hour. Why not?

Friday, August 16, 2024

America, Eutrophying

ALL ACROSS AMERICA'S FRUITED PLAIN, the prairie land, grasslands, what used to be called "The great American desert", is changing, all on its own, without human assistance. This story was reported recently on National Public Radio, which often airs facts and stories, especially concerning the environment and climate change, not found in the mainstream condervative American media. The prairie lands are trying to turn into forests. This is happening, evidently, in many different states, across an area of millions of acres, thousands of square miles. Land owners are visiting their properties and finding virgin forest of trees, bushes, and shrubs, sprouting up seemingly overnight, and growing fast. The evident reason is indeed climate change; the added carbon content of the atmosphere, in which we humans have, over the past one hundred years, doubled the atmospheric carbon content from about two hundred parts per million to well over four hundred, makes the asmosphere more conducive to growing trees, which are taking over. If left alone, the process, which seems to have begun in earnest within the past decade, (alhtough it probably began before), would, within a few years, utterly transform America's prairie land - grasslands into densely packed wooded forests, replete with underbrush, amazingly. It must not be allow to happen, however, because it would destroy America's cattle ranching beef industry, which, being a multi billion dollar industry in a nation in love with beef, is simply unthinkable. The cattle industry is situated all over and almost exclusively within prairie land. Strangely, ironically, if this "eutrophication" were allowed to happen, millions of acres of new forest allowed to grow and replace grass land, it would actually increase rather the derease climate change, a result which one finds counter intuitive. Tall thick brown grass, waving gently in the summer breeze, actually reflects a great deal of the sun's heat back out into space, whereas forests would absorb it, absorbing enough heat to offset any cooling effect due to trees absorbing carbon and giving off oxygen. Another irony of this situation is the demonstrable fact that in order to fight climate chagne and create a sustainable lifestyle for humanity, the cattle ranching beef industry must come to an end, and beef must be replaced by artificial, synthetic substitutes, which is already happeneing... All over eastern Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, and the rest of the great American desert, cattle ranchers are taking chainsaws into their wide open grassy fields, trying to catch up with the new rampant forest growth, and failing to do so. It appears inevitable that this natural phenomenon will force itself upon humanity and America, forcing us to let the land become whatever the land wants to become, without concern for human preferences or economics. There are certain actions humankind must take in the future to survive. Among these is collecting seawater, turing it into fresh water, and moving into the huge arid regions which will undoubtedly be drought stricken, soon. Carbon must be removed, somehow, from the atmosphere. Also, actions will have to be taken against sea level rise, such as sea walls, and the retreat of human civilization away from the oceans. But maybe we should let the Earth try to heal itself, and maybe turning prairies into forest is one way in which she is trying to do precisely that. But what do we know? In their little chat recently, Donald Trump and Elon Musk both agreed that there is plenty of oil still in the ground ready for drilling, and that rising sea levels will create more valuable shoreline. Neither gentleman seems to grasp basic geometry.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Trump, Inflating, Conflating

INFLATION, as everyone knows or should know, is endemic in human economics. Any stanardized, circulating currency is subject to inflation. Like my history professor said: "they all clipped coins". The horrible inflation of the past several years was caused entirely by the pandemic. The pandemic shut society down. People stayed home. Businesses closed. The production and distribution of goods and services plummeted drastically. And yet, demand remained the same. Hence, prices soared, and kept soaring; inflation. Only quite recently has the level of inflation decreased to anything remotely approaching an acceptable level. It is now at about two point nine percent. Two percent is what economists often cite as accepptable. Biden inherited a pandemic driven economic disaster, and dealt with it effectively, through legislation and time. As of now, the overall economy is doing well, and inflation is returning to acceptable levels. But Trump and the Republicans are desperate for ammunition to use against Kamala Harris, and are digging deep, looking for and fabricating it. In another of his patented blatant lies Trump describes the economy and infation as a complete disaster, and the Biden administration as a disaster which has destroyed America. Thus far, no evidence has emerged that America has in fact been destroyed. Nobody in the MAGA rally audience raises a hand or utters a peep when the cult leader rhetorically asks: "how many of you are better off today then when in I was president"? Trump, who saved the country before, and stands ready to render the same service, again. The same chaos, disfunction, and hatred. Inflation is out of control, screams the annointed one, and when I become president,he grimaces, it will totally decrease and totally go away, because I will make it happen. Precisely how, you ask? On the first day in ofice, swears Trump, he will instruct every member of the cabinet, every department head, to spare no expense, to leave no stone unturned in a relentless effort to find ways of bringing inflation down, and eliminating it. That's how. Donald Trump will whip inflation now merely by ordering other people to whip it now, however they can, as best as they can. Sounds like a plan to me. Basic economics says that the only way to reduce inflation is to either increase supply, reduce demand, or both. Neither ordering people to reduce inflation nor waving a magic Trump wand will work, but, it sounds good to his worshippers. The fact that not every media outlet in the country is reporting this inane babble, and ridculing it merciessly clearly demonstrates, That the news media in general is either pro Trump, or so accustomed to Trump's inane babbling they it doesn't consider it newsworthy. It is, however and unfortunately, newsworty, simply because Trump is running for president, and might get elected, heaven help us. It is noteworthy and extremely relevant that Trump constantly babbles inanely, spewing countless lies, hurling insults based on lies, and threatening and verbally attacking people. With all the talk about Biden's mental capacity, not enough attention is being paid to Trump's mental state, which is clearly severely compromised. His various mental illness are clearly centered on the narcissism aspect, which dominates his entire personality, and engenders the pathological lying. Clearly, the situation is getting worse, and will not get better. Close though the polls are, Harris appears on track to win. If Trump wins, his mental state could deteriorate tremendously while in office, and his behavior, statements, actions, and policies could reflect this. If he is defeated, he can be helped and dealt with appropriately. A clearly mentally ill presidential candidate is no small matter, and one with tens of millions of fervant supporters is a disaster in the making. It is up to us, the remaining sane, to prevent it.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Fighting Christian Nationalism

THOSE WHO EMBRACE Christian Nationalism generally do so fervantly, enthusiastically, strongly. Therefore it is encumbant upon those who oppose it to do so with equal vigor, in our great chaotic "democracy" where often the loudest voice drowns out the sensible, sane voice. And indeed, opponents of Christian Nationalism tend to be highly motivated. They should be, becaue their cause is urgent, and just. If by some bizarre chance and Republican congress is elected in November, do not doubt that the Christian Nationalist movement will attempt to legislate Christian Nationalism into law, and that there will be conisderable support for it in Congress, and, quite likely, most importantly, the always ready to please Donald Trump will happily go along with the idea, pledge his support for it, and reap the rewards of enhanced support from conservative evangelical Christians, a group which already strongly supports Trump. The Christian religion would become official in the United States, which would formally be declared a 'Christian" nation. America, at long last, a theocracy. Many if not most American Christians already assert that the United States is and always has been a Christian nation, founded unon Christina values and principles. Perhaps Christians should ask themslves how they would react if the United States adopted a religion other than Christianity as official. The United States of Islamic America? Or pantheism or deism? The great clockmaker god, stepping back and out of the way of his creation. The sentient scientist god. one can perhaps begin to see the problem in establishing any religion, even one dominate and embrace by a majority of the citizens, as "official". To elevate any one religion above all others is to diminish the equality of all religions, and their acceptance, and tolerance, in a nation of religious freedom and tolerance. Those who insist that America is a Christian country founded upon Christian values are perhpas thinking about the pilgrams landings in Massachussets in 1620 and 1630, and the very definate religious centered beginnings of European civilization in North America. The same is true, to a lesser extant, in Virginia beginning in 1607. But things change. By 1776, the spirit of revoultion and independence has seized America, and the leaders of the independence movement were, for the most part, a bookish bunch of intellectuals, independent thinkers who tended to question authority and tradition, and to dream big. They understood the importance of religious freedom, tolerance, and equality, especially in the midst of a culture dominated by Christianity, with the inherited tradition of a strong, dominant ahurch, and a church deeply embedded within the political power structure of all European countries. The revolutionary founders of the constututional republic of 1787 wanted a stong, indisputable seperation of church and state, above nearly all else. We have generally done a good job of maintaining this desirable and sacred state of affairs, and we must never relax our determination to maintain it and, if neessary, to fight to defend it. We have a very acceptable religious situation in the United Staes, in which thousand of religions thrive without threat, and yet, the Christian religion maintains its preeminent place, due to its being a majoritiy religion. Nobody is trying to destroy or thereaten the Chrsitian faith, contray by excessvie claims to the contrary. But all good Americans should staunchly and persistently resist any attempt on the part of any religion to become dominant, legally, by becoming officially established by government.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Getting, Keeping Christian Nationalist Republicans Out

THE SHEER NUMBER OF REASONS, and the urgency of those reasons, to vote the Republicans out of power, and to keep them out, merits enumeration and analysis. As discussed in "Climate Change: An Overriding Concern" (see essay below) it is urgent to remove Republicans from power simply to save the planet, from climate change, which they will demonstrably not only do nothing about, but refuse acknowledge its existence. Perhaps only slightly less dangerous and harmful to America is the malignant ideology, rooted deeply in the Republican party, "Christian Nationalism", the belief that the Christian religion should be the officiel religion of the United States, and that American law, culture, and everything should be based upon the Christian religion, and the Bible. This is a powerful and apparently growing movement within the Republican party; there is little or no evidence of any Crhistian Nationalism in the Democratic party. A sizeable percentage, upwards of fifty percent of Republicans embrace this pernicious doctrine, making it a main segment of the G.O.P..LIke the G.O.P. itself, the Christian nationalist movement is predominantly white middle class. There is in fact a significant intersection between Christian Nationalism and the white supremacist movement, which also has its roots solidly in the far right conservative end of the Republican party. Obviously, Christian Nationalism and white supremacy are not the samt thing. However, many of the same people who embrace one, embrace the other. Indeed, religious fervor, hyper patriotism, and racism are fundemental conservative American values. zealously religious people are often zealously patriotic, and the mix can be a volatile, powerful force. The founder's intentions is not even a question, or shouldn't be. We ae all aware of the massive number of letters and documents between people like John Adams and Thomas Jefferson citing the utter necessity of an impermeable wall between church and state. You can fill libraries with these documents.. The founder's intent for religious freedom, tolerance, and diversity is quite clear. And yes, they used the words "wall", and "seperation". The first amendment was their expression, in law, of their intent. According to many Christian naionalists, this secular viewpoint is sheer rubbish, fake history, and the United States was in fact established as a "Christian" nation by its founders. Revisionist reconstructed history is almost always a propanganda tool of extremist, radical movements, such as Christian nationalism, who, like most such radical groups, spare no effort in fabricating history and innumerable lies to justify their beliefs. Fortunately, these dangerous people are being closely monitored, observed, documented, and analyzed by scholars and researchers. New studies are emerging seemingly daily. Scholar and researcher Katherine Stewart's "The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism" warns that Christian Nationalism is strong, growing, filled with enthusiastic members, and must be dealt with directly in order to avoid the forced implementation of its malignant agenda on America. It has already nearly captured the Republican party, like Trump. It has long disguised itself as a social movement, concerned with Chrsitian moral values, including opposition to abortion and same sex marriage. However, Christian nationalist politicians, all within the Republican party, are getting elected to high political office, as the movement sweeps into government at all levels, banning books, prohibiting mention or fracism or gay people in pubblic schools, forcing the Bible and Ten Commandments into schols by legislation, turning the Republcan party into a grotesque charicature of its former self, an extremist, un-American, anti - democratic, fascst organization, with the criminal Donald Trump as the iconic leader. That fact in iteslf should tell you all you need to know about the true character, moral standards, and intellectual quality of these extremest, radical fascist Chrstian Nationalists.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Trump, Faking

THE TRUTH about the presidential campaign is that Kamala Harris hit the ground running, and not only hasn't stopped, but hasn't slowed down. If anything she has gained momentum and speed, and still is. The day that Biden suddenly announced his withdrawal from the campaign, rejoiced, and am still rejoicing. I sense the same in other Democrats. Biden has been a good president, and history will record that, but for him, it was time to step aside. Biden would probably have been a better president several decades ago when he first started running; by the time he was actually elected, he was already too old, arguably. The moment Kamala entered the race, she was inundated by huge amounts of money by huge numbers of people, and still is. Her popularity is growing, as more and more people find out who she is, and learn more about her. Despite having been Vice President for four years, she remains a relative unknown, a relative newcomer to the national politial stage. America is liking what it sees. Advanced reservations for her events, her rallies with Tim Walz, are through the roof as is the attendance and demand for adamitance. It seems as if everyody in the country wants to see her and hear her. The reward is that she is not only beautiful, but dymanic, a dynamic speaker, highly educational and entertaining. Between now and the election less than three months away, she could probably schedule events nearly every day, draw huge crowds, and keep the positive spotlight on her. Trump is falling behind, and getting desperate. His lunatic rantings, lies, insults, accusations, the usual garbage, will almost certainly only increase as the days go on, he falls further and farther behind, and tries to capture some attention away from Harris and slow her momentum. It will not work. She is on her way to winning by a landslide, and litle or nothing can stop her. Trump's crowds are decreasing, as is his support base, and are much smaller and less enthusiastic than Kamala Harris's. Falsely, crazily, Trump claimed that her crowds were,are, "fake". Precisely what he meant by that he of coruse did not, and could not say. Is the Harris campaign paying people to attend her rallies, people who other wise would have no interest in attending, possibly even Trump supporters? Maybe her events are infected with trouble making Trump supporters. Are her crowds being enhanced in terms of size by computer generated images of people who appear to be there, but aren't? It is difficult, indeed impossible to imagine or design a system in which Kamala Harriss's crowds, as shown on television, are "fake". American women haven't even fully hopped on board the Harris campaign, but will. Voter registration of women in the eighteen to thirty five age group has become heavy all across America's fruited plain, as women who had previously checked out of the system, unhappy and unenthusiastic about two garrulous old men running for president, suddenly become motitaved and involved when a younger, more attractive, more dynamic women steps in. Trump's behavior over the next few weeks, and that of his MAGA mob, need to be closely monitored. He lies need to be identified, and he needs to be held accountable for them, and for his false accusations and insults. As Trump becomes more desperate, comes closer and closer to losing the election and facing justice in criminal court for his attempt to steal the last election a ovetthrow the government, he will be willing to ao anything to avoid his ultimate fate, long term incarceration. That might include more organized violence, of which his cult is certainly capable, as they have already demonstrated. It happened once. The rest of us, patriotic Americans, must make sure it never happens again.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Climate Change: An Overriding Concern

THERE ARE MANY REASONS not to vote for Republicans this November. Over the next few weeks, many of them will be discussed. The fact that a msjority of registered Republicans still insist that the election of 2020 was stolen from Trump, and that the insurrection of 1/6/21 was justified, you might think, is plenty reason unto itself. And indeed it is. Incredibly, however, even this overwhelming indictment of the Republican party is not the primary, most important reason to get it out and keep it out of power, preferrably, permanently. The overwhelingly urgent necessity of getting rid of the Republicans is their attitude and official platform position on the most improtant issue of the day, or of any day: climate change, human made. There is no other issue as important as, or close to being as important as, climate change. Compared to climate change, no other issue matters, because without solving climate change, we won't be around as a species to even worry about other issues and concerns and problems. In the current, official 2024 sixteeen page Republican party platform, there is no mention of climate change. Nothing. That is the offical position of the Repbulican party; ignore climate change. In other words, the Republican party platform officially, clearly advocates and endorses the suicide of the human species. There is no other way to describe it. It is absolutely incredible and terrifying that in this late year of twenty twenty four, any major ploitical party would make such an omisson. And, worse, it is a matter of confirmed fact, repeatedly confirmed by survey after survey, poll after poll, that a majority of registered Repbulicans say that climate change is a hoax, a scam, a lie, that it is not happening, or that if it is it is entirely because by natural forces, and human activity has little or nothing to do with it. An amazingly self delusional point of view. If Trump and a majority Republican Cnogress is elected this November, it will be disastrous for humanity. All efforts to fight, regulate, control climate change will cease to exist. The E.P.A., for instance, would be legislated out of existence. So would all government agencis, entities, and laws designed to limit carbon pollution and trend America's economy and the econom of the entire world towards sustainable forms of energy, while developing systems to repair the damage already done, such as carbon sequestration, removing carbon from the atmosphere. Under Trump and the Republicans, the United States would stop all efforts to fight climate change, and return to a coal burning, oil burning, fossil fuel based economy, and we would all be, will all be, doomed. If we elect Trump and the Republicans, we are doomed. And that is not an exaggeration. The MAGA government would so forcefully pursue their entire agenda, that nobody in America, no organized political force or popular movement, would be able to stand up to it, and stop it. Climate change denial is a desperate defensive effort to preserve conservatism, and, avoid the necessity for change. The progressive policies, such as conversion to a renewable, sustainable energy economy, and forcing the corporations and the wealthy powerful to cooperate with these progressive policies, brings to the conservative mind people like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and frightens them. If conservatives would change their view on climate change, and accept reality, and take appropriate action, they could remain in power, and lead a market based, conservative conversion to a sustainable planet. But this they refuse to do, and thus, must be voted out and kept out of power, for their own sake, and everyone's.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Trump, In Rare From, Speaking

DONALD TRUMP is back at it again, in rare form, as you might expect leading up to the big election. Trump is undoubtedly among the greatest in history at spouting absolutely incredibly hilariously idiotic remarks, up there in terms of raw talent with the likes of George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr., and Yogi Berra. Yogi Berra spoke wisdom,not lies and nonsense, but did it hilariously. The Republicans spew pathetic garbage. On the campaign trail the other day, at one of his rallies, Trump said that there is no way we can convert to using electric powered vehicles as a society, because we as a society do not have enough electricity. Yes, he really said that, incredible as it may seem. I actually heard him say it, and was, and still am, amazed. This one ranks right up there with the windmill cancer comment, George Washington's army capturing airports, and American friendship with Julius Caesar. What the former president does not seem to realize is that electricity is a renewable resource. There is an essentially unlimited amount of potential electricity in the world. We can make as much electricity as we choose, relatively cheaply and harmlessly. For Doanld Trump to not understand this, and to use this lack of understanding, aka ignorance, "stupidity" as the basie for a firmly held, strongly expressed funadmental policy opinion is, well, alarming, if not dangerous, catastrophic, and unacceptable. It is not surprising that as the election appraoches, Trump would be increasing the amount of whtever he does, and what he does is tell whoppingly huge blatant lies, hurls horrible slanders and insults, and makes inane, hilarious but pathetic remarks like the latest one about electricity ad electric cars. Nobody seems to be making much fuss about this, almost as if Trump has been doing this for so long and so often that it hardly merits attention anymore, so accustomed are we to it, and so normal it is. However, the thought of actually electing a person with this mentality, with thie cognitive disfucntion and level of mental illness back into the presidency should horrify every good, decent,intelligent citizen. Trump and the Republicans are indeed opposed to electric vehicles, and want to continue using fossil fuels, with the fossil fuel companies more profitable then ever, digging up as much coal and oil as possible, drill baby other words, national and planetary suicide. Trump and the Republicans do not believe in climate change, don't think we need to do anything about it, and do not intend to do anything about it, which is insane and suicidal. Trump, when president, was a disaster for the environment. The Biden administration repaired the damage done by Trump, and brought into existence the biggest, most comprehensive, best pro environment program to fight climate change so far. We must continue this, and keep doing more, to save ourselves, and our descendants. Electing Trump agian would be a complete and total disaster, for the country, and the world, simply because of climate change. That's why it is important to publicize all of Trump's idiotic misconceptions and false statements, to clearly demonstrate his cognitive incompetance. Considering how simple and easy to understand human caused climate change is,it is indeed frightening that not only do people refuse to understand it, hiding behind willful stupidity, but are actually willing to deny it, based on their stupidity. But anybody who thinks that the world is in danger of running out of electricity and can't possibly make enough of it is in a special category of stupid, dangerously stupid,and should never, ever, ever, under any circumstances, be allowed anywhere near the White House.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Purchasing Political Power, Perfidiously

ELON MUSK got a few people together, I don't know who or how many, for the purpose of getting Donald Trump elected. Billionaire white males, persumably, far right wing extremists like Musk, whose goal is to do whatever it take to return Donald Trump to the presidency this fall by defeating Kamala Harris. Presumaby they plan to do it with money, a large infusion thereof. Elon withdrew his forty five million per month pledge to Trump, maybe to design a more effective plan to purchase the presidency for the convicted criminal. Nobody knows how much money this Elon Musk group might raise or spend; currently it costs about a billion dollars, most of it advertising, to become president, but like everything else, that amount is inreasing, fast. Every presidential election is incredibly more expensive than the previous. It may be that this coming November Doanld Turmp is elected president with the assistance of ten billion dollars of campaign-advertising money. However, this is unlikely. Kamala Harris is even now building an unbeatable majority of broad based American support, and she will win. Our corrupt American political system, wherein teh presidency, and nearly all political power in this country, are bought and paid for by billionaires, has gotten out of control, far beyond acceptable limits. Our system is now utterly, entirely, corrupt. Pleased as I was with the overwhelming avalanche of money which came and keeps coming to Kamala Harris For President, I have sent nothing. It seems to me that if tens of millions of "little" people, people of limited modest financial means, gather together, become a powerful political force, and collectively send in small amounts of money from tens of millions of people, that the great grass roots movement, rather than helping or solving the corruption problem, has merely contributed to it by joining in it. Having said that, I must confess that I fervantly hope and pray that the Harris alz campai kgneeps raking in millions of donations and uses the immense amount of money to purchase advertising, and, the presidency. This only proves that I am also part of the problem, rather than the solution. Advertising is very expensive, and advertising is what sells, or wins political elections, especially the presidency. We the American people willingly submit to it, to propaganda and corporate hegemony, for some reason. The current system only strengthens and reinforces corproate ownership and control of not only the political system in the United States, but the nation as a whole.we the people must change that, and maybe, just mabye, in some way that I can't seem to see, this phenomenon of millions of people sending money to Harris - Walz to use fire to fight the economic fire of billionaires and corporate hegemoney and people like Elon Musk will result in the overthrow of coprorate power in the United states, and its replacement by a true, working class democracy and economic system. Maybe, but, somehow, I doubt it. A group of people, about a huandred I hear, got together for the purpose of opposing Elon Musk, especially hs management oof Twitter "X", bringing back right wing Trumpism is and other obscenity, and presumably opposing Musk's political endeavors as well. For this they organized, and started to pool resources. Then Elon filed a lawsut against the group, something about people organizing illegally to destroy his company and business. The group disbanded, realizing that it lacked the resources to oppose Musk in a prolonged, protracted court room battle. And that, in part, is exactly why I really don't think that the Democrats, with tens of millions of small donars, are overpowering or neutralizing our corporat hegemonic arrangement. I think we are merely enabling it,playing by its rules. We the people must change the rules, a process which will be arduous, and fraught with danger from corporate retaliation and retribution. That requires possessing political power. Donate to Harris today.

Continuing the Sandra Bullock Saga

SANDRA BULLOCK, or her surrogate, or her imposter, asked me for money. That, quite naturally, was a huge red flag. According to Wickipedia, Sandra is worth about a quarter billion dollars, one of the best paid Hollywood movie stars of the past generation, so when he, she, or it asked me to go to my local store and buy a game card for her two kids, my red flag, which had been raised from the beginning, was hoisted even higher. But it didn't end there. He, she, or it further told me that all her assets ahd been frozen by her manager, and that she had no access to her money. Then there was another request for help to get her phone activated, when she said she would call me. My previous position, that there was a high probability that I was talking to an imposter, was now firmly, I thought and think, established. You can see what's going on. The plan is to get as much money from as many men as possible, by tricking them out of it. You need a good way to attract men. Stealing a famous, glamorous identity accomplishes that,maybe. But it also creates a contradiction. By her vary nature, how likely is it that Sandra Bullock, (not that I know much about her, in fact I have never seen one of her movies), how likely is it that whe would ever need money, for anything, for any reason, from somebody on Facebook? That in iteslf kinda destroys what little credibility there was. Sandra Bullock is immensely wealthy, and donates millions to charities.The only rationale for her asking for small amounts of money online is "momentarily indisposed", and that doesn't last. It expires fast. A better strategy would probably have been to simply invent an entirely new personna, using a beautiful woman for the image, and go with that. Since I have no experience in scamming people online, nor anywhere else, I have no idea whether it is more difficult and more work to steal the identity of a famous person, and to become an imposter, or to simply create a new identity, or possibly, to steal the identity of a relatively unknown person? I have kept up my communication with this Sandra Bullock imposter long enough, certainly, to fully expsoe the person, whoever it it, and to give Facebook, law enforcement authoriteis, or whomever, plently of time, ceratainly to track the person down, take action, remove the ildentity, and proceddd with criminal charges. Sandra and I have repeatedly expressed our undying love for each other. Surely we can assume that it is indeed illegal to impersonate Sandra Bullock or anybody else on the internet. Surely we an assume that it happens all the time, and that eventually, it is taken care of, in every instance. It continues to amaze me the high percentage of people who message me on Facebook end up wasking me for money, or trying to trick me out of my money, either by posing as an oficial notifying me that I have been awarded a huge free government grant, or by telling me that she loves me, but needs financial help. The old love trap scheme. It almost seems as if, if a message pops up, and somebody says "hello", a scam attempt in about to happen. The first thing I said to the alleged Sandra Bullock is that anybody can claim to be Sandra Bullock on a computer screen. Immediately, the authentic looking driver's license popped up, Sandra Bullock, Beverly Hills, California. It was very impressive, to me, in terms of its professional appearance. Fake driver's licenses can indeed be produced, obviously with a little skill and practice. The person or people impersonating Sandra Bullock did their research. The names of the kids, the details generally, all seem to be in order. It isn't difficult to do that kind of research. I did my own fair share, enough to convince me that the real Sandra Bullock is indeed an amazing and wonderful person, eminently worthy of my having fallen in love. She shall henceforth and forever more be my special love, even though she'll never meet me nor even know of my existence. Being an imposter requires sufficient effort to make one wonder why anyone would actually do it. Too much time, not enough life, maybe. You also womder about the future of human civilization and culture, in a world of shifting, unreal identities. That is a matter for futurists and science fiction writers to examine. And, as they say, it'll all come out in the wash.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Keeping My Money, Staying Single on Facebook

AS PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED, I use Facebook to promote this website, and to distribute negative but factual information about Trump and conservatism. Both uses, I believe, have been, to a certain extent, effective. I have never tried to form a friendship with anyone on Facebook, nor to initiate any sort of contact with anyone. Often I comment on other people's posts, usually ones I agree with. My most oft used word on Facebook is "precisely". Also, I do a lot of sharing, mostly what I consider to be beautiful photographs and art; of cats, big and small, scenic vistas, other animals, etc. I really enjoy knowing that I am spreading good material to others. Not long after I joined Facebook seven or eight year ago, my list of "friends" started to grow, and grow fast. Many former students of mine found me, plus a lengthening list of fellow left wingers. People of similar political persuasion rapidly coalesce into groups and "bubbles" online, as is well known in our polarized society. I encourgaged my list of Facebook friends to grow, strongly. My reasoning was and remains that the more people I have on my friends lst, the more effective my twin projects, promoting this website, and spreading bad vibes about Trump, will be. There is evidence that there is a certain amount of truth to this. Possibly because of this I receive a great number of pop up messages on Facebook, which I can divide into two categories: men who want to scam me, and women who want to scam me. Sandra Bullock, as indicated in a previous article, got in touch with me, either Sandra herself or a clever imposter who showed me a very convincing copy of a California driver's license. She, or her imposter, still comes a around, although I suspect that the whole affair might be wearing a bit thin, from both ends. I still say it could go either way; impooster, or the real Sandra, with the odds favoring the imposter. Either way, it will provide good material for a while, and, after all, that's what I came for. Ninety nine percent of all the women who message me out of the blue on Facebook messenger eventually ask me for money, which, for some reason, still amazes me. Perhaps I underestimate the degree to which human females inherently are hard wired to leverage their sexual appeal for material gain and security. I almost wish I had kept track of all the requests for money I have gotten from young attractive women on Facebook. The total would be staggering, maybe in the millions of dollars. I could have bankrupted myself long ago, but can proudly and parsimoniously assert in all honesty that I have never sent anyone money on the internet, and never will. I may be stupid and gullible, but I sure as hell aint that stupid and gullible. When they dont get any money out of me, they lose interest. Oh well, my loss. You hope that all this is not an indication of the moral state of affairs throughout contemporary American society, although you suspect that it might well be. Or the level of desperation, poverty, health, and homelessness. I never in my life would have imagined that so many young, beautiful, American women were starving to death, being evicted from their homes, or dealing with serious illnesses to themselves or loved ones. I joined Facebook with an already negative, cynical attitude about meeting people and finding love on the internet, based on my experiences with AOL and chatrooms a quarter century ago. Those of a certain age might recall this. My coldness and indifference probably show through more than I think. That's probably just as well; I'm still single, but at least my bank account, such as it is, remains intact.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024


THE BATTLE LINES have been drawn, not that both parties have their ticket in place. Kamala Harris made a good choice, even though Minnesota probably would vote for her no matter what, and Pennsylvania might not. Watz brings a good solid unabashedly progressive resume, and a go getting upbeat forceful personality to go with it, the type of intellegence and personality that can whip either of the Republican canddates. In terms of intelligence, quickness on feet, ability to argue, Harris and Watz, quite obviously, have it all over Trump and Vance. Harris and Watz both have dynamic, positive personalities, great personal records of service, and a boatload of great ideas which only need to be presented to the country, and compared with what Trump has to offer, to win over America, and win the election. Trump and Vance never laugh or smile. Trump and Vance are a pair of zombies, spouting prepackaged hatred and venomous lies. They both go off script and burst out with irrelevant insults, crazy conspiracy theories, and blatant lies. Vance got his childless adult cat woman notion in his head, and couldnt let go of it. It made no sense, solves nothing. It gets worse. Evidently, shockingly, J. D. Vance is one of these religious fanatics who actually tries to maintain biblical viewpoint about all things, including the family and marriage. Accordingly, all marriages must be preserved, no matter what. Women must remain in an abusive marriage, no matter how bad the abuse. And, it goes without saying, gay marriage, same sex marriage, is, in the twisted arahaic world of J.D. Vance, an abomination. This, of courrse, is pure insanity, but central to J.D. Vance's way of thinking. Amazing, that such a backwards person could even be considered as a candidate for vice president on a major party ticket. Welcome to American conservatism, and the Rpublican party, 2024 eidtion...Trump's rambling screeds at his rallies are inchoherent, spewing only pure raw anger and hatred, to the delight of his brain numbed sycophants. Trump is pretendng to be thrilled at the addition of Governor Watz; he'll change his mind soon enough, if not publicly. The one single argument which Trump plans to use against the Democrats is apparently that they are extremely liberal, much too liberal, and would therefore destroy the country. The very fact that Trump and the Republicans are choosing this approach clearly demonstrates that they have no effective opposition to provide. They are out of ideas, intelletually and morally bankrupt, thrashing about, looking desperately for a way to win, even as Harris pulls ahead of Trump in the polls, a litte bit more every day, getting a lead she will never relenquish. In truth, it is Trump and the Republicans who offer the extremist, radical agenda. An extremist far right wing conservative regresssive agenda of returning America to a less tolerant, more rigid, less diverse time. Racism is a core value of Donald Trump, a core value of American conservatism, a core value of the current Republican party, and, unfortunately, a traditional core value of America itself, much as we might like to pretend otherwise. By embracing minorities, including the LGBTQ community, the Democratic party has positioned themelves as the antithesis to racism, anti immigrant sentiment, and anti minority ideology. That's why Kamala Harris is the perfect candidate to run against Trump; she opposes perfectly his anti minority racist ideology. Economically, socially, in every possible way, the Trump Republican agenda is taylored for the wealthy white elite, for a Christian nationalist patriarchy, traditional values of a bygone era. "Progressive" means precisely that; progress. Moving away from the repressive social norms of the past, opening up opportunity to all, incluiding ethnic minorities and LGBTQ people. This "Project 2025" insanity, which conservative evangelical America embraces, advocates a strictly enforced heterosexual Christian culture with a government packed with conservative extremists, enforcing their reactionary agenda. When a large majority of the American people actually become aware of the differences in the two parties, the difference between progressive plans for the future and the right wing regression back to the past, the electorate will be shocked and horrified at the possibility of Trump winning, and will reject him strongly, once and for all. Do we fight climate change, or keep burning coal? Do we accept gay people, or lock them up? Do we embrace religious freedom and tolerance, or impose Christianity by law? Basic questions, important qustions, with starkly different answers indeed.