Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Republicans, Stuck, and Struggling

THE FIRST TIME I saw New York City I was nineteen. As we approached the Holland Tunnel, my father, who was driving, told me how dirty the place was, and that almost everybody who lived there was stuck there, and would give or do almost anything to get out of the son of a bitch. I thought maybe the sixteen lane traffic was getting to him. Now, I'm not so sure. That was fifty years ago. Since then, they have cleaned the S.O.B. up. I sense the same sitution with Trump. His supporters are stuck with him. Its too late to get out. And, they are showing their desperation, despite what the polls indicate, that Trump and Kamala Harris are in a dead heat tie. We'll see how long that holds up. Trump is no longer fighting a weak and unpopular incumbant old man Joe biden, the congnitively comprised version. Now it is Trump who is the congnitively compromised old man, opposed by a much younger, attractive, vigorous, smart, strong woman with a solid strong background and a potent multi racial ethnicity. Kamala Harris will prove to be as formidable an opponent as Hillary Clinton, without the negatives and baggage. Like Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris will draw all the low life attacks from right wing rednecks, from people to whom she is far superior in every way. She can and will take the fire, and return it, in spades. The first cheap shot shot in desperation has come from ReTrumplican congressional thug puppets, insisting that Biden should resign. He simply chose to refrain from unning again. He has six months of service remaining to which he is obligated. That is not the same as being unfit to serve. On his worst day, Joe Biden is superior mentally to any Republican detractor of his currently serving in high office, most particularlty Trump, who isn't serving anyone, and is clearly unfit to do so. When we the American people flooded the Harris campaign with an ungoldy amount of campaign money,Republicans, their desperation now palpable, indicated their intention to file a lawsuit claiming that it would be illegal for Harris to use any funds collected for Biden's now defunct campaign. Unmitigated desperate frivolity, according to all legal experts. The Biden campaign fund had Harris's name on it,from the beginning. Case dismissed. Next same something even more spurious and desperate. The procees by which Harris is replacing Biden on the ballot is "undemocratic"! ranted MAGA-land. Can you imagaine, people who support Donald Trump suddenly concerned about democratic principles? Aren't they the folks who deny and refuse to accept unfavorable election results, and who stage a violent insurrection to prove exactly how they feel about democracy? Republicans, the party of authoritarian government with a srrongman president, the party of electon fraud and insurrection, suddenly concerned about how the Democratic party chooses its presidential candidate. That, as they say, is rich. The last tiem I looked, the delegates to the Democratic National Convention are being given the opportunity to vote for their preferred candidate, and,upon closer examination,they have, almost unamimously, chosen Kamala Harris. That is the very definition of "democracy", a definition of which Republicans are utterly unaware, for lack of experience with it. Next thing you know, they will accuse Harris of being "weak on the border",even though she and Biden were in full support of a comprehensive, strong bipartisan border legislative package,and would have signed it into law - until Trump ordered his puppets in Congress to back away from it, in order to save it for him to sign, which of course, they dutifully did, being Trump puppets. Flash bulletin; they have already begun using this weak, desperate tactic. What desperate measures will they try next? Who knows? Maybe they will accuse Biden of ordering the hit on Trump, and will make their case by wearing, en masse, a square of white gauze over their right ears. But wait! They've already tried that too.

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