Thursday, July 11, 2024

Biden, Complicating Matters

THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION, if the rumor is not fake news, begins Monday. What can it possibly be, other than a celebration of Donald Trump's criminality, coupled with the presentation of an agenda no sane person could possibly approve of or endorse? They have now settled on the idea of letting all fifty states determine their own abortion laws, which, though quite dubious might well be the most intelligent plank in the rotten Republican platform. State by state, in every state, if we the Ameerican people are permitted to vote on it, Roe v.Wade would be reinstituted. Problem is, we the people will not be allowed to vote on it in most "red" states, unless petitions demanding the right to a citizen referendum containing billions of signatures are forced down the throats of extremist right wing state legislatures all across America's fruited plain. No matter, they would be thrown out anyway, disqualified on the grounds of some minor, fabricated technicality, as just happened in the great reprobate state of Arkansas. Republican state legislatures are not going to allow voters to get anywhere near the abortion issue, because they know what happened in Kansas and Ohio, when they did. Two conservative Republican states, where the voters voted, legalized a woman's right to determine her own bodily fate. Oh,horror. May the fond memory of Roe v. Wade forever haunt America's conservatives, and may the Democrats come to power, and return Roe to power. Fifty abortion decisions by fifty nifty states would result in a patchwork of abortion laws, some allowing it, most prohibiting it, thanks to evangelical Christian legislatures of the benighted kind. Otherwise, Project 2025,disguised and repackaged, will constitute the bulk of the Republican party platform, eliminating all federal regulatory authority for protecing the environment and addressing cliamte change (the "deeep state"),reducing or eliminating social welfare progrmans,including the gutting of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Also, the elimination of all government assistance for the poor and homeless. The evangelical Christian G.O.P. Christ, in the devil's garb. America first and only, turning its back on NATO and globally engaged diplomacy, abandoning Ukraine, sucking up to Putin. The Republican party of 2024, fascist Trumpist edition. As for the Democrats, they need to hurridly decide between Biden, who may or may not be able to deafeat Trump, and Kamala Haris, who could and most likely would, with tens of millions of women on board. Biden sould have promised to be a one term president four years ago, but got the impression that only he, of all people, could possibly beat Trump in 2024. The delusions of power too long held. Trump is nearly as old and twice as crazy as Joe Biden could ever hope or not hope to be. He thinks George Washington used airplanes, is apparently not aware that his son is not married, and thinks windmills cause cancer. Truly crazy stuff. His verbal gaffs outdo Biden's, by a factor of millions. But just today Biden once again confused two presidents, this time Putin and Zelensky, but at least, this time, he corrected himslf, just before walking off stage while telling the Ukrainian pesident to give Putin, or whomever, hell. Our current and perhaps four more years future ancient president might not be far behind Don the Con in mental inflexibility, but at least, if nothing else, he gives damned good advice.

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