Monday, June 3, 2024

Grilling the Good Doctor, Yet Again

EVIDENTLY NOT CONTENT to rest on their dubious laurels and to stand pat with all the numerous ways they have harmed the United States, cruel Republican lawmakers have gone to the deplorable depths of dragging a great American, 83 year old Dr.Anthony Fauci, out of retirement and up to Capitol hill to torture him with inane, insulting, superfluous questions, yet again. They had done this before, during the great pandemic of 2020-2021,in the midst of mass death, death precipated largely by the incompetent anti-Covid policies of Presdent Trump, and by their passive acquiesence to them. They are asking many of the same idiotic questions, making the same idiotic assumptions and accusations, and elicitng the same measured,calm, albeit visibly annoyed responses from the world's foremost authority on global epidemics. Flush with a hateful headful of inane conspiracy theories, the bondheaded far right wing extreists simply cannot get the crazy notion out of their vacuous skulls that the covid virus was engineered and originated by design in some Frankensteinian Chinese laboratory, using funds supplied by the provided very American Centers For Disease Control. Never underestimate the ability of a right wing extremist politician or poorly educated conservative citizen to concoct a crazy conspiracy theory, and to thrust it by force into the media limelight as a cheap means of gaining attention, notoriety, and accolades from the equally benighted conservative science hating community. Dr.Fauci, who to every good citizen is a hero, has been incessantly harassed by the far right wing crazies for years, and the threats and insults continue; to his family, and to himself. He said today what e has said, calmly, and logically, with incredible patience, that there is simply no eivdience that the Covid 19 virus accidentally escaped from a Chinese laboratory, ot that it was deliberately engineered in said lab and released into the world for purposes of deliberate mass human destruction. The smirking Republican pseudo national political leaders, as always disappointed and angry to hear a simple, obvious truth, recoiled from reality once again, turning their arrogant, ignorant noses up at science, sane sense,and an American hero. Recall the lunacy of the response of the Trump adminsitration, fully supported by the millions member minions of the Trump cult, which consisted in reccomendations to ingest bleach, consume medication intended for horses, hydroxychloriquine, and to disdain mask wearing and school and business closings, while the greatest pandemic of the past one hundred years raged across America's fruited plain and the world, killing millions. The "policies" of the Trump adminstration resulted in upwards of one million needless American deaths, and uncounted deaths in other countries as the U.S. became, entirely unnecessarily, a prime spreader of Covid 19. No conservative Republican political hack leader or right wing evangelical Christian extremist ever bothers to mention this conformed fact,but instead denies it, and replaces it with dysfunctional fiction, the usual tactic of the American conservative community, in its seemingly unrelenting crusade to make America safe for sheer, unmitigated insanity.

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