Thursday, June 6, 2024

Needing A New Constitution Part I

IN MOST STATES, you cannot pursue a career as a hair stylist if you are a convicted felon. Nor can you teach in public schools, drive a bus for a public school system, nor work as a custodian an many school districts. In most work places all across America's fruited plain, convicted felons are not given even cursory consideration for employment in most jobs, and are not allowed to vote, although that is beginning to change. In nost places, being a convicted felon card marks you for societal unsuitablity as if you were wearing a scarlet letter "A" on your buxom bosom. And yet, in every state, you can be a convicted felone and not only run for president of the United States, you can win election, and serve as president. You can win election and serve as president of the U.S., even if you happen to be in prison during your entire term in office. One might assume that under such circumstances the normal prison menu would be upgraded a bit, and nmight even include two "Twinkies" rather than the standard one. Perhaps an extra slice of bologna, mustard or mayo optional, perhaps even a few extra "Cheetos" for the nation's Chief Executive. An American president serving in a high security penitentiary presumably would not be confined to solitary, even in the event of very bad behavior. The stark concrete ten by twelve prison cell with steel toilet without a door would make a somewhat crowded "Oval Office". The chief executive's desk would stretch from wall to shining cell wall, visiting dignitaries would have to be ushered one at a time into the "office" to see the president, after being searched for contraband or smuggled weapons. Putin, when visiting Trump, would have to be looked over especially carefully. If you are a convicted felon, there is no constitutional prohibition against serving as president of the U.S.A, just as there are no prohibitions to serving as CEO or on the Boards of Directors of many publically owned stock issuing corporations, although you would not be hired to clean the offices. Donald Trump, for instance, might well be excluded from participation as a voting member or managing director of many of hs own private corporations, and will likely lose his voting privilege in his adopted state of Florida, with his new ignominious status a as a convicted felon. His only realistic hope of gainful employment appears to be his application being made to the American people for a position as president of the United States, an application wich, assuming a preponderance of decency, discernment, and moral character among the American electorate, will be declined. We cannot assume, however,any such high standards among the Amerian eletorate.Indeed, me might have to assume precisely the opposite, with Donald Trump the convicted felon poised to make a very serious and strong and perhaps winning showing in the forthcoming presidential election. What's wrong with this picture is as fundamental to the great Amercan experiment as baseball, exploitation of everything that moves, racism, and salacious sex disguised as virtue. What's wrong is that our venerated constitution, held sacred by tradition, is not only wholly inadequate to today's needs, not only needs more than some revision and "tweaking", but needs,indisputably, whole cloth replacement.

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