Saturday, January 19, 2013

A Perfect World? Why Not?

THE BASIC IDEA, you've heard all your life, and it goes something like this: why wish for a perfect world, or seek to attain it? Its impossible, and, even if it were reall, it would only seem perfect at first, but in fact it would be hell.

 world free of all problems and difficultires would be a world free of struggle, striving, and achievement, and would therefore be entirely uninteresting, unstimulating, unacceptable to teh fundamentl need to face challenges and overcome them.

Isn't that roughly the way it goes, something like that? And really, it makes sense, when you think about it. But i don't care. I aint gonna buy it, no matter how much sense it makes. Maybe its because I'm older now, and don't need a lot of excitement, that a perfect, pain free problem free world seems enticing..

And what about the human capacity for appreciation? Are the imperfect world advocates possibly underestimating  the power of simple appreciation a bit? I swear, at this point, after all the travails, vicarious and this point, i swear ic ould soend all my time appreciating sunsets, trees, hills, animals and people, and be perfectly content, stress free.

Perfect health for everyone, solid middle class lifestyle, plenty o wealth, but not too much, nothing bizarre and extravagant, free unlimited (solar) energy, travel, communication, friends, art, the whole ball of wax. What's wrong with that? Boring? Oh pish posh. Read a book! Go to Europe!

Well, anyway, lettuce at least agree on one thing; even if we do not want this perfect world, we might as well keep trying to attain it. Indeed, we must keep striving for it.. Why? Because it'll give us something to do, keep us off the streets...

 and anyhow, since its bound to fail, the stressful problems we so so dearly want to keep in our lives will be buit in, available to us all at all times, whatever we think we need them for.

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