Monday, June 3, 2024

Gaining Strength Through Crime

THE MORE BLATANTLY EXPOSED TRUMP'S CRIMINALITY, the more suport he retains among his evangelical Christian poorly educated racist white base. His base would prefer immingrants from Norway, not Latin America. The unending allure of the lightly complected. That Trump's primary appeal is to the darkest aspects of American culture, isolationism, racism, homophobia, hateful religious fanaticism, cruel, uncaring neo-liberal economics, is long established, if smugly dismissed by Trump supporters, who prefer an insurrectionist traitor to a decent human being with sound, effective presidential policies. In the fun house that is Trump land, crime becomes virtue when perpetrated by their convicted felon savior, whom they compare favorably to Christ. Both Trump and Christ were persecuted, both were convicted by rigged systems of justice. Christ, of course, turned himself in, acknowledged his own behavior, and actually sought the punishment he received, in order to fulfull the prophecy of long dead futurists. Christ became a hero for defying a system of oppression despised by his followers, but he disapointed them by proclaiming his kingdom to be not of this world, and refused to act as a desired amiitary style liberating hero in this world possbily due to his inability to do so. For, after all, he was only human. He became much more than human, indeed a God, only much later,when he was elected to the position by a council of clerics. Trump too is all too human, and perfectly embodies every reprehensible caracteristic a human being can possibly have. His utter lack of redeeming qualities inspire his cult members with awe, for they see their own dark sides in him,their racism,their greed,their hatred, which they conveniently choose to consider virtuous, and which their newly arrived surrogate Christ enables and justifies. Trump will be tried three more times, and convicted of dozens more felonies, unless he is elected president, steals or the election with a violent insurrection, and becomes the godly dictator his sycophants want, and pardons himself and proclaims himself a saint, to the approval and cheers of his cult. Psychologically, Trump is the very embodiment of Hitler,a mentlally ill self aggrandizing extreme narcissist, appealing to the unrelenting anger of those whose own abilities they falsely believe have been ignored and bypassed in favor of preferantial treatment of undeserving minorities. The nine months that Hitler spent in jail in 1923 only fortified his support among Germany's angry racist malcontents, looking for scape goats and seviors, who esisted in such numbers in downtrodden defeated post World War One Germany as to be able to elect him to high office in 1933. Democracy, such that it is in 2024 plutocratic America, remains a numbers game. The future of demoracy, and of human sanity and decency, will depend largely on whether the Trump cult has sufficient numbers to repeat Hitler's success. The Trump era, like the Hitler era, will end, either in a flaming catastrophe, or at the ballot box. The numbers will decide.

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