Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Believing, Disbelieving, Self Deceiving

ACCORDING TO A REPORT on National Public Radio (NPR), two thirds of Democrats believe in climate change, and one third of Republicans beleive in it. In other words, only one out of three Democrats is engaged in self deception, whereas two out every three Republicans is willfully delusional. As Goethe said: "We are never deceived. We only deceive ourselves". The statistic on Republicans is not at all surprising, and has remained essentially constant for years. This, after all, is the supposedly "political party" which has magically transformed itself into a criminal terrorist organization by virtue of the fact that two thirds of its members believe that Biden or some mysterious as yet unidentified consortium of secret conspirators, perhaps some vague entity they call the "deep state",stole the 2020 presidential election from Trump, and that Trump's response, an attempt to overthrow the government with a well organized preplanned violent insurrection, was and remains justified. The Republicans, since the advent of Trump, has become, essentially, an organization which thrives on self deception. However, the number of Democrats who apparently refuse to accept the reality or climate change, a reality demonstrated every day by weather patterns around the world and in their own backyards, is staggereing, shocking, especially egregious. Only becasue of action taken by the Democratic party has there been and is there today any American resposne to climate change at all, precious little that there is. I for years had been given to understand that nearly ninety percent of registered Democrats were living in reality. Apparently, I have been misled. Apparently, I have misled myself. Statistics on independant American voters were not given, and perhaps do not exist, even though independent voters make up a significant portion of the American electorate, actually constituting the largest single segment of it, with the number of independent voters being greater than the number of registered Republicans, or the number of registered Democrats. Thus, there remains hope, for sanity, although it often seems vanishingly small. Assuming, (and one cannot assume anything) that a substantial protion of independent voters have the intelligence and good sense to acknowledge the reality of human made climate chage, then maybe, just maybe, a large enough marjprity of the American people dwell within the realm of reality to provide sufficient political will to actually begin to do womething to save teh ecosystem soon enough to avert total and complete environmental catatastrophe. Such a catastrophe is looming large, immediately before us, as each summer becomes more extreme in heat, violent weather events more frequent in number, and more extreme in severity. Since independent voters have enough common sense to realize that participation as a member of any political party in America is essentially useless, an exercise in utter futility, perhaps they have enough reason to push us over the edge, as it were, out of our torpid dark denial, and into the realm of reason and reality. Perhaps, but, knowing us, probably not.

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