Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Improving the World, With, Or Without Trump

AT THE SENIOR CENTER, the old farmer, who used to hate me and love Trump, approached me, and said "We almost got the sunofabitch." I agreed, then went on to explain what I explain to everybody. "His survival prevented the Republicans from selecting as their candidate a sane, intelligent person who is not criminally insane and pure evil, and who does not babble incoherently, while spewing threats and an endless avalanche of outrageous lies". True enough, but, in point of fact, the world would be a better place had the bullet entered Trump's head, would be a better place had he not entered politics, would have been a better place had he not been born. The same is true of Hitler. Much has been speculated as to how the world would have been a better place had Hitler not been born, or been murdered when young, long before Stauffenberg's failed attempt in 1944. Its hard to look at in any other way, unless you embrace the thought that there would have been another Hitler, or another Trump, no matter what. Anyone who thinks the world was better bacause of Hitler supports the holocaust, and likes World War Two. Anyone who thinks that Trump has improved the world embraces Trump's big election lie, and thinks the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, was a postive event in American history. Fine. Feel free. Go for it. Knock yourself out. I prefer that Trump survived, and exists, instead of improving the world by getting rid of him. We now have the opportunity of ridding ourselves of him, and his malignant agenda and cult following, honorably. Then too, there are a trillion ways of improving the world, Trump, or no Trump. Hitler was a far right wing extremist populist. So is Trump. Hitler was elected in 1933, Trump was elected in 2016. In the nineteen thirties, throughout Europe, right wing populism spread. In recent years, right wing extremist authoritarian populism has spread throughout the world. Putin, Netanyahu. Modi in India. In Bulgaria. In Argentina. But there is resistance. Just the other day it was rejected and defeated in Britain and France. We seem to have learned our lessons from history. Now, the word "fascism" is a dirty word, and comparisons of anybody to Hitler is an egregious insult. But we have apparently not learned our lessons quite well enough, or have begun to forget them. The recent upsurge in right wing populism is remdindful of the Hitler era, despite the new resistance to it. In America, Trump, once defeated, is back on the rise. Comparisons between Hitler and Trump are not unfair, not fabricated, are in fact quite reasonable, quite accurate, quite appropriate. Right wing authoritarian populism occurs when a large segment of the population gives up on democracy, because its malignant right wing agenda is not supported by a majority. Desperate, they turn to an authoritarian strongman. Trump is that Strongman. The agenda of the Republican (Retrumplican) party is xenophobic, anti-immigrant, racist, anti women's rights, pro neo-liberal economics sanctioned by state power and corporate power. Hitlerian, to the bone. Even now the current version of the fascist party in America is convening, chanting, screaming, venerating its iconic Hitlerian authoritarian figure, Donald Trump, to whom they would willingly give almost unlimited power if elected to the presidency. America is on the verge of electing its version of Hitler. If elected,Trump will never have to run for election again to remain in power.

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