Wednesday, July 3, 2024

SCOTUS, Going Fascist

FOR ALL APPEARANCES, the United States Supreme Court, as well as the entire federal judiciary, is bending over ass backwards in its desperate attempt to get and keep a certain former United States criminal president out of hot water. The circuit courts, by finding one excuse after another to postpone due process and interminably delay proceedings in the nation versus Donald J.Trump until such time as the former scoundral-in-chief either gets, horror of horrors, reelected, or, the lord blesses us with his death by natural causes, the nominal republic becomes a fascist dictatorship, or, as a last resort, hell freezes over. Of the above alternatives, the one involving the U.S. of A. devolving into a fascist dictatorship seems far and away the most likley, particularly considering SCOTUS's latest fantastical, science fictiony, deluded ruling from the bench from hell. The ruling, as by now everyone not living on Mars knows, is that the president of the United States, any president of the United states, past, present, or future, enjoys absolute, unconditional immunity from criminal prosecution for any and all alleged crimes committed during the performance of his or her constitutional duties as president. In other words, the king, newly crowned, can do no wrong. England's King Charles I must be turning over in his grave in his zeal to sip celebratory champagne, albeit without his head, which he lost in 1649, for proclaiming precisely that doctrine, which was unacceptable then, but back in high fashion as of now. The question of the hour, and the century, becomes; precisely what are considered to be the president's official duties of office? Everything he or she does while in office, it almost seems. The constitution evidently provides a good place to start finding the answer, but, apparently, not the only or final place. It turns out that everything Richard Nixon did criminally while in office, including wire tapping, gang of thugs assembling, organizing, and instructing, breaking into the DNC national headquarters, and the infamous cover up of said activities, he might have been spared legal exposure from, if only he had waited until today to do it all. Nixon, off scott free, sans Ford's infamous pardon. Go figure, as they say. It may even be that Donald Trump won't be put on trial for anything, no matter what, ever again, and that his thirty four current felony convictions will be reviewed and overturned, being as how some of the hush money checks he wrote to Stormi Daniels were written while Trump was sitting on his fat orange ass in the Oval Office. Paying off a porn star thus becomes an offical act of the president of the USA. A right wing extremist legal expert assures us that not only is presidential immunity from criminal prosecution inherent in the constitution, somewhere, and that thus the constitution does not after all, enshrine any such nonsense as "nobody is above the law", but that, much to our relief, should the president, any president, order Seal Team Six to knock off a political rival, he would indeed not be immune to charges of murder. Oh, what a relief it is! In reality, a realm which seems unfamiliar to no fewer than six of the current Supreme Court members, there is nothing in the constitution protecting the president against prosecution for criminal acts, official or unoffical, and nothing which elevates the chief executive to the status of authoritarian dictator, which is precisely what conservative ideologues,especially those sitting on the nation's highest court, aim to do. They have abandoned democracy. But,all is not lost. After all, all else failing, and all else indeed seems to have officially failed, we the people of these United dictatorial States have left one last recousre; we can still, through our duly elected House of Representatives, bring impeachment articles against, vote in the affirmative for them, put on Senatorial trial, try and convict in the Senate, by a two thirds majority, and remove the Nixonian Trumpian son of a bitch from executive office. Breathe a sigh of relief.

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