Sunday, July 21, 2024

Whining and Ranting, Falsely, For Democracy, As Only Trump Can

"WHAT THE HELL did I do to democracy? I took a bullet for democracy". Back, once again perched high above his adoring cult, in full facist red cap rally mode, Donald Trump rhetorically whined and ranted in as little as two dishonest sentences, as only Donald Trump can, or would want to. Give him credit for addressing perhpas the msot relevant and serious complaint regularly made against him, that he is not only a danger to democracy, but that he is an attempted destroyer of it. Of the multidudinous legitimate, verifiable complaints that can be convincingly made against the most prolific prevaricator in all American history, if one chooses the most egregious, it is surely that. That he tried to bring democray in America to a permanent end, that he nearly succeeded in doing so, and that he stands well positioned to make another attempt, and, in what can only be described as a potential catastrophe, to succeed. Recall that less than four years ago Trump lost the election to be reelected president, by nearly seven million votes, and that this result was certified at every precinct in America, by Republican poll workers, by Congress, and by the federal court system. The votes were counted three times, under Republican supervision, in every state in which the results were even remotely close, and, according to Republican Trump supporting election workers at the local and state level, he did indeed lose,fair and square, to Joe Biden. He,Trump, and his seventy five million fellow traitors who support him, ignored this reality, as they continued, and continue to this day, to engage in democracy destruction by denying the election results. Each day, Trump and his fellow anti-democracy fascist MAGA gangsters attempt to destroy democracy, and to deny that they are doing it.Trump began his democracy destroying project on election night, by articulating his big election lie, long before the votes were counted. He conceived and orchestrated his plan to destory democracy and overthrow the American government weeks in advance of the election. The post election campaign rally on Jaunuare sixth, 2021, in which Mr. Ear Shot, who has not yet takin off his white sqaare gauze ear banage, which he wears for dramatic effect, encouraged members of the audience to come to the rally well armed because nobody wanted to hurt him. His consequent incitement of the assembled mob to attack the Captiol and violently overthrow the American government was also pre planned, weeks in advance. The plan nearly succeded. If there is justice in the universe and moral and intellectual character in the American people, and Trump loses the election this Novemeber, there can be little or no doubt that he will, with the enthusiastic assistance of his criminal gang of political supporters, largely evangelical Christians, try somethng similar again. If America chooses fascism, and turns its back on democracy by electing Trump, he will damage or completely destroy democracy more directly, with the assistance of the Supreme Court, a Republican Congress, and the tens of millions of democracy hatng fascists who will have enabled it. One way or another, Donald Trump is not done damaging and destroying democracy. Win or lose, he will continue his daily effort to destroy the foundtaion of American freedom. And seventy five million accessories to crime will continue to help him. The good news is, true patriotic Americans know exactly how to stop him and them.

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