Monday, June 10, 2024

Christianity, Waging War

NOT ONLY IS THERE NO "WAR" against Christianity being waged by imiginary satanic liberal secular conspiratorial forces in these United States of Animosity, there is in fact precisely the opposite; a war being waged by Christianity against secular civic society, against science, and against all the other approximately seven hundred and fifty organized religions in the U.S.A. It is a war which has reared its ugly head on several occasions throughout American history, most notably in the 1740s and 1840s, the first and second great religious revivals. Then down the gauntlet was thrown again, around 1980, when the "moral majority", which was famously neither,rose up like a cobra preparing to strike, and smote secular America, science, and common sense. None of these protractd wars waged by the forces of the diabolical biblical god have been successful in accomplishing their objectives; the conversion of the USA into a monolithic Christian nation, with a dominant Christian culture,the precise opposite type of country intended by its founders, as the founders themselves clearly indicated. The current assault on modernity will succeed no better than the other two, thank God. With each forthcoming generation, Christianity is less pupular, as science ad reality start to sink in. Within the next generation the percentage of Americans who self identify as "religious" will have sunk to below fifty percent. By the end of this century, this sinkage will have been complete, the anachronistic Christian monster will lie dormant a the bottom of teh trash bin of history just as surely as the Titanic lies forever still and silent at the bottom of the cold North Sea. The prime promulgators of the current attack of faith over reason are themselves listing, damaged,sinking ships, rudderless, senseless, constrained to anger, violence, and weird symbols which they carry into battle at venues like teh insurrection at the Captiol on January 6, 2021. Their leadershp is corrupt, criminal,and criminally insane, like swarming summer flies maddenedd by the summer heat. They have sealed their doom by selecting the greatest criminally insane criminal leader possible; Donald J; Trump, of multiple felony fame, the instigator of a failed revolution against the United States, stemming from his bizarre, failed attempt to steal the presidency and take over the country violently. Whether or not Trump becomes president in 2025, and installs the Christian natinalist terrorists in power, the whole sordid edifice will crumble, the ship will sink, only somewhat slower. The Speaker of the House flies an American flag upside down, like Supreme Court Justice Alito, in open support of Trump's criminal insurrection. In conservative states, misguided Christian zealots are forcing into law legislation stealing money from public education to fund Christian indoctrination in private schools. Trump,laughably, sells bibles with the American flag and his own craven graven image upon the brown leather cover. The signs are alarming as well as laughable, and, on the surface, seem to indicate a groundswell of impending success. But the structure is hollow, eaten out from within, opposed and hated by the saner American majority. It will inevitably sink and rot on the ocean bottom, while America and the world move on, into a brighter,saner,scientific future, relegating this bizzare episode of religious fanatasicm to where it properly belongs, forgotten. insanity and fanaticism to where it properly belongs,forgotten.

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