Friday, July 19, 2024

Trump, Unifying, Exploiting

DONALD TRUMP gave a very long speech, prime time, just what his adoring cult wanted, just what he knew they wanted. He knew that he had stumbled, by the grace graze of a bullet, into a situaton made to order for him. Trump, the heroic survivor, coming home, scathed, but strong. He knew the nation was in the mood for coming together in unity and that the mood would not last. He had to hurry to exploit it. As promised, he provided unity, right from the beginning. Precisely two sentences of it. Twenty seconds of unity, offered up front. "We need to unify this nation. I cannot govern half a nation. It has to be everyone." And that was it. A sweet taste of token unity. Unity on his terms. He stays where he is, the nation comes to him. He needn't compromise or change. The farther from Trump you are, the longer the distance from unity,the longer the journey to achieve it. He and his MAGA cult have planted their feet in concrete; he invites us to join them. He was not meant to survive, said he, but he did, by the grace of God.. Who, in Trump's place, wouldn't want to talk about themselves? Only a select few survive death so narrowly. He will never stop exploiting his gift from a poorly aimed rifle bullet.The MAGA agenda has not changed, nor will it. His choice of a Vice President candidate was a doubling down, a fortification of territory already held, not an expansion into new realms. He chose a young clone of himself, just as you would expect a self addicted narcissist to do. Evangelical Christian conservative America, aka the Republican party, still wants what it has always wanted in the era of Trump. It wants to cut or eliminate Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid. It wants to ban all abortions, nation wide. It wants to further cut taxes for the wealthy. It wants to keep the federal minimum wage at seven twemty five an hour. It opposes labor unions, and supports corporate freedom to exploit resources, mineral and human, without government oversight or regulation. The Repubican party is married to trickle down economics: help the wealthy, trust that the wealthy will help everyone else, somehow. America first, America isolated, America alone, free from the messy inconvenient obligations inherent in international agreements and cooperation. A mighty empire,free to roam the planet at will, unconstrained by principles or moral considerations for other countries, its corporate masters free to exploit whatever they can with its bloated military machine to support their economic aggreession and coercion. The Christian religion elevated to official status, as the official and only religion of the American nation-state and the Aemrican people. LGBTQ people turned once again into criminals, ostracised, exterminated, by virtue of their sexual orientation. America made great, once again. Immigrants with non white skin color rounded up and deported, in a great purification of American blood, just as Donald Trump wishes and promised. And of couse, above all else, the total exploitation and use of all fossil fuels for corporate profit. Inconvenient climate change can be ignored, disguised an an evil liberal hoax, as every year becomes hotter than the previous, and the planet becomes unbearable, and our children are given a hellish inferno to live in. By then Trump and his cult of fascist gangsters will be long dead, having already sucked as much life out of America as they can, sharing nothing, leaving nothing behind... His adoring minions sit motionless, gazing upward at the podium in enraptured attentiveness.Their faces are frozen in adoring smiles. Their eyes shine with tears of joy. It matters not what he says, only that he is saying it. All his vague,vacuous words are gospel, the scripture of the Trumpchrist. He gives thenm exactly what they came for, and, exahsuted, their enger and love spent in screaming aproval, they slowly file out, leaving nothing behind.

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