Saturday, June 29, 2024

Teaching Religion and the Bible (In public schools), Properly

OKLAHOMA is trying to outdo all other blood red states in its zeal to become the most religiously indoctrinated,constitution- violating state among the fifty nifty. First, they joined the ranks of those first amendment law scoffers foisting hoisting The Ten Commandments, primitive version, upon the walls of public school classrooms. Now,the winds of dogma sweeping tornado like down the plain, the Holy Christian Bible is being forced, by legislation, into the curriculum of Sooner public schools, sooner, rather than never. Not yet entirely made clear yet is precisely the nature of the down the throat forcing. English class? History class? Christian religion class? Church in school? Spelling Bee? Surely not math or science. First grade, second, or junior high and high school? The details of this detailed devil have not been, to my knowledge,fully determined nor enumerated. What is clear is that Oklahoma is yet another state which has been conquered,for the time being, by the vast far right wing extremist evangelical Christian Trump loving violent mob. What's next, Christrump, portrayed on the walls above the all seeing George Washington portrait by Gilbert? Trump, Trump Bible and cross in hand, halo hovering above his orange bird's nest, positioned next to the Ten Tall Orders, while third graders recite: "And then the Lord smote fifty thousand and seventy Philistines as divine retribution for a curious person taking a quick peek inside a forbidden ornate box containing the Ten Commandments, which Almighty Jehovah Yahweh Elohim wasn't quite ready to publish and reveal to his support base..." Someone said that religion should never be taught in public schools, because religion is poison, harmful to children. Someone else said that teaching it is a violation of the first amendment. Both viewpoints are true, if religion and the Bible are to be taught from the viewpoint of devotion, Christian indoctrination, after the fashion of your local bible college. If the Bible and religion are to be taught from a scientific, historical, critical viewoint,after the fashion of the Theological Semminary at Harvard University, or at Princeton, institutions which turn out preachers with PhDs who can recite the Bible from memory in three ancient languages and one modern one, but who tend to become agnostic atheists before graduation, even while pursuing highly lucrative careers at the pulpit, both viewpoints, indeed, are dead wrong. In the Harvardian factual manner, both the bible and religion shoul indeed be taught, to anyone who wants to learn about them, at whatever age. Down at the local bible college,entering students must sign a document before being admitted proclaiming their unwavering belief that the Holy Bible is the innerant Word Of God. At Harvard and Princeton, entering students are handed a list of eight humdred factual errors contained in the Bible,and asked to explain them, using good grammar. Which style do you suppose Oklahoma intends to employ: the Bible college collegiate, or the Harvardian? My money is on the Bible college. The Bible, for better or worse, is the most important, most influential book in human history. Religion, like war, is a fundamental historical force, a fundamental force in the modern world. Both should be taught in public schools. That means "taught", not preached nor shoved down the throats of the newly indocrinated. And of course, the classes should be electives, participation purely voluntary, not required.

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