Monday, July 22, 2024

Trolling Biden Harris, Desperately

NOW THAT PRESIDENT BIDEN has announced the impending end to his political career, Republican politicians, like true reprobates, instead of congratualing him like civilized people, are piling on, attacking him in ways even more reprehensible and ludicrous than usual. The Speaker of the House, who claims to have read the bible and makes it clear that he gets knowledge and widsom from no other book, called on Biden to resign the presidency, immediately. The govern-ass of Arknansas, who like most Republicans is a traitorous insurrectionist Trump supporter, did likewise. "If he isn't fit to run again, he isn't fit to serve", bleated she, as if retiring is a deadly disease, rather than a well earned respite from the hard work of a long and productive life. Reduced to desperation by being tied to a convicted criminal presidential candidate, confronted with the daunting prospect of trying to defeat a younger, intelligent, ready to rumble Kamala Harris, Republicans have signaled their strategy going forward; attack Biden's record, falsely, mercilessly, with lies and dstortions, and try to convince the Amercan people that a Kamala Harris administration would be more of the same. More of the same, in fact is exactly what we the American people need; the Biden administration was and remains a brilliant littany of successes, and reversals of failed, disastrous Trump era policies. Future historians, who will ably place both Biden and Trump in proper context, will eventually conclude that Donald Trump was by far the worst president in American history, and that Joe Biden was among the best. Obviously whoever the nest president is, and it will probably be Kamala harris,he or she will be different from Biden, not more of the same. But Harris or anyone would be well advised to emulate as closely as possible the Biden agenda and poliies, both foreign and domestic, and to use the Trump debacle as the perfect example of what not to do. Trump, by denying the severity of and by his mismagagement of the Covid epidemic, brought about the needless deaths of more than a million Americans. No masks, no social distancing, no vaccines. Hydroxychloraquine. Remember? It is no exaggeration to say that Donald Trump and his MAGA minions, by doing th exact oposite of what was needed to contain the Covid virus, facilitated its spread, causing the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. Dr. Anthonoy Fauci, without political bias of any sort, would attest to this, and has. For that alone there is or should be a special place in hell awaiting them. Economically, these disastrous policies crippled the economy and resulted in the historically high levels of inflation, by crashing the supply system while demand remained steady. Otherwise, The Trump administration turned its back on long standing American alliances, ruined relationships with key global partners, and encouraged climate change by denying its very existence. Climate change is the single greatest threat to American national security, acccording to the Department of Defense. Trump encouraged climate change. Donald Trump, and his MAGA Republican enablers and supporters, are the single greatest threat to America's future, not only because they tried to steal the presidency from Biden and to overthrow the American government by a violent insurrections, and would gladly do the same again, but becauseevery policy they espouse in their party platfrom is inimicle to the best interests for the American people. The best remedy to the party of traitors and criminals is to elect a Democrat to replace Joe Biden. The best, most obvious choice is Kamala Harris.

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