Monday, July 15, 2024

Trump, Fighting, As Are We

THE SCENE HAS GONE VIRAL, as it should. Donald Trump, right ear oozing blood, exiting stage left, shaking his fist at either the whole world or his failed, distant roof top murderer, shouting the word "fight! Fight! fight!". A brief helicopter ride to the limo, and off to the Retrumplican party coronation rally, insurrection central. We'll never know nor hear the speech the hate spewer-in-chief would have delivered. He tore it to shreds, and nobody saw fit to pick up the pieces,and piece it back together, for inclusion on the hatemonger hall of shame. It would doubtles have been a doozy, filled with invective and vitriole, accusations of left wing conspiracies to make America a multi colored morass of liberal decadence. We'll never know, probably to our benefit and reief. Instead, enter the momentarily subdued, chastised Trump, cooing national unity, love, peace,and toned down rhetoric. The awarneness of how close he came to buying it freshly imprinted on his pathology of a mental state. The new and improved peace loving conciliatory Trump will last about, what, ten minutes? Just long enough to annoint the hate-spweing Senator Vance his VP spearthrowing bulldog. Vance, who has already, along with such ReTrumplican luminariou as Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Bobert, fellow pathologies, accused President Biden of ordering Trump the orange Christ to be knocked off. Now that we've all shaken hands and vowed to strive endlessly for national unity and virtue, we are on our way back to our corners, ready to resume the eternal great American fight. Democracy versus fascism, as always. We who value Benjamin Frnaklin's if you can keep it Republic had damned well be ready to resume the war, because Trump, immediately after the fascist gathering together in Milwaukee, will. His ear will have healed sufficiently to take off the gauze and the kid gloves, and once again, as per his immutable nature, the usual lies, whines, threats, and malarky will come spewing out of the puckered orange embedded mouth of Don the Con. Trump is aligned with formidable forces. Seventy five million American traitors willing to trade honor and reality for their cherished delusion of a persecution complex, a fantasy world in which Trump got reelected, lost the presidency to grand theft Democrats, and fought to the death for justice and righteousness on the steps and in the corridors of the United States Capitol building. Trump has rigged the judicial system, having appointed an incompetant criminal who looks like a cheerleader coach to a seat in the federal circuit court system, who dutifully, as instructed, ruled that it was unconstitutional for anyone to have the audacity to accuse Trump of stealing thousands of highly classifed documents and hoarding them at home in dining halls and restrooms, where, for he record, said documents were found, potographed, and removed by that enemy of Trump and all other American perfidy, the FBI. We the moral and political opponents of the orange furher have only the facts with which to fight. Election assitance from Russia. Blackmailing Ukraine. Election tampering. Financial fraud, thirty four counts, convicted on all. Violent insurrection, to name but a few. We who prefer democracy over fascism have a daunting task ahead, but to whatever extent the war to end all things Trump will be fought with facts, we come, demonstrably, quite well armed.

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