Saturday, July 13, 2024

Trump, Ranting, Raving, Much Adoing About Nothing

DURING ONE OF HIS RECENT RANTING, raving rallies, Donald Trump laid out his basic agenda in simple, easy to understand terms. He would, he said, if elected, support the second amendment, protect the unborn, and fight to bring freedom of speech back to America. There you have it.Donald J.Trump's presidential campaign platform. Easy as pie, so to speak. Who could possibly argue against it? Makes you want to run right out, cast an early ballot, and help elect a man who just recently was convicted of thirty four felonies, should be convicted, if justice prevails, of many more in the near future, tried not long ago to violently overthrow the American government, stated more than thirty thousand proven lies while president, and has been identified by thousands of psychologists as a pathological narcissist, and criminally insane. However, he has the right values, liberty, freedom, honor, and truth. The American way. Guns, babies, and unlimited blather. Upon cursory examination, it all sounds great. A little more reflection allows us to understand a bit more; that, in all truth, the second amendment does not require special support or assistance, or defense. It is alive and doing quite well, thank you. There are more guns in America in private hands than there are Americans. Thousands of people own automatic assault weapons, AR15s, AK47s, the whole gamut. Since 2008 the second amendment has been interpreted by the Supreme Court to mean all weapons for all people, anytime, with only a bare minimum of regulation, and only proven mentally ill people and convicted violent criminals prohibited from gun ownership. The very mention of additional gun regulation and control is sufficient to arouse a significant portion of the American people to pitch a fit, and to nearly rise up, take to the streets, and start spraying bullets at any and all liberal commie gun control freaks.. No, the second amendment is alive, well, and under no immediate or foreseeable threat. Similarly, The unborn seem to be enjoying enhanced protection these days as well. Roe versus Wade is dead on arrival. State after conservative state is passing legislation criminalizing a woman's right to choose, her right to control her own body. Certainly, many abortions still occur. They always will, one way or another, legal or otherwise. Most abortions in America, an overwhelming perentage of them, take place very early in pregnancy, and for very good reasons, as determined by the woman and her doctor. God himself does not seem to object, or if so, is doing nothing about his objections. Free will? Isn't that God's choice too? As for free speech, it is, arguably, freer than its ever been. All across America's fruited plain, American citizens, unconstrained by any government control, speak their minds, forcefully, freely. The only limit seems to be the limitations of the minds doing the speaking, which, it must be acknowledged, are often rather extreme. Ture, the current media environment is alarming; corporate media fills the air waves with generic, vacuous, fatuous drivel, just as American culture, we the American people, demand, accept, and enjoy. We the people of these disunited states determine our own speech, and we, by the consumer choices we make, make the media what it is, for better or for worse. These days, its for worse. It is up to us, not Donald Trump, to change and improve it. Whatever might be weak, wrong,,or inadeqaute about the strength of the second amendment,the proctecting of unborn babies, or our sacred American freedom of speech is far outweighed by the strengths inherent in their institutionalized states of being, firmly, deeply ensconced within American hearts, minds, culture, and law. Donald Trump can relax, straighten his iconic red ball cap, and rant and rave about other matters, perhaps George Washington's capture of airports, his own stable genius, or the problem of dark skinned immigrants from shit hole countries. His choice. His cult followers are ready to listen, as always, while foaming at the mouth and screaming their love of their Christ-like fuhrer. Guns, anti-abortion activism, and free outlandish speech aint going nowhere, and neither is Donald J.Trump, to the detriment of all lovers of sanity and simple common sense.

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