Sunday, July 21, 2024

Biden, Withdrawing, Nobly, Trump, Facing Doom

PRESIDENT BIDEN'S DECISION to withdraw from the prsidential race was surprising, and yet, not surprising. Most people are taking the latter appraoch, that, hell, they knoew it all along, knoew that he would drop out. Of course, most people are, as we say, full of it. I was and am quite surprised simply because he was so adamant for so long that he would indeed not drop out, despite all the admonitions that he should. Surprised, but glad. It will be regarded as a supreme act of selfless nobility and generosity. Few indeed are the instances when a person in a position of great political power willingly,voluntarily relenquishes that power. Over time,in historical retrospectve, As the years proceed, and historians gain perspective, Biden's political career will come to be regarded as among the most amazing and distinguished in American history. Six terms in the United States Senate, promulgating important legislation. Two terms as Vice President. One term as president. A career of epoch proportions. His presumed replacement is Vice President Kamala Harris. She is also the perfect candidate. Youthful, vigorous, unafraid,intelligent, unintimidated. Attractive, physically, mentally, her personality. Her background as a prosecuting attorney, state Attorney General, United States Senator, and Vice President is the perfect combination of experience, the perfect balance,of job expperience on her resume. Tough on crime, within the system of justice, utilizing her respected law degree to incarcerate criminals. Executive leadership on the state level,the biggest state in the union. Legislatve experience in the U.S, Senate. Executive leadershp on a national level as Vice President. Female, Asian American, African American. Kamala Harris has it all, ethnicity wise, experience wise, personal characteristic wise. Her political ideology, her policy positions are a perfect reflection of the preferences of a majority of Americans. Pro women's reproductive autonomy. Progressive economic positions, not radical, not far left, but well within the acceptable range of American preferences. Overall, her political ideology must be described as left center, exactly where a substantial part of the American electorate resides. Her ability to argue logically, persuaviely in front of a discerning audience render hers a formidable debate opponent against Donald Trump, who, with his blathering overbearing style, will not stand a chance against her on the debate stage. Let's see how we the American people react when Trump tries to bully her in front of the entire nation. Not only wil she stand up to it, and end up using words to beat Trump to an intellectual pulp, the audience will react with horor and revulsion when Trump, with uncontrollable anger and desperation, hurls insults at her, what a nasty women, and so forth. Hillary clinton did not evoke much wympathy when Trump browbeat her with loudness, lies and insulting nonsense; Kamala Harris will not only reposte with lightening quick jabs and retorts, whe will have the audience behind her, since she has none of the baggage, none of the negatives, attached, unfairly, falsely, to Hillary Clinton. Unlike the compromised, impaired biden, Kamala will have a headful of ready facts at her disposal, and will ably remind the nation of Donald Trump's long history of criminality and gross immorality. President Biden has just now brought to an end of Donald Trump's political career, which will flame out in ingnominious defeat. Kamala Harris will attract millions of womenan and people of color to the ballot box, and bring along with her victories in both houses of Congress. The Maga movement is on its last legs, and will soon expire with the whimpering death rattle appropriate to a fascist movement in the land of liberty. May it forever rot.

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