Monday, July 29, 2024

Trump Attacking, Attacking Trump

DONALD TRUMP is on the attack, as expected. With each passing day, as the election approaches and he becomes more desperate as he falls behind Kamala Harris in the polls and his poltical career and fame approach their end, he can be expected to attack with greater and greater vigor and rancor. Still more than three months until the election, and in front of God and country, Trump called Kmala Harris "a bum". She may be many things, not all good, but a "bum" she is most certainly not. More properly, she was, according to Trump, a bum until three weeks ago. A former bum. Precisely how she managed to transform herself into something more than a mere bum, only a mind as deranged as that of Trump could possibly discern. This particular insult seems, to any decent person, gratuitous, absurd, and innapropriate. So goes Trump. One can only wonder how much lower he will descend in his future insults. We shall soon see. Other recent insulting lies issued by Trump are that she is an extremist radical liberal who will destroy the United states, as if that were within the capabilites of a single person. The thought comes to mind that Kamala Harris is qite well equipped to respond effectively to whatever lies and insults Trump chooses to hurl at her. Indeed, Trump is not only the exact sort of person Harris is accustomed to dealing with effetively in terms of articulating facts and accusations against, but also, the exact type of person she is well experienced in causing to be incarcerated, by using provable facts, in front of a judge and jury. She said it herelf; she knows Donald Trump's type. And this is preciesely the point. Haris must fight back, must attack Trump. The good news is that she has ample opportunity to do this. In fact,nothing could possibly be easier. She need only artiulate facts to effectively attack Trump, and needn't resort to lies or insults. Facts will suffice, as no gratuitous lie or insult ever could. This is exactly the technique I advise all who oppose and despise Trump to employ; merely articulate facts. When I see people talking about Trump's hair, or weight, or manner of dress, I cringe. This is gratuitous, trivial, insignificant. Here ar the seminal facts about Trump which, when simply enumerated, present such an honest but harmful and damaging portrayal of Trump that anyone who supports him or is considering supporting him must take pause, and reconsider. Trump was elected president with the assistance of a massive disinformation campaign on the internet by Russian operatives, whose help he happily accepted. An extenive investigation by a former FBI Chief clearly proved this, and the Russian operatives themslves confirmed it, and promised to do the same again. Donald Trump, while president, attempted to blackmail the presidnt of Ukraine, for harmful information against Joe Biden, a crime for which he was impeached. He tried to violently overthrow the American government, after falsely claiming that he had won an election that he in fact lost. He stole, concealed, and refused to return thousands of classifed documents from the American government. He tampered with the same election which he tried to subvert and steal, by trying to bully the Georgia Attorney General into fabricating votes for him. And these facts are only the "tip of the iccberg" of the long list of crimes commmitted by Trump. Donald Trump should have been tried, convicted, and incarcerated long ago, and arguably, should be facing the death penalty. He has already been convicted of thirty four felonies, and more than one civil charge of sexual misabehavior. These are facts, not opinions, lies, or insults. They may or may not be sufficient to defeat Trump in the forthcoming presidential election. It is amazing, considering all this, that he is even being allowed to run for president. That says more, much more, about the society which already elected him once, than any set of facts could ever say about him.

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