Monday, June 17, 2024

Eating Shit, And Dying, For Trump

THE FACEBOOK POST made no bones, was quite explicit. It said,roughly: "I am not part of the 'tolerant left'. I am part of the 'eat shit and die you treasonous bastards' left". This person had reached the end of his or her rope, tired of talking, tired of trying to compromise and understand. Being accepting of LGBTQ people, illegal immigrants, racial, ethnic, and religious differences and diversity, is all well and good,indeed, hallmarks of proressive ideology. But, enough is enough. One reaches the end of one's rope, one runs out of patience when confronted with unrlenting, unreasoning evil by the same people,inessantly. This "eat shit and die" approach resonated with me because I reached this point long ago, perhaps even as early as the day when the "Access Hollywood" tape came out in early october, 2016,and I thought and assumed, quite reaaonably,that this vulgar display of salacious insensitivity by a reprobate bragging about being a sexual predator would mark the end of the political career of Don the Con Trump. And indeed it almost did, but didn't. The Republican National Committee tried to tell Trump to hit the highway, but backed down like squirming cowards when he said, simply; "make me". The rest, as they say, is history. And now, here we are, on the verge of reelecting a convicted criminal, a repeatedly proven low life criminal scoundrel back to the White House, for another chaotic, senseless term in office, after years and years of glaring proof that he, Donald Trump, may be the least qualified person on the planet to occupy political office or a job of any sort. He could shoot somebody on fifth avenue in cold blood in broad daylight, and they wouldn't care, said the icon of insanity in one of his rare moments of honesty and lucidity. They would only approve of him and admire him all the more, for his willingness to "get things done". To hide their hatred of LGBTQ people, to disguise their racism, they pretend that inflation is still a horrible problem, when in fact it is receding, in full retreat, declining to very acceptable levels. They pretend that the disorganized,chaotic immigration at the border is out of control only because of Biden, when in fact it is Trump who guaranteed that it would remain out of control, by ordering his puppet Republican members of Congress to walk away from a strong bipartisan immigration bill, written by Republicans, which would have taken huge steps to rememdy the problem, and would have been signed by President Biden, if only the little Hilter Trump would have pulled his puppet strings sanely, would have put country above politics, and permitted it. Under Trump the economy crashed, largely do to his insane policies concerning Covid 19. Under Biden the economy has come roaring back to life, largely because of his legislative initiatives. Trump's treasonous, traitorous election lie his supporters ignore, or embrace. His violent, well planned violent mob insurrection to try to overthrow the government and isntall Trump illegally in power they consider justified. Try to talk to and reason with Trump supporters, for instance, by pointing out to them that there are many politicians available who hold conservative values who happen to not be criminally insane, and all they do is stare blankly, or change the subject, or start reciting lies about Biden and his policies, or become angry, and spew the same babbling meaningless gibberish as Trump, as if having been schooled by him in the art of communicating incoherently. So why bother? Why bother trying to establish rappor with people who make themselves unapproachable by design and intent.Thay must be defeated at the ballot box,or, in the joyful event of their election defeat,in the streets. Meanwhile, I know exactly what they can have for dinner, and exactly what they can do immediately thereafter.

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