Wednesday, July 10, 2024

What Should Not Be, Being

PERSUASIVELY ARGUABLY, religion of any sort should not exist on Earth anywhere in our science fiction year of twenty twenty four. It should have been abandoned,as modern science over the past few centuries has steadily, inexorably revealed its paradigmical inadequacies. Religion describes a universe which has been disproven, and does not exist. Humans should have invented new, updated religions, or abandoned religion altogether,closely coupled with the amazing revelations of modern science. And yet, in places like Louisiana and Oklahoma, Christian Nationalism keeps rearing its anachronistic head. Other places on Earth are even more immersed in outdated thinking, but are not of concern here. The Ten Commandments are as outdated as the religion which invented them. Christian Nationalism, a toxic combination of bad history and bad theology, has managed to install them upon the walls of public schools - for the time being. Will the Bible be taught in Oklahoma public schools as if it is the inerrant truth of Almighty God? If so, human society may be doomed to imminent extinction, by idiocy, combined with climate change. In his seminal monograph, "The Kingdom, The Power; and the Glory", journalist Tim Alberta provides an excellent overview of this bizarre phenonenon. The book was reviewed on this website several weeks ago. To substantiate their demonstrably false beliefs, Christian Nationalists indulge themselves in a fantasy world of their own invention similar to that which political supporters of Donald Trump invent as a false reality to justify their embrace of a harmful, malignant political agenda. Accordingly, the United States was founded as a "Christian" nation, upon "Christian values", and would have remained forever a shining Christian nation of a Zionistic hill, but for an evil invasion and take over of American culture by secular humanist progressive liberals. The relaity that the Untied States was in fact founded by intellectually revolutionary intellectuals who ardently sought to esatablish a secular repressentative democracy devoid of all religious influence on matters of state is ignored by the radical revisionist Christian zealots. The bad theology is evidenced by the stated willingness of the Christian Nationalist movement to implement their absurd agenda by any means necessary, including violence, in the name of their remade, masculine Christ. The Christ of the Biblical gospels is pacifistic, and admonishes his followers to submit to secular state power, another fact conveniently ignored by those who seek to establish their primitive religious beliefs formally by making them the official doctrine of the United States. The salvation from this lunacy is the fact that less than twenty five percent of the American people embrace it, and that number is not growing, even as the voice of the movment becomes louder in the era of Trump. Trump is their empty vessel, into whom they can pour at will their toxic poisonous agenda. Institutions and individuals on the verge of death often lash out in one final gasp of violent self expression. This can arguably be postulated as what is happening now with regard to the Christian religion, as the perccentage of Americans who describe themseves as "Christian" approaches and sinks below fifty percent. The beast is terminally ill, injured beyond recovery, and will inevitably die, but not before it thrashes about and screams in desperation before sinking forever beneath the soil, into its eternal grave.

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