Saturday, July 20, 2024

Trump, Migrating

TRUMP'S remarks about national unity didn't take long. Then, he moved on to ninety three minutes of rambling, off subject telepompoter-free fantastical promises, gratuitoous attacks, and blatant falsehoods. If elected, he, and he alone, will eliminate all inflation. The value of the American dollar shall never decline again. Inflation at zero percent, for the first time in all recorded history, the first time in any country, anywhere. Trump, doing this, alone. The election of 2020 was rigged, stolen. That lie he will not let go. Biden and the economoy are a disaster. This, of course, is the exact opposite of the truth. The truth matters no more to Trump than it ever has, and his cult supporters are no more concerned about their inonic leader's pathological prevarication than they ever have been, which is not at all. If there was any single topic that Trump spent more than a minute on, focused on, it was the topic which launched his political career nine years ago; illegal, undocumented immigration across the southern border of the United States. This problem is of the utmost importance, and concerns us all. It merits much attention. It is estimated that ten to eleven million Latin Americans are living in the United States illegally. Most are from Mexico, many are from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. Trump has claimed that the number is as high as thirty million, maybe a billion, depending on how delusional he happens to be on any given day. He promised in his Republican National Convention speech the promise he has repeatedly made; that in his new administration, there will be the most comprehensive mass deportation of illegal imigrants in U.S. history.The invasion of the United States, ongoing, will be stopped, reversed. All of the rapists, murderers and insane asylum escapees deliberately sent to America by the governments of Latin America will be sent back where they ame from... Now, for some facts. Trump's immigration claims and rantings are all lies, unsurprisingly. There is no invasion of America. An invasion is an organized, deliberate project. Nobody is being sent here. The illegals are coming here of their own volition, as individuals and families, for their own desperate reasons, and are being sent by nobody. They are not rapists, murderers, and lunatics. They are young, energetic famlilies, willing and able to work hard. The crime rate among illegal aliens is far lower than that among legal American citizens. Their work ethic is stronger too. In America, illegal aliens get jobs, because Amerian employers hire them. Trump himself has hired many of them, and has taken advantage of their illegal status by refusing to pay them. This is illegal, and adds to Trump's many other crimes committed. Deporting ten million people would be a logistical undertaking of insurmountable proportions, nearly impossible. If ten million people, legal or otherwise, suddenly vanished from the United States, it would leave a huge hole in the American economy and social fabric, would seriously damage the economy. Illegal aliens pay taxes, and contribute billions of dollars in value added through productive work to the American economy. That would vanish. The drastic reduction of workers could not be replaced. Millions of jobs would simply vanish, businesses would shrink or vanish. Inflation would increase, signifincantly. Like it or not, the American economy is, has become heavily dependant on immigrants, legal and illegal. Trump's race based deportation dream, if actually implemented, would be an unmitigated disaster for the United States. The same is true of Trump himself, past, present,and future.

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