Saturday, July 13, 2024

Bringing To Power the New Hitler

MY PREDTCTION, which is worth no more or les than anyone's, is that Biden will indeed be the candidate, will run, will win, and will begin his second term. Whether he survives it is less certain. Should he die in office, the United Stats will have its first female president, and second president "of color" as we say. Should Trump win, the country will be confronted with an entirely different set of possibilities and difficulties, as the Biden-Trump generation clings to political power,and refuses to "pass the torch" to a new generation, while the torch flickers and fades preariously, weakly, and more than one generation of would have been future leaders of America fade away, politically unemployed, unappreciated. The vast and very real right wing conspiracy has placed three Trump supporters on the U.S.Supreme Court, who have dutifully laid the groundwork and paved the way for a criminal wth dozens of felony convictions, and deserving of dozens more, to become president, and to enjoy absolute immunity from prosecution for dozens of crimes already committed, dozens already having been convicted of, and a potentially infinite number yet to be committed. These United States could easily elect a president who failed in his previous bid for reelction, falsely claimed that the election wass stolen from him, then organized, orchestrated,and implemented a detailed plan to overthrow the American government and regain the presidency through a violent insurrection. The United States could have a president who stole thousands of top secret classified documents from the government, refused to surrender them, and may have personally profited by selling tham to America's enemies, especially Russia. The entire judicial system, stacked with extremist right wing judges appointed by Trump, seems poised to render precisely the decisions necessary to again elevate Trump to the presidency, and to exonerate him, by judicial action, from any responsibility for his massive criminality, before, during, and after his previous presidency. Much of this has alreay occurred. The Supreme Court has affirmed what we already knew, for all practical purposes, to be true. There are indeed Amerians who are above the law, who can do whatever they please without fear of retribution or consequences of any kind from the American system of justice. I do not mean the very wealthy and powerful generally. I mean the president of these United States, now formally and officially immune from any and all acts of legal misbehavior committed while in office and in the conduct of his or her official capacity, doing the duties of the president, as enumerated by the constitution. Those duties, by the way, are now gradually being defined to incllude anything the president does while in office. All this is diametrically opposed to the constitution and the intent of its founders. The American conservative community, the Republican party, the Trump movement, and Trump himself, are turning America into a fascist de facto dictatorship, for the purpsoe of instituting their right wing extremist political agenda, because they cannot accomplish this democratically, in a country where a large majjority of voters depsie their agenda. This entire process is remarkably similar to that by which the NAZIs achieved their ends in Germany in the nineteen thirties. Conservative America, especially conservative evangelical Christian America, is the base of support. The Republican party is the analogy to the NAZI party, and Donald Trump is the new Hitler. Whether the new Hitler gains the opportunity to actualizes his fascist intentions remains to be seen, and to be determined by us the people.

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