Thursday, August 18, 2016

Trump, Riding Hillary like a Bronco, Wildly, and Forgetting Viet Nam

DONALD TRUMP does a heckuva lot better when he reads a seemingly coherent speech on a predetermined topic written by somebody else, and uses a teleprompter. He sounds rather like a nervous undergrad in speech class, but at least he isn't slinging trash, unless he gets off topic, which can happen in the blink of an eye. Its always dubious, at best. But at least, under those conditions, he doesn't insult everyone within six city blocks of one of his casinos, or make crazy comments off the cuff. When trump sticks to the script, he doesn't call anybody "lying Ted", "crooked Hillary", or "little Marco". He doesn't claim that thousands of Islamic folks were sipping champagne in New Jersey while the World Trade Center toppled. He doesn't suggest that he would be twenty points ahead of Hillary were the American political system not rigged, or the media being paid to support Hillary, or the potential for voter fraud endemic. If the man isn't a couple of cards short of a full deck, he's close enough. Even when Donald J is at his best, Barack Hussein O is the founder of the Islamic State, a closet Muslim, and was born in Africa. In his recent teleprompted foreign policy speech, obviously written by a right wing loon, Trump essentially accused Obama and Hillary of failing to provide a democratic government for Egypt, failing to stop the Syrian civil war, failing to establish democratic pro American governments in Iraq, and Afghanistan, failing to keep Muammar Gaddafi in power in Libya for stability's sake, and failing to end global terrorism. The one mistake Obama, in real life, actually made was to withdraw the American military from Iraq too soon, which begs the question: how long would have been long enough to keep it there? Another year? Ten? Twenty? Remember Viet Nam? The organization which eventually became the Islamic State was formed back when Obama was a state legislator in Illinois. The problem in Iraq began when the first president Bush invited Saddam Hussein to attack Kuwait, then got all out of joint about it after Saddam cashed his blank check, carrot and stick style. The folks who founded the Islamic State the moment the Americans went home had another option: wait for the Americans to go home, no matter how long it might take. Like the North Vietnamese, Islamic fanatics have great patience. Remember Viet Nam?----------PLEASE SHARE THIS SITE WITH SOMEONE YOU LOVE. IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE.

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