Sunday, June 9, 2024

Being Petty, Floating Dung Across the Border, Mooning

NORTH KOREA generously made a contribution to South Korea's recycling and fertilization programs recently. Generously, thoughtfully, the isolated rogue "republic" sent more than one thousand large balloons floating southward over its arch enemy brother nation, all filled with garbage of sundry sorts, and manure. Considering the dire economic circumstances in which the communist nation has been mired for decades, it is a wonder that they can afford to turn lose of its trash and bullshit so freely, "gifting" its sworn ideological enemy with enough recyclable material and fertilizer to nourish acres of farm land, and enough metals and plastic to recycle into fine finished,consumer products to sell on the open capitalistic market... The rigid attitudes concerning the evils of personal proprrty and profit seeking no doubt precluded the rigid share and share alike ideologues from factoring this into the equation. Maybe they'll rethink the situation,and demand their bullshit and trash be returned, under threat of nuclear holocaust. Perhaps if they fire a few missiles into the sea of Japan, the point will be made; we want our bullshit back! No less petty,and every bit as vengeful and imbued with the spirit of payback instant karma, the free market south returned the favor by turning up the sound on its rock concert caliber sound amplification system, and intensified its program of shouting pro profit propaganda into the winds out of the south, trying to convince, as always, the poor impoverished baby starving communists just exactly how wealthy everyone is down south, and just exactly how the miscreant misguided commies might convert, atone, and catch up, by joining the material wealth, freedom, liberty, and corporate hegemmony party. A better idea might be to alternate between Barry Manilow albums and maybe a bit of Iron Maiden or Syd Vicious and the Sex Pistols, just to give the commies a taste of the other side of the coin, to let them know that whereas the free market and Adam Smith corporate capitalism is indeed and remains forever the answer,it does, alas have a few rough edges. An ounce of truth mixed in with capitalistic propaganda never hurt anybody,and makes the company line a bit more believable. The broader question concerns human nature, and the rest of us. Fondly I recall my childhood in the nineteen sixties, an my preoccupation with current events and the news. I recall that during a particularly tense diplomatic period between the Soviet Union (Russia) and Mao Tse Tung's China, (the two were enemies in those days) Russian and Chinese troops amassed along the two superpower's common border, and, refraining from firing actual shots, instead showing their true feelings, maturity and moral charachter by one and all pulling down their pants, turning their backs on the enemy,and "mooning" each other. I was ten or eleven at the time, and my mind raced. Ever the precocious kid, several thoughts occurred to me. Among them: is that the way adults behave? Is this the world into which I am growing up? Is this what mother means when she gets into one of her moods, and accuses somebody of "showing their ass"? Well, sixty years later, I am not sure whether I have improved upon the conclusions I arrived at in the mid nineteen sixties. Some things you learn well enough in childhood to last a lifetime, and require no augmentation. And, in any event, I am reasonably, indeed entirely convinced that I knew the answers to these salient inuiries no later than within a few mintues after the Russian and Chinene soldiers pulled down their pants and blew farts at each other across the troubled border, so very long ago.

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