Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Obstructing, And Pretending Not To

THE SENATE MAJORITY LEADER is the very embodiment of an admonition by H.L.Mencken: "The fools would be humorous, were they not in such deadly earnest". If one didn't know bettter, and, in point of fact, one does not know better, one might suspect that the octogenerian well past his prime legislator from the deep white reprobate-replete state of Kentucky, Mitch McConnell, where the grass is blue but the politics a deep shade of blood red has, to put it delicately, lost his marbles, to whatever extent he ever had anything even remotely resembling a full sack thereof. One might recall a few weeks ago back to back instances when the long overdue to retire legislator, standing in front of media personell and allegedly answering questions, suddenlly seemed to take leave not only of his own senses, but of the world generally. Mitch, his perpetual downwrd turned sneer, standing stock still, frozen in time and space and place, unmoving, his face a mask masking...vacuuity. That happened twice, in rapid succession. We speclated on it a bit then moved on. A pair of mini strokes, perchance? Perish the thought. Hell, he's only eight what, one?, in his Republican political prime, making the ancient acting president, (Gore Vidal's description, not mine) the "Gipper" Ronald Reagan, look...well...a bit but not much younger by comparison. Mitch recovered from his twice again trances just in time to promulgate then block at his master's Donald Trump's behest, and scuttle a perfectly ambtious, perfectly acceptable to all bipartisan at the border immigration bill. Yes, first, the always ready to shut down illigeal immigration Republicans push the bill forward, the Democrats hop on the bandwagon,ready to present it to President Biden for approval, when the great orange volcanic eruption reverses their course, like a runawwy horse meeting up with rattle snake, and,poof!, down goes the long awaited effective illigeal immigration solution bill, like Ali planting Frazier on the canvas..Nothing since. All quiet on the southern front, excepting a few thousand more desperate refugees sneaking across the "Great River". In steps our ancient leader, Joe Biden, having lost all patience in his desperation to catch up with Trump and the Republican brown immigrant haters, with an executive solution, a one man show, LIke Trump himself, born again. Now fully awake, out of his entranced state, Mitch blows his top. Too litle, too late, like using a garden hose to extinguish a five alarm fire, growls the downward sneer. The fire fighting metaphor intended perhaps to evoke images of earlier versions of his self, back when the minority leader was majority leader, with some semblance offire still left in his quenching belly. Mitch, like jock itch, scratching a watered down version of a bill he caused to be watered down by using his garden hose to quench it, only because Don the Con wanted his puppet Republicans to save the fun and the honor and the glory for....well, Don the Con, who else? So its anybody's guess as to if and when we the American people will do anything, anyging at all, to secure our own border and organize and identify the immigrants. For nearly two nundreds years, we have done essentially nothing. Whats the hurry now? Surely we can wait a few more minutes or years, while we await the emergence of Mitch McConnell from his current particularly lengthy trance.

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