Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Preventing Of Religious Indoctrination as Punishment

RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION occurs when one is prevented, by law or threat of violence or other forms of retribution, from expressing one's own religious beliefs, of from freely practicing one's own religion, not whan one is prevented, by law, social circumstances, or other forms of retribution, from imposing one's religious beliefs on others, contray to the preferences of others. Nothing, no thought or concept more relevant concerning the state of religious culture in the United States, and perhaps around the world, has ever been articulated. Over the last few decades, especially in the late twentieth century and on up until the present day, we have been told, again and again, to the point of redundant exhaustion,that there is an ongoing "war" against the Christian religion in these United States of Animosity. And of coruse, this is a complete lie, a clever but not sufficiently clever appeal to the elite preferred status of victimhood, a status so often sought by those unable to impose their personal agendas upon society and the culture, entirely because of the expressed preferences of both. It is a lie no less insidiously perfidious and pernicious than the even more oft promulgated lie that there is but one true religious faith, and that that faith is the Christian faith. In the late nineteen seventies and early nineteen eighties the great late twentieth century born again moral majority Christian upsurge revival begins, and spreads like cancer or crab grass through American culture. Like previous such urgent upsurges in religion in the mid eighteenth and mid nineteenth centuries in the United States, this one surges, spreads, and boils, but, mercifully, at length, cools and subsides, and all is well again. But debris remains, lies scattered in heaps across the darkened landscape...Time passes,and new generations are born into the great American fun house, generations more able than ever to avoid religious indoctrination of the sort so sadly, so unfairly imposed upon all previous generations. The generation X, the millennials are lsss indoctrinated, less religious by brainwashing than any of those who have gone before, notably the infamous "baby boomers". By the time the third millennium was a decade old, the percentage of Americans who self identified as "Christian" had plummeted dramatically, to the point where it was approaching fifty percent, and declining. The decline continues, as western civilization secularizes, amid the irresistably compelling influence of proven, empirical science, and the reality it reveals, which is entirely contrary to all religious dogma. Thus began the panic among the religious zealot community, and the appeal to victimhood, and the false claim that there exists a "war" on Christianity, escalating in intensity, as ever larger throngs of disenchanted formerly Christian votaries streamed out of the churches all across America's fruited plain. And this is where matters now stand. As it becomes increasingly difficult for zealous religious fanatics to impose their beliefs on others by shoving them down the throats of their victims, all the more virulently and pathetically the religious fascists cry foul. Contrary to their absured lies, there is no war on Christianity, there are no impediments to Christians freely expressing their misguided beliefs. There never has been. There is in reality an encroaching age of reason, in which we the people are breaking free from forced religious indoctrination, casting off the chains of dogmatic religious fascism, and breathing with joy the fresh pure air of freedom from said indoctrination. The frsh air feels good, and those who have long imposed their vile doctrines upon us with impunity, but can no longer so easily do so, have chosen to dwell in the comfortable fantasy that it is they who are the victims, rather than the newly disempowered tyrants that they actually are.

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