Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Uneducated Christian Right, Messaging, Again

HERE WE GO AGAIN. Another message board, another right wing anti-education church, another banal, insipid, inane message. This time it comes from a Lutheran church, from whom one would expect better. One expects such idiotic ignorant drivel from the fundamentalist Pentecostal snake handling tongue wagging school free self ighteous mentally ill zealots, from not from an ostensibly respectable mainstream Protestant denomination. Indeed, from the very denomination which broke the yoke of the monopoly of the tyrannical Catholic church beginning in 1517, when somber, introspective, self effacing, discontented Catholic priest Martin Luther, unable to continue containing himself, burst forth with his ninety five thesis, which he audaciously autographed, and boldly, recklessly nailed to the door of the nearest parish church. That he immediately ran to and sought protection from an archduke who happened to agree with him and his complaints is irrelevant for our purposes here. On the message board of the Prince of Peace Lutheran church in the deep culture free southern region of these United States proclaimed the lunacy: "Sacrifice intellect when contrary to the Word of God. As if intellect ever could be or would be "contrary to the word of God", which, as most educated people understand, is written into the fabric of the universe, inherent in nature, as Einstein said, rather than on the pages of some primitive, barbaric collection of ancient manuscripts, (aka the Holy Bible) which Thomas Paine accurately describes as being more the work of a demon than of God. ("The Age of Reason", a good read). The motivation behind such nonsensical signs is always clear, always the same.The modern intellect, and the universe it reveals,aka reality,stands in stark contrast to the befuddled account of cosmic and planteary reality presented ludicrously as the truth, and laughably idolized and sanctified, wholly anachronistically, by our modern superstition, the Christian faith,aka religion, as Jefferson put it. And this stark contrast, this refutation by observable, provable natural reality of the primitive barbarity that is the Christian religion, motivates its votaries not to change, grow, and improve iteslf, as do science and sensible people, but rather, to cling tenaciosly to obvious error,just as Martin Luther accused, properly, the Catholoc church of doing long ago, in 1517, on the door of an obsucre church in the midst of a prmitve, barbaric cultural and religious wasteland.

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