Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Toning It Down

MUCH ADO has been made of late, in the wake of the attempt on Donald Trump's newly pierced ear, of the level of vituperation, vitriole, and plain old hatred all across America's fruited plain in words, and in deeds. Our heavily divided country is shouting at itself, each other, hurling insults, obscenities, false claims, and nonsense, in abject anger. Poltical violence has been on the rise, although not drastically yet, but, ominously potentially, as of lurking in the shadows, ready to strike. The Capitol insurrection was an good example, a harbinger, a warning. Now, with Trump well bandaged, his ear well adorned and dapper Don, we have spent a few days urging conciliation, love, peace, harmony, and a toning down of the tough talk, a lowering of the heated temmperature. Okay, fine, whatever. Our sudden nobility of soul and moral character will wear thin and wear off all too soon; in these disunited states, it always does. Internicene animosity is as much a part of America, as much a core American value, as violence itself, as racism, as vainty, patriarchy, econonic, and social inequality, and apple pie. Don't merely consider the Civil War. Consider the election of 1800. Adam's people in the newspapers called Jefferson an athiest and an adulterer, which indeed he was both, Jefferson hired a scandal sheet publisher, John Calender, to dig up dirt on Adams, which he did, dutifully. In America, verbal and physical violence, as the Rolling Stones might say "it aint the latest thane". Who's fault is it? Whence, from which side of the political spectrum, deriveth it? Now for some facts. Verbal and political violence in America oft derives from crusades and causes, which are at the root of political disputes and differences. Over the past several decades, the left wing has protested, often violently, against the Viet Nam War, racial inequality, economic and social inequality, and LGBTQ and women's lack of equality, especially women's reproductive and bodily autonomy. The Black Panthers, Students For a Democratic Society, Black Lives Matter, Gay Pride, and on and on. Peaceful protests sometimes come with violent words and deeds. On the right, protests, and violent words and deeds, have centered around opposition to civil rights, opposition to gay rights. White supremacy and Christian nationalism are movements of the right wing. Angry rhetoric has been and remains part and percel thereof. For my money, protesting the Viet Nam War was a good thing. It was virtuous protesting. Its opponents, arguing that patriotism demanded support of American imperialism, have been proven wrong by history. For my money, protesting and talking ugly while advocating racial equality is a good thing, virtuous, minus the ugly talk. The Gay rights movement, tough talk or no tough talk,for my money, is a just and noble cause. Opposition to gay rights, opposition to civil rights, opposition to women's equality and reproductive autonomy, for my money, is wrong headed. White supremacy and Christian nationalism? You can have it, and I will even tell you where to put it. Take a look at the scoreboard. Do the math. Left wing progressive causes win by a landslide, by several touchdowns. We still dont have racial, gay, and women's equality. We still need it. We do have plenty of Christian nationalism, racism, and gender inequality. The right is still ahead, but barely, and the left is gaining, closing the gap, fast. For my money, the left is right, and the right is wrong, dead wrong.

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