Saturday, July 27, 2024

Trump, Not Being Nice

IMMEDIATELY AFTER HAVNG HIS RIGHT EAR PIERCED,(guys usually do the left ear) Donald J Trump decided that it was time to unite America, to heal the huge chasm of our national great divide with a gigantic square national piece of verbal white gauze. That lasted about two sentences into his hastily rewritten screed to the ReTrumplican National Gangvention. He wants to be fuhrer for all of America, not half of America. Not a bad line, altogether, for half an ear and half a brain. Trump the Nice lasted no longer than it required to spew it. During his last pep rally with the gauze on, (or was it the first without it on?), the kid glove gauze came off, and he told the assembled snarling MAGA gangsters that he could not afford to be nice, and was going to stop being so, not that he ever truly started. Duly notified, the mob roared its approval, predictably. These are not nice people. No sooner said than done, in perfect timing with the advent of Kamala Harris, Trump reverted to form, his only true from, that of incoherent inchoate attack dog, lies, filth, attacks, and insults in full cascade. This, although he had no idea precisely whom to attack. Republican leadership had made it plain that slinging gender and race based insults at Kamala Harris would take them nowhere. They don't have Joe Biden to kick around anymore. Five'll get you ten that Don the Con won't be able to resist slinging the "N word". He's done it all his long demented life, as a confirmed racist. On to a Christian fascist (an elite class which denigrates outsiders as "enemies") congregation in Florida, goes Trump, the Christ of conservative American evangelicalism. He tells then that "Kamala Harris was a bum three weeks ago, A bum". The good Christian crowd of saved fascists does not seem to disapprove. "She does not like Jewish people" bleats the prevaricating criminal. Again, no disapproval from the racist evangelical mob. Not mentioned is that the Vice President and future president has been married to a Jewish man for ten years. They must vote this time, for him, he yells, and it will be the last time they ever need to vote for their fellow Christian. Dictators needn't run for reelction, you see. He will have fixed everything. What he has "fixed" thus far is the Supreme Court, fixed it good by packing it with corrupt far right wing pseudo justices, fixig it in perfet criminal corruption, it now being the perfect antithesis of the constutution it so sanctimoniously, falsely claims to read exactly as its authors did. Thus, the president is now above the law, a king, immune to prosecution. Because of a corrupt young federal judge who looks like a cheerleader coach appointed by Trump for her corruption, it is now illegal for a special prosecuter to charge a president with a crime when the president steals, hoards, conceals from, and refuses to return thousands of highly classified doecuments to the government. Trump has committed crimes for which the death penalty is appropriate, but will now, quite possibly, never be held accountable for them. Trump has almost single handedly orchestrated a situation in which not only is he likely to be elected president after having attemptd to overthrow the govenrment, but can become president with full immunity from prosecution for his past crimes, and his future crimes. One can scarcely imagine what future crimes he will commit if and when he is indeed elected. The incredible damage he has done to this country and to democracy he has done with the full approval and support of nearly half the American people. Assuming we soon live under tyray, we can take cold comfort in knowng that, like Hitler's tyranny, it, Trump's tyranny, was a tyranny of the minority.

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