Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Party of Trump, Convening Hypocritically

THE REPUBLICAN PARTY is the conservative party, or, more precisely, the white evangelical Christian prty, and the Democratic Party is the progressive party, the rainbow coalition of disparate groups and interests, mainly minorities, women and the working poor. Long gone are the post World War Two days leading up to the nineteen eighties, when each party featured both a liberal and a conservative wing, tweedle dee and tweedle dumb. Back then, both parties met in the blurry middle, and nary a difference could be found. Then came civil rights, and the great realignment, consevatives in one corner, progressives in another. Today's Republicans are confronted with a stark reality; that their right wing constituency, and their right wing agenda, are not popular among a majority of Americans. To counter this, they are, out of desperation, expressing their party platform with words which sound more moderate, more attractve, less hateful, more inclusive, but in fact contain the same old toxic poison. They paraded one African-American after another to the podium, having scoured the country to find a sufficient number of black conservatives to present plausible representation thereof. Wealthy, successful black politicians, preaching and screeching ass kissing odes to God Almighty, equality of opportunity, and condemning the liberal democratic evil of making black dependants on government by using government to, horror of horrors, help them. You eliminate racist policies by making all people fend for themselves, do or die, enhancing their dignity, if not their standard of living, nor attenuating their dark skin. Let them lift themselves out of poverty; they have the same right to apply for jobs as anyone else, if not the same chance of getting hired. Level playing field, for all skin colors. Isn't any attemmt to help African-Americans, such as affirmative action, nothing other than racism? Never mind the inconvenient fact that anti-black racism has long been and remains a core value of far right wing conservatism. White supremacist groups are not progressive Democratic party loyalists. They are, in fact, to a man, far right wing conservatives, members of the Republican party, Trump supporters. Never mind that Donald Trump throughout his life has referred to African-Americans as the "N word", verified...With regard to crime, what better way to prove that Democrats are "soft on crime' than to mantion the evil of rehabilitation and personal redemption through job training and assistance and conseling rather than punishing the criminals, and locking them away for longer, and longer periods of time? What better way of proving that the G.O.P. is the party which is tough on crime than by choosing a convicted criminal felon as their presidential candidate? The Republcians, the champion of the working class? What better way of proving this than by staunchly opposing labor unions, decade after decade, and by opposing the minimum wage, by keeping the federal minimum wage at seven dollars and twenty five cents an hour, since 2009? What better way of championing the working class than to give tax cut after tax cut to the billionaires and millionaires and corporate owners, while giving the middle and working classes tiny, and temporary tax cuts? With this resmue, anyone who truly believes that the ReTrumplican party has anyone's best interets in mind other than white, evangelical Christians and wealthy corporate entities might be equally inclined to believe that Donald Trump is the very incarnation of Jesus christ, that the eleciton of 2020 was stolen from him, that the appropriate remedy was violent insurrection, and that anybody who takes a bullet skimming the right ear is an automatic hero, because he rose to his feet, made sure he still had his shoes on, and pumped his fist in the air in a gesture of heroic, melodramatic defiance. Maybe someday he'll get around to calling the families of those who truly suffered and died, like biden did, or tried to do.

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