Friday, June 28, 2024

Choosing (Biden)

THE CHOICE is stark, and quuite depressing, but clear. The choice is between criminal insanity and cognitive decline, mental dimishing. The one has long since descended into a morass of super narcissistic delusion, and is clearly a criminal and a reprobate, the other is a distinguised gentelman with a long record of distinguished service to his country, who is now, in late life ancient old age, simply wearing out, both mentally and physically. The problem is that one of these two used up men will be the next president of these United States, and that there are no other chocies. Since his intrusion into politics, Donald Trump has reminded discerning historians of Hitler. Now he reminds them of Hitler late in World War Two when the constant stress and pressures of impending, inevitable personal and national doom brought about the unhinging of his already mediocre mind. This, of course, is Trump. The other, current president Biden, is more remindful of a beloved grandfather, somewhat past his prime, but still coherent and loveable, but just a bit forgetful, and getting worse. One thinks about another four years as president for Biden, and wonders whether he could survive it, both mentally and physically. His slurred speech, an expedient to compensate for a lifelong stutter, already makes him sound like a stroke victim. Ronald Reagan was elected when he was the same age I am now, sixty nine, and was considered ancient, and there were concerns. These concerns were justified when Reagan spent almost all of his second term in serious mental decline, dementia enrocahing, as he struggled his way to the age of seventy seven while in office, closely protected from public awareness of his precipitous decline. Later, of ocurse, he became bedridden with the disease, and succumbed to what had long since been evident would indeed kill him. The Gipper had always been "forgetful", from an early age, and intellectually less than brilliant. Exercising his brain was not his favorite pasttime. Exercise keeps us sharp, mentally, and physically. Trump, from his youth, has had the morals of an alley cat, and that is probably unfair to an alley cat. An alley cat does not lie, cheat, and harm for premeditated purposes of personal gain; it merely survives, by doing whatever it must. On his best day, in his best health, and in the prime of physical and mental health, Donald Trump has never been a decent human being, never even remotely resembled one. Everyone who has ever known him knows this, whether or not willing to admit it. Trump purchases and coerces loyalty, Biden inspires and earns it. Ronald Reagan's followers never admitted their man's faltering brain. Donald Trump's cult followers never have and never will admit either Trump's criminal insanity nor his monstrously low morals. Biden's supporters are spending the hours after the disastrous debate licking their wounds, pushing the panic button, and acknowledging the limitations of their political leader. Trump's supprters are repeating the avalanche of lies brazenly spewed by their hero and role model both during the debate and throughout his political career of constant prevarication. Between the two, I'll take the honest injured followers over the enablers of criminality, the willfully ignorant accessories to crime in total denial of the profound evil in their loyalty to a snake. Of the two leaders, I'll take the one with diminished cognitive abilities with an honest soul and a pure, loving heart over the deranged devil who would as happily consume his own enablers by walking over them if it meant his own preservation, and the continuation of his devilish career as a convicted criminal, commiting ever more crimes for which has has no concern for the consequences, either to himself, or to others. The choice is clear, the contrast is stark.

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