Saturday, June 15, 2024

Restocking Bump Stocks

AL CAPONE is back in town, or could be, very soon. Machine guns, which the six clueless conservative members of the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) refuse to call "machine guns" are now legal across America's fruited plain, except in the twelve reasonably enlightened states which ban them. Our potential salvation from more mass murders is the fact that this horrible ruling by the nation's highest, most deluded court does indeed not prevent all fifty nifty disunited states from eventually banning the awful devices, although it is, one must admit, very difficult to imagine this happening in the many states dominated by gun loving conservative second amendment extremists. This highlights once again our desperate need for a new and improved American constitution wth a new and better, more clearly written second amendment, one which does more than allow muzzle loading muskets to be owned by members of a militia only. In decision after dicision the SCOTUS, with no fewer than two probable sex offending and no fewer than one upside down American flag flying right wing ideologues attempting to impose a hateful far right agenda on America from the bench, continues to judicially, injudiciously so impose. When a bump stock, a fairly recent invention from some dude's Frankensteinian basement laboraotry, is in action, the trigger actually moves repeatedly and quite rapidly, alhtough without human assistance. In a machine gun, this does not happen,the trigger stays still while the bullets spew at a rate of nearly one thousand per minute. Bumpstocking sends the lead flying at very early the same rate, but that seemingly salient fact is of no importance to the six right wing reprobates who infest our nation's highest, seemingly most stoned court. To them, the trigger action is the thing. Not the firepower nor the rate at which bullets come streaming out of the gun barrel towards their intended hapless victims, but...the precise trigger action. A thin dubious distinction, to say the least. Utter, outright insanity, to say the most. Again, conservative SCOTUS lunacy, sheer and unadulterated. Only the three progressive justices had the sense and sanity to point out that if it walks and talks and shoots bullets like a duck, it is for all intents and purposes a bullet shooting duck. Even the entirely benighted Trump administration was able to scrape up enough temporary sanity to ban bump stocks. Go figure, as we say. With bated breath we await the response of the Republican Christ-like icon for president, Don the Con. Will he condmen the reversal of his policy, as he always does? Will he take the plunge,and support, for the first time ever,an override of something he did? Or will he, as he often oes when confronted with tricky circumsances, retreat to his exclusive fun house fantasy land, and babble incoherently about boats, batteries, bullets, windmills, and his own inability to understand wind? As we like to say: "stay tuned", if you can stand to. You might have to expose yourself to hordes of criminal gangsters at Trump mob rallies wearing obscene messages on T shirts to hear what the criminally insane former president has to say, if you can wait that long, which won't be long enough. Meanwhile, let the carnage begin.

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