Sunday, June 23, 2024

Psychoanalyzing Trumpers

IT REMAINS MIND BLOWING. It never seems to change, The illness will not heal. Still, after all this time, roughly two thirds of registered Republicans insist that the 2020 election was stolen,and that the ensuing Trumpian insurrection was justified. To put it eloquently, what in the holy hell is wrong with these people? The seemingly logical premise that either they actually believe this nonsense or they do not believe it and are "faking it" doesn't seem to lead anywhere. That they have brainwashed themselves,like UFO abductees, or that they are refusing to awaken from a strange dream, like UFO abductees, somehow seems to be a starting point, at least one might think that it could be a beginning of understanding, but, alas, ultimately, becomes one that leads...nowhere. Mass criminal insanity, after the fashion of Trump himself! That's got to be it! Bearing in mind that a large portion of the American people have been abducted by aliens, and that a large percentage of Americans believe that vaccinations are harmful, and that a large percentage of Americans embrace one form of idiotic, demonstrably insane nonsense or another, and maybe, just maybe, you can conclude by writing it off to the water supply, or to some inherent hallucinatory characteristic of the culture, or, to... something...Trumpers are trapped. Its too late for them to get out now. They're in too deep. To renounce Trump at this point is to admit that he has fooled them all, for years. It is no easy thing to admit to having been duped, to having been played for the fool. As Carl Sagan cogently pointed out, people who have been hoodwinked become comfortable with the hoodwinking, and refuse to abandon it So why bother trying to dislodge them from their place of hoodwinked comfort.The great carnival barker has them unalterably enthralled, entranced,no less so than the itinerant treaveling salvation show preacher dispenisng truth, old time religion, and Brother Love's Elixor of Life, with the gospel singers singing their lungs out in the background.The heat is getting to us all. Trump leads by two percentage points in Pennsylvania. Biden is being blamed for the local heat and crime wave. Nothing has improved in Philadelphia in four years, including the price of gas and eggs, and its all Biden's fault. Biden has had four years to stop or reduce crime in Philly, and he hasn't done a damned thing about it. Bring back Trump.He'll put all criminals behind bars, except himslf. Well, and then, they have made their bed, these MAGAts,and now they are lying in it, an all that is left to us is to gently tuck them in, say grace,and turn out the light. Dear friend, we tell them, I now, finally, understand why you so ardently support Trump, despite everything, Birds of a feather. Folks of like mind and moral character gather together in groups, like church. Every day, dear friend, you remind me more and more of Donald Trump. Your moral character, your intellectual make up, your intelligence level, your style of communication, your honesty and integrity, all just like the man you want leading your country. Donald Trump is precisely the sort of person, the actual person, you so strongly strive to be. And guess what? You have succeeded. You have succeeded in fashioning yourself into the very essence of Donald Trump, especially his moral character, his intellect, the whole, as we say, ball of wax, What a stable genius you are. Enjoy!

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