Monday, July 8, 2024


IN ENGLAND AND FRANCE, good things are happening. In England, the torpid, moribund corruption of the conservative "Tory" party, after a long decade and a half power trip, is finally out of power, at long last. A new fresh breath of labor party rule will now ensue. In France, nothing short of a miracle has transpired, as the progressive left coalition joined forces at the last minute to defeat France's version of Trumpism, much to the surprise of the polls. Conservative politics have dominated both countires for decades, despite the existence of strong progressive and socialist communities in both. Left wing parties rise and fall in both countries, but never really seem to gain the foothold encessary to persist in power long enough to bring about fundamental structural change. And yet, much like the United States, the inexorable march of progressive progress has given France and Great Britain strong, enduring progressive structures, including worker benefits, diverse multicultural tolerance, and thriving liberal art communites, log ensconced in intellectual and artistic society. Its almsot as if the natural historical trend in western civilization is for change, progress, and cultural evolution, but meets constant strong resistance from a deeply entrenched traditional establishment. Fundamentally opposite cultural historical forces, endlessly at odds, neither ever entirely surrendering or subsiding. All this may be seen as postive indicators for Americans who are even now pushing the panic button as Donald Trump and his regressive policies of racism, unfettered capitalism, government withdrawal from society, Christian nationalism, and acceptance and ignoraning of climate change shows a distinct lead in the polls. The fact that no president has ever won reelection who trails in the polls as much as Biden does now might be less meaningful than is being presented. Progressive ideals, including women's bodily autonmomy, highly regulated capitalism with a strong socialistic support system, awareness of the dire necessity to mitigate climate change, multiculturalism, including acceptance of all religions, all skin colors, all ethnicities, and all sub cultures, including the LGBTQ commuinty, enjoy an undeniable majority societal support. The problem is, too many voters whose self interest clearly lies in supporting progressive candidates instead chose to support regressive politicians like Trump and the Republican party, usually because of narrow views on single issues, like immigration, abortion, or misperceptions concerning the cause of inflation, the severity of it, and the policies and people responsible for it. Voters who should in their own self interest vote Democrat, instead vote Republican, to the delight of billionaires and rigid right wing ideologues and religious zealots. Resistance to positive societal evolution and change is always rooted in fear, and the attendant tendency to cling to tradition as a defense agaisnt the unknown future. Some astute political experts are saying that close analysis indicates that despite the currnt polls which have Trump leading Biden, the overall trend is for the decline and dissolution of the right wing populist Trump movement, and the defeat of Donald Trump. They point to the fact othat the largest voting segment of the Amerian electorate is independant, and that the policies of the Republican right simply run counter to the aspirations of a majority of the American people, a majority which supports women's reproductive rights, a balanced, mixed economy, diplomatic engagement with other countres, and religious and cultural diversity. One fact seems certain;that if by some sad chance Trump wins the presidency again, his malignant regressive agenda will be met with strensous, active opposition, and his supprorters be will hard pressed, will find it dificult to present coherent, reasonable arguments in its favor, and to show any tangible enefits to be gained by its implementation. That alone should give us hope, for ourselves, and for our future.

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