Monday, July 22, 2024

Interesting Facts

AND NOW FOR SOME INTERESTING FACTS: The universe is a fact,a seeminly infinte collection of facts, units of matter and energy constantly in flux, forming and reforming in an amazing array of infinite designs, almsot as if by deliberate intelligent design, or random chance, or both. The result is an endlessly wondrous, miraculous assembly of facts for humans and other species of life to wonder at, revere, and adore. AS Emerson said: "If the stars should appear but one in a thousand years, how would man believe, and adore, and preservie for many generations the remembrance of the city of God"? Thank heavens our little planet Earth orbits but a single star, corrrect? Well said, Ralph Waldo. Another interesting fact: Minute particles of matter can and do communicate with similar particles of matter on the other side of the universe, a fact confirmed of modern physics. Einstein called this amazing fact "spooky action at a distance",with his usual flair for creative scientific terminology. Matter and energy are neither created nor destroyed, at least since the original creation of the universe, it merely changes shape and form. Our human bodies consist of trillions of atoms of matter, and trillions of units of energy. There is a reel real chance, a very high degree of probability, that at this very moment your body contains at least one atom, one particle of matter, that also existed in the body of Julius Caesar, or Jesus, Or Napoleon, or Alexander the Great..and so on. Every atom comprising your body will, after your death, be recirculated in the Earth, and will one day end up in the body of someone else, perhaps another Julius Caesar, although we might hope not. Every molecule of water in your body was quite likely drunk, processed, and passed in dinosaur urine. As Carl Sagan famously said, we are star stuff", because all the matter which makes up the sun, the planets, the entire solar system, and all life on Earth, was forged in the center of stars, billions of years ago. Indeed, we are star stuff. We are also dinosaur piss. Another interesting fact, a bit less profound and slightly more troubling, is that no matter where you are, no matter where you are located on land, you are within ten feet of a rat, probably the famous, ubiquitous Norwegian rat. Whetehr this is an average, or a stark literal fact, remains uncertain. Quite likely it is in most cases a hard, literal fact, and in some cases, an average. This fact may also exclude the oceans, and other large bodies of water, although it may not. When one is aboard a large ocean going vessel, rats undoubtedly lurk below deck, especially on our huge modern cruise ships, loaded with food and hot human bodies. Rats follow humans and human food, and live, laregly unseen, in complete concert with homo sapien sapiens, especially in cities,both large and small. When one is kayaking down a roaring Rocky Mountain river, it is hard to imagine any rats being within ten feet of us, altough, as they say, you never know, anything is possible. Perhpas beneath the Rocky Mountain River bed, lurk dens of underground Norwegian rats, deeply dug in, as rats tend to be, beneath the surface of the Earth. Fascinating, interesting facts indeed. Lettuce snot be alarmed by them, but rather, inspired, inspired by our connection to everything else, of everything to everything else, and the complete impossibility of our ever being truly alone, even for a cosmic moment. After all, within minutes afer you emerge from the most assiduously cleansing refreshing shower, your gorgeous hot body is covered, inside and out, by billions of microorganisms, teeming, reproducing, crawling all over your lovely, glistening naked body, inside and out. Be comforted, you are never alone.

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