Thursday, June 20, 2024

Looking Out For False Prophets

BEWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS exhorted the brightly colored boxed up message, a rhapsody in orange. Facebook cannon fodder, of course.The reference was to Trump, of course, and to his evident and obvious status as a sort of twisted cult icon of a twisted cult,poised halfway between Jesus Christ and Satan, closer in proximity to which ever one personally supposes, depending on whom you ask, along strict party lines. This meme theme of Trump being a false prophet with false profits,an orange icon disguising a blood red Satan, is the meme the left, of the seemingly slim majority of Americans who despise Trump. On the right, where extreme religious fanaticism marries far right wing extremism, and sanity never gains a footholed, the idea is one hundred and eighty degrees around the bend, over the hills and far away. A book, apparently real, sums it, up, and is also being promoted on the promoter of all promoters, Facebook Almighty, The title is "Christrump": The Persecution of a Man", or some such delusionally misleading implication. Someone asked, sensibly "doesn't that title say 'Christ rump?". Well,it does, but leave it to its author and likely readers to not notice. Truth is, I'd be willing to take a look at it, but only in private, secretly. I can't vouch for how far I'd get before I started throwing things. I couldn't ressit jumping into the middle of it all, as is often the case. I never learn. I typed in: "Beware of convicted felons who pursue successful political careers". As always I thought I had summed up the situation perfectly. Someone else didn't. From time to time, in the fullness of time, a lost Trump conservative, perhaps with directional skills impeded by zealous evangelical religious intoxication, stumbles into the room, makes a bit of gratuitous trouble, utters something typically false and inane, then scampers off, back beneath his presumed rock of origin. This happened in this instance. First, he accused me,and those of similar points of view, of being in a coma, and stated that if we came out of it, we would realze certain inalienable truths, which he proceeded to articulate. Then he states, without apparent equivocation or tongue in cheek, that under no circumstances was or is Donald J. Trump a "politician". For a fleeting moment I thought to ask precisely what he thought a person who runs for the American presidency by actively stumping on the campaign trail, exhorting folks to vote for him, accusing others of stealing elections, and arranging and orchestrating a violent attemspt to overthrow the American government, should be called, if not a "politician". I decided not to bother. The Trumper, not content to stop at a single blatant prevarication, went on to explain that in countries all over the world people in power lock up their political rivals. I knew where this was going, and wanted to point out that we the American people are gifted by the Almighty (I thought thar would appeal to him) the good fortune to live in a great country where that sort of thing never happens, that instead we dispense justice according to due procees,for everyone, with equal justice under law, with noboy being above the law. But again, I didnt bother. Instead I typed in: "I hope you don't emerge from yours (coma), for if you do, you might try to stage another violent insurrection. Granted, I could possibly have done better, but, all in all, once again, I think I got to the crux of the matter.

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