Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Hunting, Hounding Hunter Biden

HUNTER BIDEN IS A HERO, for one simple reason; he had a terrible, serious disease,a self inflicted disease, and he had the courage and integrity to stand up to it, fight it, and, apparently defeat it, although it is commonly believed within the medical community that one never totally conquers an addiction, one merely manages it and keeps it at bay, one hopes, for the rest of one's life. So it is with all drug addictions; alcohol, heroin, and caffeine. Anyone with a drug addiction is a medical patient,or potential should be medical patient, and shouldn't be regarded as a criminal, but rather, as a person with a serious medical problem, a disease. Perhaps the enlightened day will come when society as a whole realizes and understands this vital distinction. Biden was indeed guilty of attempting to purchase a firearm illegally, by lying about his drug addiction.The purchase of firearms should be closely regulated; allowing drug addicts to purchase them would be a serious mistake. What Hunter Biden deserves is probation, with community service,a prohibition against his ever again owning a firearm, and most important of all, sustained medical attention and drug treatment therapy. Prison time would be irrelevant,counter productive, harmful to society, in that a potentially productive reformed citizen would be prohibited from being productive, and instead would be consigend to unproductive incarceraton at public expense. Hunter Biden at this point is perfectly positioned to become an exellent counselor against drug use and addiction; if anybody knows about the perils and pitfalls and roads to recovery, from drug addiction, surely it is he. Former criminals, reformed criminals, make the best criminal counselors. What Hunter Biden and his father, President Joe Biden will instead receive, are already receiving from America's reprehensible conservative evangelical Christian Trump supporting community, is ridicule, condemnation, sanctimonious lecturing. What he should recieve from these alleged but fake Christians is admiration and congratulations, support, well wishes and help, but they are utterly incapable of rendering these things,utterly incapable of compassion, understanding, and forgiveness,the very virtues they so falsely, hypocritically espouse. This,all because the victim of a terrible disease and poor judgment is the son of their hated enemy, president Biden. One can imagine the total difference in their reaction if the victim, for instance, happened to be a child of their criminal felonious icon cult leader,Donald J.Trump. In that case, they would doubtless ignore the situation, and accuse the media of attacking Trump through his diseased child, even if the media downplayed the situation, just as it has magnified and constantly talked about Hunter Biden's difficulties. Accusations would be made that Trummp was under attack, that the drug abuse and addiction was being misrepresented,and that the poor unfortunate child of Trump was being abused by an uncaring biased media and by hateful liberal Democrats. The justice system is rigged against Trump, but effective in dealing with Hunter Biden. Whereas Hunter Biden is taking responsibility for his behavior, and his father is refusing to pardon him, Trump denies all his criminality, and his supporters cry foul, while Trump promises revenge on the justice system, and promises to pardon himself if he can. A stark difference indeed. Just like almost every public affair in America is being distorted, abused, lied about and used for perceived political advantage by the far right extremist community, no matter what the circumstance, never underestimate the ability of conservative evangelical Trump supporters to find the best way of injecting their vile hateful ideology into every possible situation.

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